The two sisters watched the former athlete, now an idol trainee, stretch her limbs, eyes filled with admiration. A small tap on the shoulder brought back the elder sister back to reality, and she looked at the person who tapped her with a questioning look. 

"Jirin sajangnim called for you, Haedi." She delivered the message, and slipped between the two sisters on the stained wooden floor of their studio. She quickly adjusted her hair, as Haedi took a while to process the information.

"Oh," Haedi muttered. "Thanks, Yeonju." She thanked her same age friend, and got up before jogging up the stairs to another small studio that was connected to their founder's office. You could say their building was ... budget, but who cares? There was a bubble tea store right next door. She knocked on the door softly and a deep, husky voice quickly invited her inside. 

"Welcome!" He gave her a soft smile, as she bowed respectfully to him. "Sit down, Haedi." He said, as Haedi sat down on the rather torn chair across from him. 

"Why did you want to see me, sir?" She asked him, displaying no signs of tension as they made eye contact. Inside, however, she felt like smashing her brain that poured questions on her mind on overdrive.

"Well, you know about our dear Kahi helping us, right?" He questioned her. She nodded, and he continued on, "Well, she has actually set her eyes on a few trainees here and she picked more than six of you." She froze. 

"And what does this had to got to do with me?" She quickly collected herself, and the man flashed her a bright smile. 

"Song Haedi, you are VERSATILE's Leader!" He announced, before Kahi emerged behind him. She immediately shot out and bowed at her senior. 

"But, why am I the leader?" Kahi flashed the same smile the CEO had given her earlier and Haedi felt chills run down her spine. 

"You're firm, and that's why we need you to control the eight members." The senior explained and the young girl couldn't help but fear that she would not be able to do the job well enough. 

"What if I can't control the eight of them?" She couldn't help but doubt her own power and Kahi looked at her in the eye directly. 

"Trust me. You'll do a good job, Haedi," The latter looked at her senior and bowed deeply. 

"I'll do my best." 

A/N you'll find out why I made her the leader soon. cx /slappedforbeingselfish. 

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my eyes are burning ; u ; i can't write anymore ;; i'll update on weds then. if some stupiak cher forces me to stay, then the next update's on fri e - e


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Chapter 14: you know pastels--ssi
you should just seek for forgiveness and make it up to her
by giving her stuff she likes if you want her to give in.
and try to get her attention always so she can be reminded
that you're there for her. :D

if she was true about herself with you before, maybe she
would understand. ^^
Chapter 14: hi~ i see an update oWo
I was so busy so I can't see the first chapter until now xD
But, since i see the other update.... Maybe I'll try to help you before I comment about the first chappie :3

the first thing that you should try is apologizing, i guess. after that, try to explain that you were just kidding. well, it's probably what everyone will say, but the result actually depends on how you talk about this with her and of course, herself. I'm pretty sure that if she's a true friend, she'll forgive you :D good luck~

anyways, about the first chapter.... the thing that i noticed the most is it's some kind of hard to distinguish haedi, haemi, and haeri xD and haedi is really sneaky eUe
Chapter 13: cha this chapter was exciting to read!
*w* congrats with the end of exams! \o/

14 year old girlxD, jooyeon, jinhye; are they members of the other group? :oo

uwah, what a unique why to introduce the girls and pick the whole roomates and stuff
i wonder how they would've done if they had to share bads though ^^; i guess it would be kind of awkwardxD

oh god, i keep getting confused--
haedi, haeri and haemi
. .haedi and haemi are the sisters right?
they're not triplets or something right? XDD

mayoi and haemi, that japanese, just nawww :3

aww dat sneaky leader(?) haedi
all the weird habits are in her room orz

i enjoyed reading this
was just happy askjfhad just---asfkjahf
thank you very much for the lovely update /bows/i really like the way you write btw :33
Chapter 13: woahh this is so cute ;u;
oh gosh lol i forgot my password too tbh so ;;
i read all the teasers and this chapter again at once
and i have to say, i really like the way you write ^^
thanks for choosing seulji btw and congrats to others ouo
Chapter 13: yay! omg, i was so glad to see this update, heh. ; u ;
& congratulations on the end of your exams! o//

the first part is with the other group that wasn't debuted in versatile, right? whoop whoop, dorm swap! c;
i wonder why they're not originally placed in their correct dorms in the first place..

three girls in each room, right?
oh dear, please tell me i'm not the only one that's getting haemi, haedi and haeri mixed up. /shot.
welps, i think i know which is which, but y'know.. i still forget here & there. orz
i think it's pretty cool how they've already got their own show though! wouldn't that be awkward to change in their own rooms thou- /bricked.
omg, i love bunk beds ~ and how awkward would it have been if the girls actually had to share the bed, heh. c;
aw, haemi trying to get closer to mayoi using japanese. nice! ( y )

i've always loved the whole hidden camera-revealing secrets thing. oh ho ho, sneaky!
omg, daerin is from busan too. ahh! < 3
ahem, anyway - thanks for the update! c:
Chapter 13: wah! i've been waiting for this <3
hehe thank you for updating!

Jooyeon? ehh? hmm i guess we'll have
to find out later! this is too intriguing

their way of picking roommates are
adorbs! hehe and mayoi and haemi are cute--
talking to japanese hehe i can almost
picture it in my mind /mind-blown

leader haedi is so mischievous!
why is she filming habits so freely haha
kwiyeopda! hehe love versatile lots :))
Chapter 12: i found it really unique how you showed how kahi and the ceo chose the girls!
haha the envelopes were customized! omf i would be excited just to get a purple envelope tbh because, like, that's so rare *^* /shot
anyways, thank you so much for choosing kayeon! i couldn't believe my eyes at first ;u;
i have to admit, i laughed at yeonju with her contacts. lmao silly girl~ daerin as well xD spilling coffee on her paper, omf. mayoi is adorable with her japanese <3
congrats to everyone chosen! i'm actually excited to see what the second group will be like~
thank you once again
/bows <3
Chapter 12: SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Haeri made it~~~~~ \m/
anskemdjsjabbanwoqpwmsmaqiwennd thanks for choosing haeri~ congrats for the others too! can't wait for the drama c:
Chapter 12: squeals,
creys tears of happiness Q W Q
i just- lkfhaf
akghsdghasdgskdh ksdhg
hsdgjh thank you for choosing mayoi!
congrats to the other chosen ones too
\ o / amg amg
just amg.

drama? ooo i likey the sound of that