omf, i almost had a heart attack. i forgot my password for a few days. ._____.' but well thanks for the comments <3 i'm too lazy to reply to them otl AND WELL EXAMS ARE OVER YEAHHHHHH! /DANCES TO I GET IT IN; SHOT BECAUSE I DON'T MAKE SENSE.

D - 50. 2200HRS.

"Woah, this place is rather big!" The fourteen year old girl commented before, running to explore the rooms.

"Well, that's because this is supposed to be VERSATILE's dorm when they debut. Its just ours temporarily, before we switch dorms." Jooyeon explained, to which the rest sighed to. 

"The CEO ." Jinhye commented, while the rest glared at her. 

Somewhere else, far far away. 

"It's rather ... small." Kristen confessed, as the nine of them gathered in the living room after touring the small dorm they received. 

"No complaints, okay? We should just appreciate what we have now." Haedi nagged, before she placed a white sheet of rolled up paper in the middle of them. "We'll first decide our roommates, by this." She then took out a container with pieces of paper slit inside. "Kristen unnie will pick first. Her team will sleep in the room near the bathroom." She passed the container to her and Kristen picked out a piece. 

"Jeon Daerin." She read, before smiling at her and moving to one side of the room with her.

"Daerin, your pick." Daerin stuck her hand in the container and pulled out another random name. "Yeonju unnie." Yeonju went over to their side, and moved off to the first room.

"Kayeon unnie." Haedi called, and Kayeon took her turn.

"Seulji-ah. You're with me." She said, and grinned at the younger. Seulji automatically picked the next name, which happened to be Haeri's name. The three moved off to the assigned room by their leader, which was next to the living room. The other three grabbed their bags and went off to the room that was left. 

"Oh ... There's camera's installed here?" Daerin poked the camera on her top bunk bed. The other two in the room looked at her, blinking. 

"What?" Kristen moved up the ladder of the bunk bed and saw the camera she was referring to. "How come its recording you only ...?" She then added, while Daerin waved to the camera, just in case it was actually recording. 

"No, there's one near the door, its recording both of us, while the camera on top records Daerin." Yeonju pointed out, as she moved towards the other camera. 

"Let's just ignore it, and get comfortable with our room!" The room there were in, had a closet next to the bunk bed while the single bed created a right angle with the bunk bed. The walls were dull, and other than that, the room also had two fans. One on the ceiling and the other, a portable one. 

The other members meanwhile, also had discovered the cameras.

"Look, I think we're having our own show!" Haeri excitedly said. Kayeon looked at the second youngest with a curious expression.

"Really?" She asked, as she looked upwards. There, stuck on the ceiling was a camera. 

"It kinda seems like our personal life is getting revealed to everyone." Haeri nodded, before adding on. Seulji just watched them, while shrugging. 

"The room's nice though, I think we got the biggest room." Kayeon laughed, as she looked at the layout of the dorm that Haedi had passed to her. "But ... we have a queen bed and a single bed while the rest has a bunk bed and a single bed ... Uh. Who's sharing?" Kayeon asked, as she finally realised that two out of three of them had to share a bed. The three of them glanced at each other, while an awkward silence passed. 

"Uh, mattress delivery?" A soft knock was heard from outside. Seulji, the one being closest to the door, opened it, and Haedi was outside carrying a foldable mattress. "I hope this makes the choices of bed more simpler." She smiled before placing the mattress inside. "I think there's some blankets in the closet." The girl then bowed slightly before running out back to her room. 

"I'll sleep on the floor!" Seulji called, which caused the other two to look at her strangely.

"You sure?" Haeri asked, as she watched Seulji spread the mattress on the floor, before collapsing onto it. 

"Ah, its so comfortable!" 

"I call the top bunk!" The maknae immediately shouted, as she stepped into the room. She climbed up and immediately bounced on the bed. Luckily, she was short, or else she would've bumped her head pretty hard on the ceiling. 

"Which bed do you want, Mayoi? You can pick first. I have to collect something for one room." Haedi excused herself before running off outside. Mayoi then looked at the choices, and just randomly picked one, and ended up having the single bed. 

"So Mayoi, now that we're roommates, I think we'll have to get together a little more?" Haemi brightly attempted to closen the relationship by using her broken japanese and Mayoi smiled at her. 

"Your japanese is not bad." She complimented in korean. "Yes, we have to get closer!" She then added in japanese, which Haemi clapped brightly to. 

By 2300 hours, they were all settled, and were getting ready to sleep, to start the next day that would make them work their butts off. 

0200 hours. 

"Hello," She bowed to the camera she was holding, "I'm VERSATILE's Leader, Song Haedi." She whispered, careful not to wake the other two up. "Its 2 AM in the morning, and this is my special segment. We'll reveal the habits, that you and me didn't know of. She grinned, and moved to the top bunk of her bed. 

"This is our maknae, Haemi. She's also my sister." She introduced, as she filmed the sleeping figure of her sister, whilst holding her laughter. "You see, her weird habit is that she sleeps in a vvvvvvverrry upright position." She stressed, and filmed the legs of her sister to her head. "See?" She laughed, and then moved on to Mayoi. 

"Mayoi here is from Japan, and she's very pretty, isn't she. Wah, I'm so jealous. How is she so pretty when she sleeps?" She narrated, and filmed the elder's face. "Her strange sleeping habit would be ... oooh. She mumbles in her sleep!" Haedi whisper shouted, and started to zoom in on Mayoi's mouth. "Bye Mayoi~ I'm sorry!" She bowed her head to the camera again, before walking quietly to the next room. "Its kinda strange though, doing this when we haven't even debuted." 

Her next victim was the second oldest, Kayeon. "Ah, I've never really seen Kayeon unnie do anything strange, but well, she says her legs are the best, so I'll show them to you." Haedi laughed quietly, before raising the blanket up a bit to show off the bottom part of her legs. "What am I doing?" Haedi filmed herself again and pretended to slap herself, she placed the camera on the ground, and bowed a hundred and eighty degrees to it, and to Kayeon. "I'm sure the 'I'm sorry we couldn't protect you' caption will be displayed here." She then moved on to Seulji and she kneeled to record her face clearly.

"As for Seulji, she has a strange mind instead of a strange sleeping habit, so I'm just going to leave it as that." She said, and pointed at Haeri. "Aigoo, what is this. Nothing interesting there too. I'll just let some information about them though, Haeri's our all rounder, like a few others, and as for Seulji, I really like her rapping. I like her style." She confessed, as she walked over to the next room. 

"This is our oldest! Kristen here is from Australia, and she's rather hard to figure out. She has no weird habits either. Aigoo." Haedi sighed, and moved on to the next person. Oh, oh, oh. Looks interesting. This is our princess, Yeonju! She seems to move a lot in her sleep though." She narrated, and zoomed out to film her whole body who was constantly shifting. "It's kinda cute, right?" 

The last person to film was Daerin, and Haedi let out a huge sigh. "Our Busan girl, Jeon Daerin has ... no weird habits either." She then walked out of the room and went to the living room. 

"I also have weird habits, so I guess you could say that my room has all the weird habits in it." Haedi laughed, not even bothering to cover . "This is Song Haedi, signing out at 2.30AM!"

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my eyes are burning ; u ; i can't write anymore ;; i'll update on weds then. if some stupiak cher forces me to stay, then the next update's on fri e - e


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Chapter 14: you know pastels--ssi
you should just seek for forgiveness and make it up to her
by giving her stuff she likes if you want her to give in.
and try to get her attention always so she can be reminded
that you're there for her. :D

if she was true about herself with you before, maybe she
would understand. ^^
Chapter 14: hi~ i see an update oWo
I was so busy so I can't see the first chapter until now xD
But, since i see the other update.... Maybe I'll try to help you before I comment about the first chappie :3

the first thing that you should try is apologizing, i guess. after that, try to explain that you were just kidding. well, it's probably what everyone will say, but the result actually depends on how you talk about this with her and of course, herself. I'm pretty sure that if she's a true friend, she'll forgive you :D good luck~

anyways, about the first chapter.... the thing that i noticed the most is it's some kind of hard to distinguish haedi, haemi, and haeri xD and haedi is really sneaky eUe
Chapter 13: cha this chapter was exciting to read!
*w* congrats with the end of exams! \o/

14 year old girlxD, jooyeon, jinhye; are they members of the other group? :oo

uwah, what a unique why to introduce the girls and pick the whole roomates and stuff
i wonder how they would've done if they had to share bads though ^^; i guess it would be kind of awkwardxD

oh god, i keep getting confused--
haedi, haeri and haemi
. .haedi and haemi are the sisters right?
they're not triplets or something right? XDD

mayoi and haemi, that japanese, just nawww :3

aww dat sneaky leader(?) haedi
all the weird habits are in her room orz

i enjoyed reading this
was just happy askjfhad just---asfkjahf
thank you very much for the lovely update /bows/i really like the way you write btw :33
Chapter 13: woahh this is so cute ;u;
oh gosh lol i forgot my password too tbh so ;;
i read all the teasers and this chapter again at once
and i have to say, i really like the way you write ^^
thanks for choosing seulji btw and congrats to others ouo
Chapter 13: yay! omg, i was so glad to see this update, heh. ; u ;
& congratulations on the end of your exams! o//

the first part is with the other group that wasn't debuted in versatile, right? whoop whoop, dorm swap! c;
i wonder why they're not originally placed in their correct dorms in the first place..

three girls in each room, right?
oh dear, please tell me i'm not the only one that's getting haemi, haedi and haeri mixed up. /shot.
welps, i think i know which is which, but y'know.. i still forget here & there. orz
i think it's pretty cool how they've already got their own show though! wouldn't that be awkward to change in their own rooms thou- /bricked.
omg, i love bunk beds ~ and how awkward would it have been if the girls actually had to share the bed, heh. c;
aw, haemi trying to get closer to mayoi using japanese. nice! ( y )

i've always loved the whole hidden camera-revealing secrets thing. oh ho ho, sneaky!
omg, daerin is from busan too. ahh! < 3
ahem, anyway - thanks for the update! c:
Chapter 13: wah! i've been waiting for this <3
hehe thank you for updating!

Jooyeon? ehh? hmm i guess we'll have
to find out later! this is too intriguing

their way of picking roommates are
adorbs! hehe and mayoi and haemi are cute--
talking to japanese hehe i can almost
picture it in my mind /mind-blown

leader haedi is so mischievous!
why is she filming habits so freely haha
kwiyeopda! hehe love versatile lots :))
Chapter 12: i found it really unique how you showed how kahi and the ceo chose the girls!
haha the envelopes were customized! omf i would be excited just to get a purple envelope tbh because, like, that's so rare *^* /shot
anyways, thank you so much for choosing kayeon! i couldn't believe my eyes at first ;u;
i have to admit, i laughed at yeonju with her contacts. lmao silly girl~ daerin as well xD spilling coffee on her paper, omf. mayoi is adorable with her japanese <3
congrats to everyone chosen! i'm actually excited to see what the second group will be like~
thank you once again
/bows <3
Chapter 12: SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Haeri made it~~~~~ \m/
anskemdjsjabbanwoqpwmsmaqiwennd thanks for choosing haeri~ congrats for the others too! can't wait for the drama c:
Chapter 12: squeals,
creys tears of happiness Q W Q
i just- lkfhaf
akghsdghasdgskdh ksdhg
hsdgjh thank you for choosing mayoi!
congrats to the other chosen ones too
\ o / amg amg
just amg.

drama? ooo i likey the sound of that