omf, more fonts <3 

Kristen blinked as she read the letter carefully. Upon reading the last words, she broke into a grin and threw the paper up. 

"Mom!" She yelled, jumping up and down with tears in her eyes. Hearing her shout, her mother ran to her room. When the lady entered, she was tackled into a hug, and it stayed like that for a moment or so. "Mom, I'm debuting!" She sniffed, before parting with her mother. 

"Really?" Her mother asked, eyes getting filled with water. Her daughter nodded, and picked up the letter, showing it to the crying lady.


Kayeon opened the envelope carefully, not wanting to damage anything inside it. She then took out the piece of paper that held her future out, and started reading it silently. 

"Your hard work paid off. Welcome to VERSATILE." She read that part out loud repeatedly, and when she finally believed what she was reading was actually correct, her smile grew and unknowingly tears started flowing out from her face. 

"Hey, are you okay?" A little girl tugged on her pullover. 

"Yes, I'm okay. Just - really really happy." She looked at the girl on the ship with her. I chose a good time to go back to Jeju. 


Jude could only cry as she stared at the letter. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a little longer.

She curled herself in a ball, and cried, after failing on trying to think positive. 


Mayoi read the letter slowly, processing the korean little by little. 

"Con ... gra ... tu ... la ... tions?" She eventually got to the last part of the letter. She then looked at the word below it. There, written in japanese, the sentence 'congratulations, you're a member of versatile' was perfectly written in japanese characters. She squealed, and called her mom, to tell her the great news. 

Eunjoo looked at her brother nervously, and she started reading the letter from the start. Her brother, Donghyeok listened attentively, but when his sister stopped, he looked at her worriedly. 

"I'm sorry, Eunjoo-ah ..." He said, as Eunjoo tried her best not to let the tears escape her eyes. 

"Nah, it's okay. This just means I have to train harder ... for the other group." She breathed, as her brother patted her back. 

"It's okay to cry, Eunjoo." 


The tall girl pressed the tweet button. She grinned as she read her tweet. 

"I've made it!" She read, and a bunch of replies came soon. Most of them were questions about what she was successful with, but well, they'd have to wait longer. 

"Seulji - ah! Come eat dinner." She heard her mother call her from outside. Weird, father's home? Must be fate. God wants me to make my family feel proud. 


Junghee put the paper down, the smile disappearing from her face. How ironic, she thought. The beginning was filled with compliments, but she didn't make it. She laughed bitterly and grabbed her phone. 

She opened the text from Aron she just received and texted him the news - the news that she wasn't accepted into the group she trained her for. 


Yeonju was feeling stupid actually, she was removing her contacts, and at the same time, she was reading her letter. When she read the contents of the letter, she got so excited, her contacts dropped to the floor. Here she was, trying to find it, while celebrating a mini party in her head. When she finally found the thing she was finding, she let out a celebratory high note, and grabbed the letter, and read it over and over again with her glasses, this time. 

For Daerin, it was almost the same as Yeonju. Only for her, she was not ... removing contacts, but drinking coffee. When she read that she got accepted, she had spilled her coffee over the paper, and that was why, she was blow drying the piece of her happiness with a hairdryer. 


Hana meanwhile, could only clench her fists, as she stared at nowhere in particular. She wiped the tears that were threatening to fall, and finally she just broke down. Her brother came into her room, hearing the muffled cries, and comforted her, as her thoughts were clouded with mixed feelings.

Why am I crying like this?


"I made it!" Haeri yelled, not caring whether her sister was studying or not. A loud 'shut up' was heard after that, and she laughed. She burst into her sister's room, and pulled Aerin out. 

"Unnie, we should go celebrate my soon to come debut!" She grinned at her sister, who rejected her and pointed to her books. 

"Examinations are more important, you know?" Aerin answered. "You could've just called Sohyun or something, geez." She added on later, before she pushed her little sister out, and slammed her door shut. 


Haedi and her sister looked at each other before they started screaming their lungs out, and the younger tackled the elder into a hug. 

"Unnie, you're finally debuting! And, I'm going to share that moment with you!" Haemi squealed, as she started to cry out of joy. Haedi wiped the tears of her sister. 

"Yes, and we're going to work hard, won't we?" Haemi nodded, and gave her sister a determined nod. 

a/n; YEAYY. the characters are selected! 

congratulations to -







& hello_livia :D 

i'm sorry to the rest who didn't get picked - but you'll appear as a cameo in the story! 

after all, after versatile, another group will debut.

if you notice, there's one trainee missing. and that will be covered in the first chapter. 

our drama's starting o ///

p.s didn't update becos' of exams ;; sorry. it's ending this fri though. YEAY :DDD

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my eyes are burning ; u ; i can't write anymore ;; i'll update on weds then. if some stupiak cher forces me to stay, then the next update's on fri e - e


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Chapter 14: you know pastels--ssi
you should just seek for forgiveness and make it up to her
by giving her stuff she likes if you want her to give in.
and try to get her attention always so she can be reminded
that you're there for her. :D

if she was true about herself with you before, maybe she
would understand. ^^
Chapter 14: hi~ i see an update oWo
I was so busy so I can't see the first chapter until now xD
But, since i see the other update.... Maybe I'll try to help you before I comment about the first chappie :3

the first thing that you should try is apologizing, i guess. after that, try to explain that you were just kidding. well, it's probably what everyone will say, but the result actually depends on how you talk about this with her and of course, herself. I'm pretty sure that if she's a true friend, she'll forgive you :D good luck~

anyways, about the first chapter.... the thing that i noticed the most is it's some kind of hard to distinguish haedi, haemi, and haeri xD and haedi is really sneaky eUe
Chapter 13: cha this chapter was exciting to read!
*w* congrats with the end of exams! \o/

14 year old girlxD, jooyeon, jinhye; are they members of the other group? :oo

uwah, what a unique why to introduce the girls and pick the whole roomates and stuff
i wonder how they would've done if they had to share bads though ^^; i guess it would be kind of awkwardxD

oh god, i keep getting confused--
haedi, haeri and haemi
. .haedi and haemi are the sisters right?
they're not triplets or something right? XDD

mayoi and haemi, that japanese, just nawww :3

aww dat sneaky leader(?) haedi
all the weird habits are in her room orz

i enjoyed reading this
was just happy askjfhad just---asfkjahf
thank you very much for the lovely update /bows/i really like the way you write btw :33
Chapter 13: woahh this is so cute ;u;
oh gosh lol i forgot my password too tbh so ;;
i read all the teasers and this chapter again at once
and i have to say, i really like the way you write ^^
thanks for choosing seulji btw and congrats to others ouo
Chapter 13: yay! omg, i was so glad to see this update, heh. ; u ;
& congratulations on the end of your exams! o//

the first part is with the other group that wasn't debuted in versatile, right? whoop whoop, dorm swap! c;
i wonder why they're not originally placed in their correct dorms in the first place..

three girls in each room, right?
oh dear, please tell me i'm not the only one that's getting haemi, haedi and haeri mixed up. /shot.
welps, i think i know which is which, but y'know.. i still forget here & there. orz
i think it's pretty cool how they've already got their own show though! wouldn't that be awkward to change in their own rooms thou- /bricked.
omg, i love bunk beds ~ and how awkward would it have been if the girls actually had to share the bed, heh. c;
aw, haemi trying to get closer to mayoi using japanese. nice! ( y )

i've always loved the whole hidden camera-revealing secrets thing. oh ho ho, sneaky!
omg, daerin is from busan too. ahh! < 3
ahem, anyway - thanks for the update! c:
Chapter 13: wah! i've been waiting for this <3
hehe thank you for updating!

Jooyeon? ehh? hmm i guess we'll have
to find out later! this is too intriguing

their way of picking roommates are
adorbs! hehe and mayoi and haemi are cute--
talking to japanese hehe i can almost
picture it in my mind /mind-blown

leader haedi is so mischievous!
why is she filming habits so freely haha
kwiyeopda! hehe love versatile lots :))
Chapter 12: i found it really unique how you showed how kahi and the ceo chose the girls!
haha the envelopes were customized! omf i would be excited just to get a purple envelope tbh because, like, that's so rare *^* /shot
anyways, thank you so much for choosing kayeon! i couldn't believe my eyes at first ;u;
i have to admit, i laughed at yeonju with her contacts. lmao silly girl~ daerin as well xD spilling coffee on her paper, omf. mayoi is adorable with her japanese <3
congrats to everyone chosen! i'm actually excited to see what the second group will be like~
thank you once again
/bows <3
Chapter 12: SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Haeri made it~~~~~ \m/
anskemdjsjabbanwoqpwmsmaqiwennd thanks for choosing haeri~ congrats for the others too! can't wait for the drama c:
Chapter 12: squeals,
creys tears of happiness Q W Q
i just- lkfhaf
akghsdghasdgskdh ksdhg
hsdgjh thank you for choosing mayoi!
congrats to the other chosen ones too
\ o / amg amg
just amg.

drama? ooo i likey the sound of that