3 years ago

EXO is your brother ?! yes indeed ! Problem ?!

First of all...SORRY...SORRY...Please forgive us..there's too much bad words....so sorry...sorry...This is sooo us.. >< *bows* mianhe :3

''Wake up now,popular''

You open your eyes and squinted as you could sense a light was flashing brightly to your eyes.You open them once again as you managed to adapt your surroundings.It was dark.Extremely dark.And the only light that flashes about;was the one over your head.You were trying to look for the owner of the voice when a familiar girl walk towards you with a smirk written in her face.

''What the....'' You wanted to stand up but you couldn't move.And when you look down,there's a rope tied around you and the chair you're sitting on.You moved with eyebrows frowned, trying to loosen the rope.But there were no use since it was tied very tight.

''There's no use doing like that.You will only hurt yourself'' The girl in front of you said while she let out a chuckle.

''! what am I doing here?'' You blurted out to the girl, angry. Not because of the place you're at,now.But because of her.-

-your friend

''Well..,What do you feel like in here.?''She chuckled again while looking at you with disgust.

Then, you realized that someone ing suffocate you with something strong.It made you feeling dizzy and you think your smell buds were all dead.''Duh.....Please..Bloody-please tell me you just did not hire some ing huge stinky guys to kidnap me'' You spat out while rolled your eyes.

''Oh no,honey...Of course i don't.I could do it by myself but I won't contaminate my hands on you,dirty ''

You let out a sigh,loud enough for the girl to hear.You knew something bad would happen to you that day.And it does.You're mad of this sudden situation.But what makes you even more enraged was the person who planned this was your 'friend'-

-Ou Ji Shie

You're mad but you're not surprised although Ji Shie was also the girl you hang out with.She was once that Attention Seaker,Goddes of Popularity and Outstander not until you enter that school.She became your 'tail' and you knew she was desperate to do that because of the title you took away from her but you just don't care.

You hated her once.You feel annoyed everytime you saw her and it made you having the urge to kick her to some other freaking dimension.She talked bad about you and you don't know why.She looked at you with disgust written in her face.She even make some ty names for you, but you had your revenge back thanks to your wonderful brothers (soooluckytheycametoyourschool).

So,yeah..You almost kicked her during P.E. lesson.You don't talked bad about her and she freakin' don't know why.You don't look at her with disgust like the way she looked at you.Well,you wanted revenge but at the same time you don't want to be labeled as that who go after popularity and attentions .And that was when you forgot that you made some-eww name for her like; Ou Ji Shiand You Eat Poo and Smells Like Dung and whatsoever.

You shot a glare to her and cringed in pain as she ran her sharp nails through your jawline and chin.She raised your chin and you could sense how much hatred were there when she looks at you.She shot a smirk and pushed hard your chin which made you startled and pushed back a little.

What the hell is wrong with her!

''What do you want!'' You raised your voice, this time,getting even more serious.

She didn't gave any reply but she looks at you like some cheap and it made you boiling in anger that you accidentally spat on her.She wipe it off at the tip of her nose and gave you an angry smirk while bitting her lower lips, controlling her anger.''Wha....Wow...Look at you!''

You still locked the sharp glares between both of you.You want to kick her right now..

''What do you want?What is exactly the meaning of this?'' You asked this time,voice lower than before but there's still anger in it.She didn't give any reply.She looked at you with no satisfaction in her eyes and didn't even give a mocking smirk like she always did.You can't wait any longer so you just blurted out anything you wanted to say

''Oh..,I'm sorry...Do you want me to say the magic words huh?''

''I don't need that stuff, idiot..'' She rolled her eyes and you could see that she gritted her teeth.You knew what she will say.You don't know how much she hates you but you knew she does.

''I hate you''

Well, you hoped for a 'better' respond but that can do.


formed a smirk and you congratulate yourself for making her pissed off and at the same time, you thanked God for sending your troll angel to be your brother.

''Why'd you exist in my world?..,seriously'' Her eyebrows frowned but you could sense how pathetic she was by the tone of her voice.She's scared ; you thought.But she don't want to show what she feels and that makes her so pitiful.

''You know..,since you come here, I loss everything i once have.''

''Oh..,no,i don't know and I don't want to give any hell about your everything''

''That is why I hate about you...You have no shame at all...You took everything i had,you freaking !!''

''There's no need to raise your voice and FYI, I'm not a freaking .I'm an awesome person and that's why everything you have, like me than a person who claimed herself 'the-so-one-of-a-kind'.I don't take everything you have.All the things you have took me and made me their everything.''

''Wha....You're just so....''

''I know...Thank you...Thank you,princess''

You rolled your eyes and looked at her.Yes,she does look pissed off.So you just continue it because you really want to make her feel like a jerk.

''I was not going to say you're awesome, !''

''See! Thank you again although the last word isn't so pleasing..But whatever it is,i'm awesome....Thank you for that,princess''

''So i....-''

''Keep your manners,princess..I'm your queen.''

Goodness..,If it not because of the rope tied around you, you'll run into Chen and hug him until he is out of breath because you love him so much that you wouldn't let anyone land their eyes on him.You raised your eyebrows and she shaped her hands into fists.

''Even though you're in this situation..,you still act like it is a small matter''

''Why would it be a big matter for me? If i'm gonna get killed then, you're going to spend the rest of your days in hell and i'm gonna looked at you with pity in my eyes.Well, and NO! I'm not 'ACTING' as if this is a small matter.You see,princess..,this is no big deal for me because my brothers are right behind you victor-ing after they beat up your stinky dudes and i'm just gonna say this because I LOVE EVERYONE IN HERE !!,especially YOU! for giving me such wonderful memory i could never forget for the rest of my life...I'LL NEVER HATE YOU!!.Gosh..I'm sooo gonna tell this tale to my grandchildren.''

And you just wanted to laugh your off when Ji Shie turned around with eyes wide open.

''Oh phheleass...I think they're still fighting...Do you hear that noisi​ness going on''

You make forward you head a little to the side, finding the sound of chaos at the other side and eventually it does.You were shocked for a second,then after confirming that the voice that blurted out 'HEY YOU,YES YOU,THIS GUY OVER HERE ONCE DRAW SOME POOP AND IT LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME LIKE YOU' and 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!SHOWING OFF YOUR ABS DOESN'T HELP !!' are your brothers', you wanted to have more time with the person in front of you.

''Awww...Music to my earsss~''

She turned facing you.And you don't know what just had made her feel that way but there's fears in her eyes.She's terrified.The most well known person in school is terrified.You wanted to stop blurting out all the words unspoken but your mouth just couldn't stop.And this time,you felt like killing someone and bring him back to life so you can kill him back and tell everyone how creepy you become for hanging out with him for years.

''Is there any toilet here? I don't want to watch any live juice commercials''

She looked at you but wow, there's no anger but fears and cold-hands and feet and that literally made you surprised.

''You just did not.......Are you scared?''


You feel like banging your head on the chair and you bit your lower lip and cursed because you sounded like a worried mum.You let out a sigh and looked into her eyes.


You looked towards another direction and hoped so much that time passes by quickly.

''This is so awkward...Me like this? and you,the kidnapper..I think we should switch places..You know??Like seriously..,this is so in the awkward-zone.Just let me go, Ji Shie..,Your stinky dudes are all 'booo' right now..Well..,Tao oppa learns Wushu.,Baekhyun oppa learns Hapkido.Chanyeol oppa is a specialist in scaring the hell out people with his creep-''

''It's not that thing!''

You leaned back as she shouted right to your face and it's going all dramatic again and  you hate this situation.Sentimental and awkward.

''Yeah..Fine..Just let me go first and then you can continue with your shouting..Seriously..,why does all this things escalated so quickly?''

''I don't want to kill you, freakin' !! I wanted to give you a lesson...a.-''

''Aaaaand you're getting all eww....err..And can you stop all this thing first.,This rope is killing me like hell.''

''Let me finish what i want to say!! Can you please don't interrupt me when i'm speaking!''

So awkward.,I wanna go home...

''You could say that you took all my popularity and act like nothing happened!You could say I'm this spoilt who is so stupid and wanted everyone to recognize her! You could say that I'm that who runs after some silly popularity! But if you understand those word you blurted out clearly, you're speaking about yourself dummy! You're speaking those thing right into your own face! You can take it! Just take that stupid 'everything' ! And that is not all the things that I ever labeled as everything i have!But don't you ever take my brother away! Don't change him! He is my only family member and ever since you came here , he's not the person i knew anymore! Ever since you meddle in my business, I've lost someone i hope could soothe me down everytime i tell him my problems! And that's why i hate you! You're so annoying and stupid!

''Ji Shie?''

I told you to stop

She turned around and saw Lu Han and her brother.The other guys helped to loosen the rope except Kai who hugged you and doesn't seem to let you go while making some crying noise,You could see the look on Lu Han and her brother's face but you don't know what feeling that they have now.After the rope was loosen you stood up and bend your back.

''Gosh...I can't feel my ''

You mumbled and stared and the three person in front of you.Chen patted your back and made his way to the other three..His mouth mouthed 'watch me' and you rolled your eyes and pulled his shirt while asking him not to disturb them.He pouted and the other guys in the back mumbled something like 'Uweekkk..' and 'i can do better' and 'thut up guyth..I'm ethpert in that thing than anyone' and also 'you're spitting again'.

''Meet me outside later''

Lu Han's deep cold voice trembled Ji Shie and his brother looked like he was controlling his temper.They made their way towards you leaving Ji Shie alone.Then, they lead you outside.You knew you shouldn't but you turned over your shoulder and saw your friend with blank eyes staring at the floor.You rolled your eyes and continue walking after they called out your name.

I've lost someone i hope could soothe me down everytime i tell him my problems! And that's why i hate you! You're so annoying and stupid!



''I'm very sorry about all these things..I'm also sorry on behalf my sister,.I hope we can be friends like usual..''

Myungsoo bows down and your brothers do the same although there's no satisfaction in their face.You was behind Kris and you looked at Baekhyun, mouthing whether he's still there or not.He nodded and you let out a sigh and came out from your so-called 'hiding place'.Myungsoo looked at you and asked whether you have the time to talk with him or not.You shook your head and gave a bitter smile.He nodded and excuse himself after apologising again.

It was silent after he went but then it became noisy when your brothers let out a sigh aaaaaaannd they're back with their loud voices..;

''WOOHOO...Did anyone saw me beat up the poop guy?! I was soooo awesome it there and I.......blablablablablablablabla''

''So lucky i brought along my Wushu stick..''

''Chanyeol hyung kept on laughing!! Were you trying to kill me?! Your voice is so loud!''

''That was so tiring..What should we eat for dinner?''


''Where'th LuLu??''

''NOOOOOO...I've lost my eyeliner...Chanyeol,let's go in there..''

''Enough of it already...I'ts just an eyeliner..BTW.,,did you saw me just now..I'm soooo handsome''


''No! I'm not wasting my money on some eyeliners..It's better i used them on golf course..''

''Chanyeol! Let's look for it!''

You let out a sigh and Kris turned around and he looked at you with worries in his eyes.The other guys were still babbling and talking non-stop and shouting because of eyeliners.

''What's wrong?''



You raised you head a little, looking Kris in his eyes.'' Oppa...Am i that bad??''

''Mm? What?''

''I'm not a good sister, am I ?..You heard what she said..Do you hate me also?''

''Of course not...Why would i feel that way?''

''Well....'' You looked at the others still talking and let out a sigh.. ''I've tried to be a nice person but i ended up hurting other people feeling..so ..yeah..''

''Hmm...Let me see.....Yes ..,you hurt a lot of people and you're so annoying and not so clever like she said.You like to meddle into people's problems and act like you didn't know a thing..And yes, you have no shame at all....''

''I know you would say that...''

''There you go...'' He raised his eyebrows ''You're also not satisfied with everything you heard.You wanted a better respond that are able to soothe you down and you never learn anything about accepting other people opinions.You wanted them to say out the words you wanted to hear.'' You let out a sigh again and you admit it that all the things that Kris blurted out were indeed right.

''I want you to be a better person.I'm saying all these things because i love you ...okay?..,I don't hope for you to understand...I hope you change to become a good girl..Am i clear?''

You nodded then Kris hugged you and patted your back.''Why are you so huge?'' you mumbled and he let out a chuckle ''So that i have a big heart for you'' You smiled and hugged him back.

''How do you know I was here?'' You asked,unreleasing the hug.

''Chen followed you when you went to your friend's house.He wanted to surprise you but then..,you know...''

''Uh....I love him so much'' You smiled showing your teeth.


Both of you released the hug and find the owner of the voice and it turn out to be Chen with the others.

''You said you love me but you hug him....''

''Dongsaeng ahh~ Don't you love us??'' Kai made his way towards you with hands wide open, asking for a hug.Lu Han was already there, smiling.You rolled your eyes then let out a cheerful laugh and hugged him.All of them also suddenly hugged you and pushed Kai away who was screaming 'this ain't a group hug!! you idiot!!''

You're so grateful for having them...

There;s no word can describe how happy you are..

And you never knew that on that day, you'll suffer from one thing ...



ANYONGGGGGGG >< ASDFGHJKL HOHOHOHO xD Just soooooo happy and we don't know why.Soo..,how was this chapter?? Pretty weird right...Everything escalated quickly here and we're too embarrassed to check it back,.so forgive us for all the mistakes done..We make up the name on our own and do you want to know something..THAT GIRL EXIST!!!! IN SCHOOL!! AND SHE HATE USSSS AND WE KNOW WHY!!! But not the exact Ou Ji Shie...<------ there's her name in it...Not the real name though..hohohohohoo..Anyway thanks again for reading....Please do comment, guys >< Pleaaase...Your comments make us ALIVE ><


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ahahaha one person unsubscribe..already expected that bc we didn't update..sorryy


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i'm waaiiting
Chapter 4: there's an owl in da house! lol at Chen. And Myungsoo? OMG. :))
Chapter 5: UPDATE IT xD
Update ! Update ! Update ! XD
Chapter 5: LOL ! SNAIL WIN ! LOL ! LOL ! XD !

wait .. who that betch~ ?
Chapter 5: LOLOLOL pity chenchen..
Chapter 3: update soon my dearr author-nim <3
Chapter 2: Good job restinpeace xD !