Why now??

EXO is your brother ?! yes indeed ! Problem ?!


''HELOOOOO...She's mine"


"Chanyeol hyung,can you please burn that unicorn?I think i also broke his bottle of feelings ''

You heard familiar males voice from outside the room and suddenly the door was flung open revealing a blond hair guy and a creepy giant with worries written in their faces. You were so happy that you want to jump off the hospital bed and run towards them (although in your current situation) but as soon as you saw your 'punching bag' grinning, you let go all your intentions by throwing the pillow right onto his face.

"Is that really necessary?'' Kai asked while he threw back the pillow to Lay, who was trying to control his laughter from bursting when it eventually hit Kris who just arrived and Kai was immediately given a WTF look by him.

"So..i'ts just the three of you.Why are you here?" you asked Lay but before he could reply, Kai sat on your bed, landing his arm on your shoulder.

"Hello there,honeyyy..i think you forgot to add one.."

"No!! I don't think so" You shoved Kai away and he stood up as Kris and Chanyeol shot him with sharp glares.

"Wow..,you giants" Kai murmured while Lay took over and sat beside you, looking at your injured leg with sympathy.

"Poor you...you haven't recover from the previous injury and now...look at you,poor little leg...But no worries..I am here to heal youuuu..." Lay overreact as he did his so-well-known-unicorn-healing-spell to you. Chanyeol closed his mouth, preventing himself to burst out and Kris with his face was trying not to kick the hell out Lay's .Kai,who was behind Lay, talking about something like 'he looks ugly'

You facepalmed yourself and shook your head."Just as i expected..He just went too far...I told you not to bring him" you asked Chanyeol who was calming Kris.Chanyeol was the first person who you immediately called as soon as Kai broke your leg.He was also supposed to be visiting you alone but Lay,Kris and Tao overheard your conversation with him.

"Wha....What..This 'tall building' over here and that 'unicorn' over there overheard when you cried on the phone..And oh, i almost forgot...That scary 'wushu panda oppa' of yours also heard and he almost beat me into shapes with that magnificent,bizzare and whatsoever wushu stick of,his because i forbid him to come along....and..."

"And why is that guy here?" You interrupted Chanyeol because whenever he opens his mouth, he just keeps on talking everywhere he goes.So he literally need someone to shut him up.Lay and Kris who also seemed to be wondering the same about your question looked at Kai,demanding for an answer. 

Kai looked at all of you and asked "Why are you guys looking at me like i've done something bad?'

"oh yes you do..Isn't it obvious?" Kris rolled his eyes after replying.

"You broke my leg.Isn't it?" You raised your eyebrows.

"you broke her leg.Isn't it?" Lay also did the same.

"And Tao almost beat me into oval shape and round and cylinder, cone-shaped. cuboid, sphere and hexagon...and also..''

"yeah..yeah..and pyramid..Could you please stop,oppa?'' You interruped him again let out a sigh while Chanyeol grinned.

''Back to the question..You,explain."

Kai looked at you and let out a sigh "Wow..rude.....Fine...If this creepy guy was almost beaten into shapes,then, I will be shredded into pieces by that wild zoo animal.I had to run away from that cane-eater..OR I'll be....you know............loved''


"What is with that 'duh', huh?'' Kai asked Kris who just replied with that annoying word and Kris shot a glare to Kai, making him to stay silent.

"That's it? You mean you're scared?'' Lay asked Kai who seem to be a bit afraid by Kris's glare.

"WHAT!! You thought i was scared?? I was in the brink of death...just imagining on the way he looks at me gave me this eerie feeling. Especially when he smiles at me.....eeeeeeeeee...no..no..'' Kai had his hand on each side of his head while he shook his head, trying to threw away what he imagined.Chanyeol who was paying full attention to his story also did the same and he looked at Kris, more precise- scanning him since both of them are the best couple you ever shipped, Taoris.

"So...what are you gonna do later?'' Kris asked while he ignored Kai and Chanyeol who was talking about another topic

"I don't know...everything maybe since this place is too boring'' You lay on the bed,looking at the hospital's ceiling wondering what will you do when they had to return to their dorm. You sometimes feel yourself like a burden to them because you're the only girl in the family and youngest and liked to ask for everything.And when you're sick, they took care of you even when their schedule are full until you were fully recovered but sometimes they don't care and just took care of you until you had to force them out .You really wished you could be a better little sister to them but,.. nah....You're the closest to Sehun and you guys are the boss of the elders...so..yeah...you do what you want to do and nothing gonna stop you.

"I brought books..Here" Lay took out several books from his beg and you gave it to you.

"Legendary Unicorns...Horses' ancestors-Unicorns....The great U...."

"What the....?" Kai and Chanyeol said in unison as you read out the books title.

"Hehhh...You should read them all..They're so....so.......heavenly perfect...??.I can't explain by words because they're...wow..'' Lay smiled while he flipped the page on one of the book."Yeah...you should read them''

"Seriously??Well...um...." You raised your eyebrows while flipping the pages.

"You're gonna say thanks or what?'' Lay asked, unsatisfied with your reply.

''What......Okay...bye-bye,i wanna sleep..I got tired from all these stuffs and so do you, right? You better return before my friends arrive..'' You yawned without closing your mouth and Chanyeol put in a part of pencil into your mouth.

"Blethhhhhhhhh....What is that for!!! You throw away the pencil and wiped your tounge using your handkerchief while Kai and Chanyeol did a high-five, laughin

Kris and Lay who seemed to be surprised, also gave them high-fives while laughing uncontrollably but as soon as they sense the this-is-no-laughing-matter in your eyes, they cleared their throat.

"I think we had to go now'' Kris said to the other guys but he was looking at you.

"But i don't wanna leave my dongsaeng alone'' Kai patted your head while you was controlling yourself from bursting into anger.

"Err...Kai..I think we should really go now" Lay pulled Kai while Chanyeol was pulled by the other giant.

"But what if Tao made me his next victim? I...I.....i've said all the possible shapes I'll be...what did i miss? Hemisphere?'' Chanyeol blurted out while Kris rolled his eyes.

''You 'are' his victim..No excuses..gooooooo'' You tried to sound as calm as possible but Kai and Chanyeol kept insisting that they'll stay. You let out a huge sigh, inhaling and exhaling the air and looked desperate for air.

''Okay...We're going now...bye small lady'' Kris pinch your cheeks before they waved goodbye to you and closed the door, leaving you to finally relax..You brought the blanket up on to your head covering your whole body.But just as soon as you closed your eyes, you heard the sound of door being opened.

"Heyy..Is the guy ju......''

You sat up and threw the blanket in annoyance as you blurted out "WHAT!!!WHAT NOW!!!''

''...Is that you?''

Your eyes widen all of a sudden, recognizing the voice that you heard. You looked at the voice owner who was now smirking at your condition,mocking you.

Damn it!

If it wasn't for your leg,she would be ended up like you now.

That girl....

That person you wished never exist..

That enemy that once made you suffer..


><' Readers~
We hope you guys enjoy this chapter....we were soooooooooooo excited,we can't pay attention in studying because you guys are just so awesome...Those who read and subscribe and and and cejfhvrcdjfaskk  we just can't expressed it by words..Sorry for the early conflict (does that looked like a conflict?) We were brainstorming too much that we ended up scattering all the ideas and just start whwnever we feel like to..Anyway thanks, xie xie, kamsahamnida..88





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ahahaha one person unsubscribe..already expected that bc we didn't update..sorryy


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i'm waaiiting
Chapter 4: there's an owl in da house! lol at Chen. And Myungsoo? OMG. :))
Chapter 5: UPDATE IT xD
Update ! Update ! Update ! XD
Chapter 5: LOL ! SNAIL WIN ! LOL ! LOL ! XD !

wait .. who that betch~ ?
Chapter 5: LOLOLOL pity chenchen..
Chapter 3: update soon my dearr author-nim <3
Chapter 2: Good job restinpeace xD !