A Night to Remember

Impossible Romance


I poked my fork at the illustrious blueberry, a light screeching sound coming from my bowl as it rolled away and my fork scraped across the surface. I sighed, gently setting my fork on the table before leaning back in my chair, gaze lingering on the image in front of me. Changmin was quickly eating a piece of Cheesecake, two dessert plates sitting at the edge of the table.

As he scooped the last piece into his mouth, he put his fork down with a light clatter. As he leaned back, wiping his mouth with his napkin, he glanced at my plate, noticing the barely-touched Crème Brule.

“Did it not taste good?” he inquired, his brown eyes lightening with concern.

“It tastes amazing. Just like dinner… And what I had of the appetizers,” I replied, my voice trailing off.

“Then why did you stop eating?” He asked, clueless that the rest of the world couldn’t eat as much as he could.

“I’m full, Changmin. As good as it tastes, I’ll probably be sick if I eat any more.” He flinched before fixing his gaze on my dessert. “You can finish it, Changmin-oppa.” He looked happily up at me, and I couldn’t tell why. It was either that I’d called him oppa again, or that I had offered him more food. As he enthusiastically dug into the Crème Brule, I had serious difficulties determining what it was that truly made him happy.

After he’d finished, he silently laid out the money to pay and we made our way back to his car. A light touch made me look at my hand, noticing his fingers lightly caressing my wrist, and I blushed, glancing off into the distance. He slid his hand into my own, fingers intertwining themselves as he gently tugged me in the opposite direction as the car.

“Changmin-oppa? Where are we going?”

He glanced over his shoulder, attempting to tug me along as he allowed a smug look to spread across his face. “I chose that restaurant because I wanted to take you somewhere afterwards.” I allowed him to pull me after him, but his excitement started to become too much, making me trip after him.

He abruptly stopped, and I stumbled into his back. He turned around, and all I could do was look straight into his eyes. He cupped my cheek in his hand, thumb tenderly caressing my cheekbone. His eyes were shifting slightly, as though he couldn’t determine how to put words to what he wanted to say.

In the next moment, his arms wrapped around my waist, and he was leaning over to give me a tight hug, mouth nuzzled into the joint of my neck and shoulder.  “Ch-Changmin?” I blushed, my ears burning lightly.

He kissed just below my ear lobe before murmuring, “Saranghaeyo.” His lips brushed against my ear, and a pleasant tingle shot down my spine. He stood up straight once more, looking for an answer in my eyes.

“Changmin… We hardly know each other. It’s too soon for us to know whether we love one another or not, and I’m not sure I could even handle—.” He pressed his lips to mine, hand cradling the back of my neck.

“I know it’s fast… And I know that we don’t know each other that well yet, but… I can’t help how I feel. I can’t rationalize everything and just stop loving you. Believe me, it’s not that easy! I would if I could because when you don’t answer my calls or never give me a chance, it drives me crazy! I can’t stand feeling that way, but I know I’d take that any day over completely losing the love I have for you.”

I blinked dumbly, shocked by his blunt and intense honesty. A few thoughts had barely raced across my mind before I was jumping into his arms, my own wrapping around his neck. I quickly drew his head to mine and forced our lips together, trying desperately to show him that, even if I couldn’t be sure if I loved him, I still cared deeply for him.

As we pulled apart, our lips were slightly swollen, and he gently set me down. I finally looked at our surroundings and gasped when I did. A beautiful lake was mere meters away, and had a gloriously illuminated gazebo on a tiny island in the middle of it, an immaculate white bridge connecting it to the shore.

I stumbled forward slightly, awed by the marvelous sight. Changmin stepped up behind me, arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me backwards into his lanky body as we stared the lake that reflected not only the twinkling gazebo, but also the numerous twinkling stars in the night sky.




I know it's been a month since I last updated and I greatly apologize! This chapter is a lot shorter than my usual, but I felt guilty, and I also wanted to celebrate with you guys! I submitted my application to study abroad in an intensive institute in Korea for the summer, and I'm really hopeful of getting in. My chances of acceptance, however, are lacking. I'm only a freshman, and only 50 people in the entire United States get accepted to the program. :/

Anyways~ I came up with another idea for the romance on Changmin's side of the story, so a bit of my writer's block has disappeared for this story. Which means I will probably attempt to update at least once more before my Christmas break. No guarantees though. :( I have to create, memorize, and perform a skit in Korean and German, and create a presentation for Geography all in the next three weeks on top of the normal coursework that has hindered my updating.

Comments always make me strive to write faster, and I sincerely apologize to tarnished-wings. I take great pride and care in trying to make my writing easy to read, and your comment made me want to update again the day I saw it, but life happened, and the update did not. And thank you, sunflowery, for the compliment, but I didn't expect my story to quickly gain subbies since there are tons of DBSK fanfics that get updated much more often than mine. MISCharacter, I know I hardly ever respond to your amazing comments and support (I'm really bad at responding to anyone, and I apologize!), but you really inspired me to continue writing this story despite the fact that I wasn't getting many followers. Batty1313.... I don't even have a response for you and you know why. <----- We're best friends irl, so yeah... XD Silent readers and subbies, I personally fall into this category, so I'm not at all offended, and I really appreciate you taking your time to read my fic!

KAMSAHAMNIDA~! <3        (sorry for the super long Author's Note ^^)







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sjlovessuju #1
Holy poop.. I hope your family is ok.. ;___;<br />
Please update when everything is better :)<br />
And let us know about their conditions :)
Wow, your grammar is great ^_^ I'm glad I found this story since it doesn't hurt my brain to read and it's really interesting. I hope you'll get a chance to update soon, but there's no rush. ^_^<br />
crazyamaya #3
I'm so sorry it took me so long to update you guys! I <3 you so much and I'm sorry to disappoint you. T.T
MISCharacter #4
That was so awesome of Yunho to step in like that and talk to her. I look forward to the date!
>.< Sunmi~ she sounds interesting *wink*
Yah Sohee you better update when you say you will or non of my famous deserts for ya! >.<
sunflowery #7
I love it so far....idk why it doesn't have many subscribers lol
MISCharacter #8
So worth the wait, great job!
T^T yah sohee stop getting writers block or I m telling Appa! ^^ but I can't wait to see what happens next~
MISCharacter #10
Great update, anticipating the hospital scene.