A Day in the Life

Impossible Romance

I clutched my messenger bag, twisting my body this way and that to avoid running into people as I dashed madly through the crowded sidewalks. I glanced at my watch to note the time before speeding up. I only have a couple of minutes to get to work! If I'm late again, it may really be my job on the line this time!

I ran into the alley behind the restaurant, yanking the back door open, and swinging myself inside. I leaned over, hands on my knees as I gasped for breath. The door closed with a small click behind me, and a tiny grin spread across my face. "Congratulations," hissed an icy voice, causing me to jerk my head in its direction. "You are actually capable of being on time to work." My boss tossed an apron at my head before turning on her heel and stalking off.

I smirked at her back, satisfied that I not only kept my job, but I also managed to piss her off that she had no reason to rightfully fire me. i dumped my bag in my locker, quickly tied my apron around my waist, and slipped a notepad in the pocket. I stepped out of the backroom and approached the counter.

The chef noticed my arrival and grinned at me. "Managed to cut this one a little closer than usual, ne?" I smirked and he simply chuckled. "You got lucky today. There are a couple of V.I.P. tables tonight, and you're the only one who doesn't stalk the customers, so it's yours." He placed an order on the counter, and one of the other waitresses grabbed it. "Before they arrive, you're supposed to work tables 15 through 20. Once they are here, however, you need to be completely dedicated to the V.I.P.s."

I nodded, and turned to check on the tables I was assigned when the door dinged. The entire restaraunt went silent, and the hostess stuttered through her usual greeting before leading them straight to the V.I.P. tables. I groaned, and glanced over my shoulder at the head chef. He laughed and waved his hands at me, urging me to hurry up.

I walked confidently over to the side-by-side tables, overhearing a bit of the conversation on the way.

"This place has some of the best international cuisine I've ever had," praised a woman with long brown hair.

"Why are we here? Fans can easily find us in a place like this," groaned a man with short brown hair.

"That's the cool thing about this place. They make sure no one can approach V.I.P.s," another girl mentioned.

I approached the tables, heels clicking softly. I bowed and began passing out menus while introducing myself. "Annyeonghaseyo. Go Sooyun imnida. I will be your waitress this evening. Is there anything I can get you?"

Both tables ordered their drinks, and I bowed before going to fill them. One of the waitresses approached me as I came near, a glare on her face. "Do you not even realize who you are serving?"

"Umm. No, I can't say I do," I replied, and she looked shocked. I moved past her, quickly preparing the drinks and placing them on a tray.

"That is DBSK and SNSD! How can you not recognize them?!" the waitress whispered harshly in my ear.

"I don't recognize them because I don't know who they are. Now if you will please excuse me." I swung around her, the full drinks not sloshing out of the glasses as I walked towards the tables. I quickly passed the drinks around, correctly placing them with each person that ordered it. "Are you ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes to decide?"

They all looked at each other before nodding, and the man nearest said, "I think we're all ready to order."

I pulled the notebook from my pocket, hastily scribbling all of their orders on the paper. As they finished, I walked back to the counter, rereading through the order to make sure I had written it all down correctly for the chefs. These people are really picky...

I handed the order the head chef before turning to lean against the counter. I heard the chef yelling out orders to the rest of them, telling them to quickly finish their current dish and move onto the V.I.P. orders and fill them as quickly and perfectly as possible. I tapped my nails on the counter for a few seconds before leaning around the barrier to check on my tables. Noticing some of their body language, I pushed myself off the counter with a sigh and made my way through the crowded restaraunt to see what they needed.

The first man noticed my approach and stood, walking in my direction. I smiled as we came closer to one another, and bowed slightly. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He glanced to the floor from the corner of his eyes. "I was wondering where the restroom was."

I grinned and stood slightly behind him. "See that tiny hallway there?" I pointed in its direction and he nodded. "Go straight past..." I scratched my head. "You know what? It'll be a lot easier to show you. So, if you will please follow me." I walked to the hallway and went through the door straight ahead even though it bore no signs to say where it lead. At the next corridor, I took a right turn before following the corridor to the left. "Here you go," I declared, pointing to a door that read, 'V.I.P.'

"Gamsahamnida," he murmured, moving past me. I returned to the counter, quickly gathered two of the trays with completed orders, and made my way to the tables, balancing a tray in each hand. I set one tray on the nearby empty table, carrying the other with me as I went around the tables to place them in front of each customer. Once I finished passing out all of the food and refilling everyone's drinks, I returned to the counter once more.

The rest of my shift was spent tending to the V.I.P. tables and ensuring that they had the best service. When they finally requested their bill, it was approaching closing time, and no new customers would be allowed entrance.

I brought them their bill, and one of the men looked at it for a moment before handing me the bill with a wad of money on top. They all stood and the women began filtering out the doors, chattering as they did so. The two men grinned slightly at me, putting their suit jackets on once more.

"Any leftover change is your tip. You did a marvelous job taking care of us tonight." He bowed his head slightly in thanks. I grinned, beginning to bow when I felt a strange tug-and-pull sensation.

The next thing I knew, I was flying forward, and my lips brushed against his.

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sjlovessuju #1
Holy poop.. I hope your family is ok.. ;___;<br />
Please update when everything is better :)<br />
And let us know about their conditions :)
Wow, your grammar is great ^_^ I'm glad I found this story since it doesn't hurt my brain to read and it's really interesting. I hope you'll get a chance to update soon, but there's no rush. ^_^<br />
crazyamaya #3
I'm so sorry it took me so long to update you guys! I <3 you so much and I'm sorry to disappoint you. T.T
MISCharacter #4
That was so awesome of Yunho to step in like that and talk to her. I look forward to the date!
>.< Sunmi~ she sounds interesting *wink*
Yah Sohee you better update when you say you will or non of my famous deserts for ya! >.<
sunflowery #7
I love it so far....idk why it doesn't have many subscribers lol
MISCharacter #8
So worth the wait, great job!
T^T yah sohee stop getting writers block or I m telling Appa! ^^ but I can't wait to see what happens next~
MISCharacter #10
Great update, anticipating the hospital scene.