Chapter 4

Ms. Heartbreaker
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Note: Just a little short chap. Hope you all are liking the story so far. Not many comments yet but I'm really hoping and looking forward to more from my subbies. :) Please do comment. It keeps me motivated and I love reading your guys' reactions. 





Jiyong was currently in LaLa land at the moment as he couldn’t get Dara’s kiss out of his head. It was the only thing he thought of since it happened, aside from catching his best friend about to get it on with Dara’s cousin. That was a sight he definitely wished he could unsee.

However, he was so dazzled my Dara that he almost forgot about it. Almost. He was working on forgetting it but it was really hard when his said best friend was staring directly at, looking at him like he’d grown a second head. “What?” Jiyong said, still in LaLa Land.

“You look like a teddy bear on weed. What the hell happened to you? Did you drink the punch? Frick, I told those guys not to do it.”

“No, no it’s not that…”

“Then what is it?”

Jiyong contemplated about telling his friend about his little encounter with Dara. He felt as if he should keep it a secret or else their magical moment would vanish. Then again, this was Top. He was a good friend and the very one who suggested this party. “Dara k-kissed me…”

Top’s jaw literally dropped to the floor. He just couldn’t believe it. THE Sandara Park kissed this idiot? I mean, Hell, he gave props to the boy but it was just unbelievable. “Are you serious? Was she drunk?”

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Grace62 #1
Chapter 12: Please update this beautiful story authornim
goldenbanana #2
Chapter 12: get well soon and plz update soon too ^_^~ this story is seriously great! i cant wait for the next update!
Yadz10 #3
Chapter 12: Awdeee what a cutie patootieee!!!
mihyun84 #4
Chapter 12: cute!! and while jiyong is trying to win Dara over, Youngbae is already dating behind their backs
EerieKim #5
Chapter 11: get well soon..have a good rest...
Chapter 11: Again, i hope you'll get well soon :)
luyvnez #7
Chapter 11: Get well soon.... just take a rest n thinking of your healty first authornim^^
minseokistic #8
Chapter 1: Awww unnie you haven't updated yet. Huhuhu. Ok that's just an exageration. Anyway please update soon. HWAITING UNNIE!^^
Chapter 10: ..the chapter... you missed chapter seven?... you jumped off from six to 8 skipping seven... aigoo.. does it really hurt that bad????...:(( please get well soon as much as I wanted you to update... I don't want you to get sick... please get well soon.. I'll be praying for your fast recovery... see you soon authornim!!!^^ we'll be patiently waiting for your next update...^____^
Chapter 10: pppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllssssssss update