Chapter 8

Ms. Heartbreaker
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Note: Hey guys! So I'm feeling a lot better. I really needed that time to rest. I'm still recovering so I'm not 100% better yet. Just good enough to update. Anyway, we reached 90 subbies! YAAAY! :) That makes me so happy. Hope to see that number grow and I hope you guys leave a comment below. 



*Just a short little update here*



Weeks went by and slowly Jiyong was beginning to get comfortable around Dara. They’ve been to a few football games together with Top and Bom. The two exchanged small talk while the couple went and did their thing. The talk Jiyong and Dara exchanged was usually pointless and stupid but it was enough for Jiyong because at least was able to talk to her without looking like an idiot anymore.

Today, they were spending time at the amusement park, of course along side Top and Bom. Dara looked around excitedly at all the rides and games. Her childlike stare made Jiyong’s heart melt. Yup, that’s right, Jiyong literally turned into putty with everything Dara did. Each day he spent with her, he found her more beautiful and he found himself falling deeper and deeper.

While Dara went to use the bathroom, Bom and Top took Jiyong on the side. He looked at the two and back at the bathrooms before nodding. “So, we notice you and Dara have been getting along well these days…” Top winked.

“Y-yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“I told you my plan would work and of course those contact lenses. Because honey, let’s be real. Those glasses just screamed ‘punch me in the face’!” Bom said smugly.

“Well, I guess they are a bit better now. Do you think she’s starting to like me?”

“Aww...look at the love smitten Jiyongie! Honestly, I don’t know what goes on in that pretty little head of hers. But by the looks of it, she seems comfortable around you. And that is always a good thing. Now, it’s just a matter of you getting closer to her heart.”

“And how do I do that?”

“ the tricky part. You see, my dear cousin has been through a lot in the past couple of years. I mean with three of her family members passing, a horrible fight with this two-faced backstabbing jackass, and well, her mom’s been kind of...well...not sober.”

“That’s a lot for a person to take…”

“I know. That’s why I’ve been trying so hard to find someone for her. She NEEDS someone to break down her walls again. I know she goes around pretended everything is fine but it’s not. She’s hurting badly inside. And it’s up to you to get in touch with that, get her to trust you.”

“Considering everything you’ve told me, I don’t think that’s going to be an easy task.”

“Well, love is never easy, my friend. But you have to---”

“Hey, guys!” Top stopped mid sentence as Dara came skipping back to the table.

Jiyong turned and saw that she had tucked her hair back, revealing her flawless, beautiful face. His heart practically dropped to his . God damn, why is she so beautiful? He shook his head and stood up. “So, where to now?” He smiled.

“To the games?”

“Sure. Top, Bom, you guys coming?”


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Grace62 #1
Chapter 12: Please update this beautiful story authornim
goldenbanana #2
Chapter 12: get well soon and plz update soon too ^_^~ this story is seriously great! i cant wait for the next update!
Yadz10 #3
Chapter 12: Awdeee what a cutie patootieee!!!
mihyun84 #4
Chapter 12: cute!! and while jiyong is trying to win Dara over, Youngbae is already dating behind their backs
EerieKim #5
Chapter 11: get well soon..have a good rest...
Chapter 11: Again, i hope you'll get well soon :)
luyvnez #7
Chapter 11: Get well soon.... just take a rest n thinking of your healty first authornim^^
minseokistic #8
Chapter 1: Awww unnie you haven't updated yet. Huhuhu. Ok that's just an exageration. Anyway please update soon. HWAITING UNNIE!^^
Chapter 10: ..the chapter... you missed chapter seven?... you jumped off from six to 8 skipping seven... aigoo.. does it really hurt that bad????...:(( please get well soon as much as I wanted you to update... I don't want you to get sick... please get well soon.. I'll be praying for your fast recovery... see you soon authornim!!!^^ we'll be patiently waiting for your next update...^____^
Chapter 10: pppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllssssssss update