Chapter 2

Ms. Heartbreaker
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Note: This is the full chapter. ^^ PLEASE DO COMMENT AND SUBCRIBE. :) THANK YOU. *bows*



The entire day passed by with Dara dancing around in Jiyong’s head. Top was indeed right. He was really pulled into her trap now and all it took was one look. It’s was like she was Aphrodite herself! Damn, she was so fine. Never before has he had this type of emotion before. In fact, the only thing he did love was food, food, Pokemon, food, Naruto, food, Runescape, food...oh yea, and FOOD.


He was sitting in the art classroom with his friends when he started to daydream about her again. His chin resting on his hand and his eyes looking off into the distance. He imagined her in a cute Pokemon trainer outfit, carrying a little backpack. And he was the cool, awesome Pokemon master, conqueror of all regions!

Dara was playing with a Pikachu when suddenly she slipped on a rock. Jiyong rushed over to her and caught her swiftly in his arms. He looked down at her, a cool smirk on his face. “Hello, gorgeous. My name is Kwon Jiyong. You know, I just happened to have all eight badges from the eight gyms here.”


“Oh, Jiyong. That’s so hot.”


“What do you say we go to the Pokemon center and we can trade off?

“I’d do anything with you. How could I resist a man with such accomplishment? And I have to say, I love that sparkle in your glasses.”


“Oh, baby…”

Jiyong bent down to give her a kiss, his lips puckering. And then SLAP! Jiyong was awoken from his wonderful daydream when he realized he was holding Youngbae in his arms, just inches from kissing him. “AHHHH!”



“AHHHH!” Jiyong dropped Youngbae.


TOP chuckled. He knew Jiyong was in deep. Real deep. He knew how this was going to go and he also knew that the kid was going to end up looking like an idiot around Dara if he tried to ask her out. He decided then that he would help this awkward nerd win the heart of the school’s heartbreaker queen. And then work on getting the Queen’s best friend. Bom.


Dara was busy writing things in her journal, paying no attention to her cousin as she rambled on and on about the latest fanfiction. She just nodded her head absentmindedly as she continued to write. Her cousin took noticed and shoved her playfully. “Hey. You’re not even listening to me.”

“Sorry, Bommie. I just got carried away with these lyrics.”

“Ah...writing songs again, Tokki? You haven’t done that in a while.”

“Yea, I just felt a little inspired to write. Anyway, continue on with what you were say---”

“Ahem…” A boy with long black hair appeared, his hand scratching the back of his head.

Dara looked at him and smiled. The boy nearly lost his soul at the sight of her smile. Damn, was she a killer. Bom eyed him and shook her head. She knew all too well what was to come next. “E-excuse me, S-Sandara….”

“ me Dara.” Another killer smile!

OH ...please stop with that smile. I’m going to have a heart attack. >< “’s that dance thing coming up in a couple of months...and I was wondering if maybe…


“I was wondering if you’d maybe want to go….with...with me? Ehehe”

“Oh! Umm…” Dara looked around embarrassed while Bom sat there looking quite amused. “Actually, I’m really sorry Jaejoong...but my answer is no.”

“Oh...ah...that’s ok. M-maybe some other time. S-sorry for wasting your time.”

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Grace62 #1
Chapter 12: Please update this beautiful story authornim
goldenbanana #2
Chapter 12: get well soon and plz update soon too ^_^~ this story is seriously great! i cant wait for the next update!
Yadz10 #3
Chapter 12: Awdeee what a cutie patootieee!!!
mihyun84 #4
Chapter 12: cute!! and while jiyong is trying to win Dara over, Youngbae is already dating behind their backs
EerieKim #5
Chapter 11: get well soon..have a good rest...
Chapter 11: Again, i hope you'll get well soon :)
luyvnez #7
Chapter 11: Get well soon.... just take a rest n thinking of your healty first authornim^^
minseokistic #8
Chapter 1: Awww unnie you haven't updated yet. Huhuhu. Ok that's just an exageration. Anyway please update soon. HWAITING UNNIE!^^
Chapter 10: ..the chapter... you missed chapter seven?... you jumped off from six to 8 skipping seven... aigoo.. does it really hurt that bad????...:(( please get well soon as much as I wanted you to update... I don't want you to get sick... please get well soon.. I'll be praying for your fast recovery... see you soon authornim!!!^^ we'll be patiently waiting for your next update...^____^
Chapter 10: pppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllssssssss update