
Under Your Skin

Minwoo, Dongwan, Andy and Junjin were sitting on the couch, looking at the man in front oh them, their faces blank.


‘So you’re saying that you and Hyesung have switched places’


Eric nodded, holding back a sob threatening to break free. He had managed to calm himself down to a state where he could talk coherently. He hadn’t made much sense on the phone the first time but he had called again, crying into the receiver to say that something major had happened and all of them had to come. An hour later, five men had gathered in one room.


‘So you’re Eric now’


He nodded again, feeling those disbelieving stares drilling deeper.


‘No...’ Minwoo dragged the word out while shake his head. Andy kept looking from Dongwan to Junjin to Hyesung to understand what kind of mood should he adapt to. Dongwan’s mouth was slightly open, him muttering something about a hidden camera and a joke gone too far, while Junjin was the only one who seemed to be thinking about the issue seriously.


‘Guys-’ his voice rang through the room, his tone firm ‘I think I believe him’


Three heads shot to look at the tall guy. Eric felt a sob of joy crawling up, the burden in his heart falling off like a stone. If anyone, it had to be Junjin who understood him. He truly was an angel sent from heaven.

‘I mean,’ Junjin tried to explain to Minwoo who was still shaking his head, ‘when talking to Hyesung on the phone-’ and he glanced to the subject of their conversation, ‘it did feel like I was talking to Eric instead. And-’ he grabbed Hyesung’s hand out of the blue, pulling him close. ‘This one is not acting like my Syungie at all’. Junjin messed up his hair, pinched his cheek and rubbed tears out of his eyes.


‘See?’ he asked to his three onlookers as if waiting for them to grade him for his efforts.


‘No...’ Minwoo kept shaking his head, the last syllable dragged out extra long.


‘Uh, but he’s not acting like Eric either-’ Andy pointed out, gathering all the attention towards himself ‘despite that, I kind of want to believe what he’s saying. But if it’s a joke-’


Eric started to shake his head desperately, fear filling his eyes. ‘No, it’s not a joke. I promise!’ he sounded and felt desperate, realizing that if these people didn’t believe him, nobody would.


Andy sighed. ‘Then I believe you. It’s crazy but you both are crazy so- yeah’


Dongwan turned to Minwoo whose head was still shaking as if something inside of him had broken. He seemed to be glitching. ‘I don’t even know what to say’ Dongwan stood up. He went over to Eric and knelt in front of him, touching his face with both of his hands, ‘you’re in there, Eric?’


Hyesung nodded.


‘Like, really?’ Dongwan moved closer, their faces now inches apart.


‘Ugh-’ even if Eric did not mind skinship, Dongwan was taking it a step too far, ‘what are you doing?’


‘Nothing,’ Dongwan's voice sounded absent and he started tugging at Hyesung’s ear, then moving to pinching and stretching his cheeks, ‘just checking if it’s not a mask or something’


‘Yah, it’s my face!’ Eric slapped Dongwan’s hand away, now angry, ‘Well, Hyesung’s face, theoretically, but right now it’s mine. Stop treating it as if it’s made out of rubber. Ow’ he rubbed the cheek the other had pinched especially hard.




However, it wasn’t Dongwan who had said it. It was Minwoo. ‘If it’s a joke you can stop pretending now because I swear I’m going to quit this group and if it’s not-’ he stood up and went over to where Dongwan was kneeling, pushing him aside and taking his place instead. ‘Let’s do an experiment’ he said, quickly pressing a kiss on Hyesung’s lips.


He received a slap in return.


‘Sorry, it does that sometimes’ Eric explained holding onto his own hand when Minwoo stared back at him in shock, ‘But now that I know what you’re planning to do, I will try to control it’


There was silence in the room until Andy couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in laughter at the absurdity of the scene. Were those two even aware of how stupid they looked? 'Only you guys would try to prove a point by kissing each other,’ he said through his laughter, lightening the otherwise serious mood. Dongwan couldn’t help laughing as well.


‘I seriously cannot believe it-’ Minwoo awed, now looking at Hyesung in a different light, as if a mystical creature had descended in front of him, ‘this is just too weird - but Hyesung would have broken my neck instead of a silly slap - but woah-’


Junjin sputtered as well.


‘Weird or not but it’s kind of tragic, guys’ Eric pouted in return, crossing his arms, ‘I did not call you just so you could make fun of me. Hyesung is in some kind of a serious state of crazy. He went out with my ex-girlfriend and told me to stay home like a dog’. Eric's mood was still sour and he felt hurt. He lowered his eyes, trying to hold the tears which threatened to fall. They just kept coming.


Junjin hugged him, awwing that he was just too adorable and they would figure out something. The other guys joined in, now at least partially convinced that this was not a joke. Hyesung was not one to take things this far. If he had, there would be other mental problems they should be worried about.


To calm Eric and themselves down, Andy went to the kitchen and made some tea for everyone while the others found more comfortable place to sit and talk about this complicated situation.


‘I’m so shocked. What Hyesung did- that’s insane’ Minwoo said as he sipped some of his double espresso. He had forced Andy to make him something stronger instead of tea. He had a feeling they were in for a long night. ‘I mean- why would he even do something like that. Talking and going out with your ex-girlfriend- that seems to be taking it too far. It doesn’t sound like something he would normally do, right?’


‘Actually-’ Junjin intervened, looking at Minwoo with a knowing look, ‘you know how Hyesung’s always had quite a character? Well, I think that what he’s been lacking was the confidence to carry out some of his wilder ideas. Maybe now with Eric’s body he’s got the courage he lacked before?’


‘But that’s still way too out there-’ Andy shook his head, enjoying his peppermint tea, ‘I think it’s maybe because this whole personality change is incomplete and, as Eric said, his body sometimes does things on its own? I mean, Eric’s not in his usual character either. I think it’s somehow connected that only parts of them have- uh- how to say- swapped? Maybe they have mixed together and now they are conflicting, fighting for dominance?’


Dongwan wasn’t saying anything, still not quite convinced that this was real. He had looked around the room a couple of times for hidden cameras. Finding none, he felt very disappointed as it meant they actually had to sit down and figure out how to deal with this mess. He put more sugar in his black tea, needing the extra sweetness.


‘That sounds reasonable,’ Minwoo agreed, ‘as much as any of this can possibly sound reasonable. You guys are sure you just didn’t hit your heads too hard and then decided you’re each other?’


Eric looked at Minwoo in disbelief. Was that the normal course of action his friend thought would occur? How nice of him to suggest that he was imagining he’s Eric. ‘We had a full body scan in the hospital to make sure we didn’t have internal injuries. That includes scanning the brain as well. According to the doctors, I am Hyesung and I am perfectly healthy. Except for the part where I’m Eric’


‘Ok, well, thanks. That just answered all my questions,’ Minwoo downed the rest of his espresso, ‘sorry for not giving you the benefit of doubt but have you heard yourself speaking? It’s madness’


‘Ay, Minwoo, stop it’ Junjin interrupted him, turning to Eric, ‘I told you I believe you, hyung. Minwoo also does, he’s just confused. This is insane. That doesn’t mean that we don’t want to help you. I want Hyesung to be Hyesung and Eric to be Eric. I’d miss you guys too much if you stayed like this’ he hugged him, feeling the other hugging him back. Some more tears fell from Hyesung’s eyes, now Junjin just feeling sorry for the guy. He couldn't remember, in the entirety of his long life, seeing a guy cry that much for that long. The past two weeks must have been emotionally draining for him.


‘Let’s find Eric first,’ Andy whispered to Minwoo, turning away from the dramatic scene and taking out his phone. That was the most reasonable way of verifying if Hyesung was telling the truth. Minwoo nodded, watching the younger dial Eric’s number.


Dongwan, on the other hand, was still out of it, staring at the unbelievable things unfolding in front of him. Now, if only he could somehow get Hyesung – or Eric - or whoever was the person in that body to exchange personalities with his girlfriend – 



A/N: I don't know what I'm going to do now. I haven't even started to write the next chapter D: Usually, I have it written already by the time of posting the previous one. Nooo. I'm screwed. I'm overtaken by another story I've started writing but I promised myself to post it only when I finish this one. Yeah, ok, I am so screwed. 

Ok, anyway... Yay, I got some more votes! Yay, so happy! Thank you ;D *smooch smooch* And thank you for lovely comments and thank you for subscribing! I'm surprised that so many of you are actually interested enough to keep reading ^^! Please feel free to criticize the story to your heart's content. Or guess what's going to happen next? That should give me some ideas... *cackles evilly* Ok, no, I do have SOME ideas what should happen but seriously...

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miszrange #1
Chapter 8: i just found this. its best to read. but pity you make it short.. hahah. but dnt worry, i still feel happy to read it.
Chapter 8: this caused so many emotions i loved it especially dongwan omfg that idiot i love him.
Chapter 8: just found this fic and read in one go, didn't expect it would ended soon. such an awesome story!
i think you're my first favorite author here. really love your style of writing.
mind if i ask you something? because english isn't my native language i have difficulties to understand the ending. did they finally manage to switch back?
anyway, i think hyesung was so bad-guy here, and i was kind of annoyed lol.
always waiting for your new hard-works, author-nim ;D
Chapter 8: this is cute so i was kinda hoping for more. anyways, this is a great story. hope to read more from you :D
Chapter 8: OoO ---- The end??? Oh well... -3-

It was a really good story!
feelgyo #6
Chapter 8: At first I didn't expect an ending like this, I mean, I expected for a brief explanation in their switch-body-back.. But this is so good author-nim..
Eric's one-side-love sounds pathetic, but thanks to u author-nim, all solved in a good way :)
I'm thinking bout uri minwoo oppa, how pity he is..hei ricsyung, he's tring to help u, why u can't see his sincerity?? *pukpuk minwoo oppa* It must be hilarious scene in his blank-yet-confuse-look and get a bam-door at the face, at the face!! Hahaha~

Anyway, I love the whole story. Written well, good plot, nice timing, and great ending. Thank you author-nim <3 <3
Waiting for ur new story ^^

Ricsyung manseee!! ξ\(ˇ▽ˇ)/ξ
followurdestiny #7
Chapter 7: Loved it, eventhough the ending came quite quick...
feelgyo #8
Chapter 7: Woah..confusing, hilarious, and serious in the same time, which is I conclude as complicated state. Andy is always be the smart one in the group and I feel satisfied by looking at his character in your story. Seems like real for me (even the smoking part if I might adding).
Will they really solve this without the other members? Ok, let just find out. Waiting for your next chapter author-nim. Fighting!! ^^
feelgyo #9
Chapter 6: Minwoo kisses eric?? Lol it's too hilarious xD
Dongwan and his obsession of hidden camera xD
feelgyo #10
Chapter 5: What is it??? Hyesung (in eric's body) said that he'll let eric have fun with his body if he get a nice boyfriend?? A BOYFRIEND?? Σ( ° △ °|||)︴Did he tell that he himself is a gay? Or maybe the thoughts in eric's body told him that eric is interested with a man? I'm sorry for my harsh word, but it's shocking me author-nim :3