Unusual Me

Under Your Skin

Hyesung was sitting in the hospital bed feeling groggy. They had just said their goodbyes to the other members, acting as if everything was perfectly normal. Andy had been so sweet and Dongwan had even cried a little and Minwoo was so supportive, telling him that he would take care of the business and he should not have to worry about it at all. Not like he ever had.


And then Junjin had been very nice but had stayed glued to Eric’s side rather than his and Hyesung had no ideas how to feel about it. He was glad that theoretically Junjin cared about him more and stayed at his body’s side but in this situation- how to even explain it- was he feeling jealous? Not like Junjin could have known without them telling him but couldn’t he feel that something was off? Of course, they would just disregard any weird behavior due to their semi-drugged state but still- That didn’t change the reality of what had occurred.


Hyesung lifted his palm to his face and observed it carefully.


‘Your hands are -’ he said out loud but dropped the sentence when he saw ‘himself’ exiting the bathroom.


‘I don’t even want to imagine’ he grumbled defeated, leaning heavily against the pillows propped at the wall.


‘Hyesungie, don’t fret, it will be alright’ Eric cooed which made the other scrunch up his face.


‘Don’t do that’ he grumbled and sighed heavily just to emphasize how unhappy he felt.


‘Do what?’ Eric asked innocently and pouted. That was it.


‘Yah, what are you doing with my face!?’ Hyesung yelled as he took one of his pillows and threw it at the other. He winced in pain, reminding himself that he should still be careful and not damage Eric’s stupid body too much or that he shouldn’t attack his own.


‘I’m not doing anything with your face’ Eric said as he easily evaded the pillow and kneeled down to pick it up.


‘It’s your face that’s doing it, I’m just expressing my usual feelings. It’s not my fault they look different now’


Hyesung sulked. He wondered if he should say something but instead gave up, letting out the umpteenth desperate sigh that day. There were more pressing matters than Eric using his face to act cute.


‘How are we going to explain this to the others?’


And with the others he obviously meant their families, their fans, their group members, probably the entire world and maybe Eric’s girlfriend if he had one. He hadn’t kept up with Eric’s affairs so he wasn’t exactly sure.


‘We’re not going to tell them anything’


Well, that was a firm decision but it seemed unreasonable.


‘Eric, we cannot hide it, you know-’


Maybe if he and Andy had switched places or if it was Eric and Junjin it wouldn’t be so obvious but this- this was like jabbing a fork in your own eye and parading around saying you're doing just fine.


‘Now you’re talking like this thing is irreversible, Syungie’ Eric pouted, making Hyesung desperate. Why did he have to do that? He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. He had to focus, focus on the more important things now.


‘Fine. Fine, I agree. I’m talking like this is permanent. That’s not a good way of thinking about it’ he opened his eyes and looked at himself sternly.


‘First we are going to try everything to switch back, then we will think how to explain this to the others if nothing works’


Eric nodded, still standing there silently, holding onto the pillow he had picked up, with a pout on his face and Hyesung found himself being absolutely irresistible. He could not even be mad at Eric calling him cute anymore. He would pinch his own cheeks right now if he could get up without his chest hurting so bad.




What the hell was he thinking about?


These were not his thoughts.


The heck. He did NOT find himself cute and he definitely did not want to pinch his own cheeks.


‘, Eric, you’re in my head’ he grumbled, rubbing his temples with more force, ‘I just thought I looked cute’


Eric smiled, shyly smoothing the strands on his hair and went over, handing him the pillow.


‘Isn’t that a good thing?’ he asked innocently before going to his own bed.


In a way, it was a good thing. If there were Eric’s thoughts in his head that meant that Eric was still in this body, just their consciousness had somehow swapped places and-


Yeah, that made no sense whatsoever.


‘Besides, I do look cute’ Eric added, practically beaming in his bed.


Hyesung raised one of his eyebrows, ‘You seem way too happy and way too comfortable with the way things are right now’ he commented, not sure how he felt about it himself. One thing sure, he didn’t feel exactly bad - which was weird. He didn’t feel like he didn’t belong in this body- which was even weirder- or that he couldn’t control most of his thoughts and actions.


‘I’m just enjoying this as long as it lasts. I’m sure that we’ll wake up back in our own bodies in the morning and this will seem like a drug-induced dream so-’ Eric was saying absent-mindedly as he scrunched his face cutely, rubbing his cheeks like a child, ‘-I will just enjoying touching Syungie as much as I can for today’


‘Yah!’ Hyesung couldn’t resist yelling as he threw another pillow at himself, causing a loud enough ruckus for the nurse to come in and scold them both, making them lie in their beds and sleep.


‘Good night, Syungie’ Eric said in the dark after the nurse had left them alone and they were sure nobody was listening to them.


‘Night, Eric’ Hyesung replied, his mind drifting to sleep.




‘Well, Eric’ Hyesung’s lips protruded in the classical way which indicated that he was annoyed as he looked in the mirror of the hospital room’s bathroom, ‘the day we change back to normal shall not be today’ he concluded, turning to the other with an accusing look.


Having his expressions on Eric’s face felt weird.


‘I said it was a possibility, not a promise’ Eric replied as if trying to find an excuse for why they had stayed the way they were the day before.


Normally, in any other conditions, they would not enter one bathroom at the same time but desperate times called for desperate measures. They had to start thinking about how to switch back or they would have much bigger things to worry about than sharing a bathroom.


‘Uhhh’ Eric huffed as he tried to think of something else to say but nothing came to his mind, ‘I guess we can start thinking about it when we go home-’


Which was a good thing.


With Hyesung’s fractured rib and strained ankle the hospital had insisted on keep him there for a couple more days but Eric had managed to talk them into letting him go home, promising to take good care of the latter. Normally he wold use his charms to get what he wanted but now he decided to go with cuteness. It worked wonders and the doctor agreed to let them both go.


‘Fine. So let’s go home as soon as possible’ Hyesung sighed and left the bathroom. Eric took a careful glance at himself in the mirror and smiled. Somehow the expression looked sad on him though. The exact same reason why Eric’s body was in a much worse state than Hyesung’s was now putting the other in a bad mood. Eric always tried and failed at doing what was best for them and made promises he could not fulfill.


‘You’re coming any time soon?’ a voice jelled from the other room and Eric jelled back that he wanted to take a quick shower first. He didn’t think much about it until his head popped into the bathroom, angry eyes looked at him warningly.


‘What do you mean you want to take a shower? It’s my body we’re talking about. You’re not allowed to look’


They were going to have a problem with this.


‘Uh, Hyesungie’ he cleared his throat, ‘you do realize that I had to take a piss a while ago-’


The other’s face turned red which made Eric sputter in surprise. He never thought he would see that kind of expression on himself.


‘Ah! That’s different’ the singer protested, rubbing his neck nervously, ‘but showering is something-’ he seemed to have lost his trail of thoughts, ‘something- more personal’


Eris crossed his hands and tipped his head to one side.


‘I don’t know what you do in the shower on our own, Pilkyo, but I just wanted to wash to not feel sweaty and disgusting’


Hyesung stood there at loss, his expression unreadable, especially as Eric had no idea what the other had tried to express with that face of his. Finally he just stormed out, throwing his hands in the air.


‘Do whatever you want!’


Well, if that wasn’t an offer-


But Hyesung was back before he had managed to form that thought.


‘Except for- don’t you dare to do anything but shower’


Eric couldn’t help but chuckle.




A/N: I'm going to shoot myself in the foot with all the writing I'm doing right now. Considering that I still need to do my job and all my extra activities, it looks like I will run out of my pre-written chapters very quickly. 

Anyway, thanks for everyone who subscribed, commented or just gave the story a chance ^^ I appreciate that you're interested in it at all. 


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miszrange #1
Chapter 8: i just found this. its best to read. but pity you make it short.. hahah. but dnt worry, i still feel happy to read it.
Chapter 8: this caused so many emotions i loved it especially dongwan omfg that idiot i love him.
Chapter 8: just found this fic and read in one go, didn't expect it would ended soon. such an awesome story!
i think you're my first favorite author here. really love your style of writing.
mind if i ask you something? because english isn't my native language i have difficulties to understand the ending. did they finally manage to switch back?
anyway, i think hyesung was so bad-guy here, and i was kind of annoyed lol.
always waiting for your new hard-works, author-nim ;D
Chapter 8: this is cute so i was kinda hoping for more. anyways, this is a great story. hope to read more from you :D
Chapter 8: OoO ---- The end??? Oh well... -3-

It was a really good story!
feelgyo #6
Chapter 8: At first I didn't expect an ending like this, I mean, I expected for a brief explanation in their switch-body-back.. But this is so good author-nim..
Eric's one-side-love sounds pathetic, but thanks to u author-nim, all solved in a good way :)
I'm thinking bout uri minwoo oppa, how pity he is..hei ricsyung, he's tring to help u, why u can't see his sincerity?? *pukpuk minwoo oppa* It must be hilarious scene in his blank-yet-confuse-look and get a bam-door at the face, at the face!! Hahaha~

Anyway, I love the whole story. Written well, good plot, nice timing, and great ending. Thank you author-nim <3 <3
Waiting for ur new story ^^

Ricsyung manseee!! ξ\(ˇ▽ˇ)/ξ
followurdestiny #7
Chapter 7: Loved it, eventhough the ending came quite quick...
feelgyo #8
Chapter 7: Woah..confusing, hilarious, and serious in the same time, which is I conclude as complicated state. Andy is always be the smart one in the group and I feel satisfied by looking at his character in your story. Seems like real for me (even the smoking part if I might adding).
Will they really solve this without the other members? Ok, let just find out. Waiting for your next chapter author-nim. Fighting!! ^^
feelgyo #9
Chapter 6: Minwoo kisses eric?? Lol it's too hilarious xD
Dongwan and his obsession of hidden camera xD
feelgyo #10
Chapter 5: What is it??? Hyesung (in eric's body) said that he'll let eric have fun with his body if he get a nice boyfriend?? A BOYFRIEND?? Σ( ° △ °|||)︴Did he tell that he himself is a gay? Or maybe the thoughts in eric's body told him that eric is interested with a man? I'm sorry for my harsh word, but it's shocking me author-nim :3