Confession of a Geniuss Teenage Boy


Kim Dongjun is a geiniuss boy who live in the shadow of his older brother.

*i change the description*


Kim Dongjun is a 17 years old (korean age) boy and he is known as flower boy in his school. He is diffrent from other teenagers. All in his head is just studying. He kept studying all the time. He even can solve university standard mathematics and scince question. He can also write 800 to 900 english and korean essay. He has an IQ level of 166 but went to a normal school with student that have normal IQ level. but the weirdest thing is that he never get 1st place in school or even in class in his study. His parents kept pushing him to study. He felt so much pressure because of them. They want him to be like his brother who get an offer to study at the famous university in Korea 'Seoul National University' and went to Harvard. Dongjun hates it.He wanted to learn music because it make him felt happy and he can let go of the stress that he get from his parents. He even get a high marks in music. That what was his life about. He was trapped by his own parents.


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hopelesswriter #1
Chapter 12: man...i finally find time to read this...and this is pretty sick, dark n creepy. i actually like's rare to find ZE:A fics that are this n kevin as the druggies n n....hyungsik.......dongjun whoa.....i'm just....what he did at the end was similar to what junyoung almost'm just...that sick school environment....i freaking hate the mother...poor hyungsikkie...and dongjunnie...but his last speech/line to his mom is badass...n creepy. i love that last ending part.
Thanks for sharing this interesting story n Congratulations for completing it.
Ika_Chan #2
Chapter 9: please continue this a good story