Onew Condition



Chapter 8: Onew Condition.



When Minho walked out of Key’s room, his heart was beating rapidly.

Minho clutched his chest, letting himself fall against the wall. Minho ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Crap. Key wasn’t supposed to read those messages. Onew-hyung just had to text and call at the wrong time.

“Aish. Now I have to call Hyung.” Minho removed the phone from his front coat pocket and dialed Onew’s number.

Onew picked up the phone immediately. Minho-yah! The kids are so wasted... Taemin and Jonghyun are literally dancing on the table right now. They’re practically getting .

Minho could hear Taemin and Jonghyun singing K.Will’s Love Blossom loudly in the background.  There was a loud crash on Onew’s end.

“Hyung! What was that?! Did they break something?! I’m going to kill them...”

Static obscured Onew’s voice. I’ve been telling you to get home. I hate taking care of these two. They act like children and they’re adults already.

“Listen, hyung. I’m busy. I can’t go right now...”

Ah, Is is that patient you always spend time with? Why do you care about him so much? Who is he?

Minho didn’t answer.

AH! Do you like him? Oooooooo, I can feel you blushing.  Well, whatever Minho. We all need to get a drink like we used to. Seriously, get your home. Taemin and Jonghyun need to be punished by their father. HA! Onew laughed and hung up the phone.

Minho wished Onew would stop calling him weird pet names. It was so uncomfortable, but Hyung was Hyung and with his “Onew Condition” there was no telling what he would do.

How was he going to explain this to Key? How was he going to explain that in the past few months that he had spent with him he was the happiest he had been in years?

However, Minho did not stop to dwell on his emotions. Nor did he try to untangle the many thoughts going in his head.

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salome620 #1
Chapter 10: aw... why are they so cute?!

i can't help but be curious of the "kids" though. who are they? what are they in Minho's life.

hope we see the next part soon.
Chapter 10: Aww this is so sweet :D
LOl Onew Condition XD
I like where this story is going~
I like your writing style :)
Chapter 8: kjdfka >.< I want more T^T and oh~ Dubu will always be Dubu XD hahahaha...
I want more!!!!!!