


Chapter 3: Recollection.



Minho stayed by Kibum’s side through his sleep. He had asked the hospital for some personal time off for the rest of the day. Minho held Kibum’s hand, squeezing it not to comfort Kibum but himself. He was so emotionally exhausted from seeing his friend in this state. Never had he imagined when he said goodbye to Kibum to go to the army and then pursue his medical career that Kibum would become so ill and weak. Kibum had always been a fighter. He was never one to let you know when things were wrong unless he snapped at you with his usual sass.

Minho vaguely recollected how Kibum would always nag at him for leaving him alone even for a brief moment. Kibum was scared of the dark, so he would always wake Minho up in the middle of the night when they were younger to ask him to accompany him to the bathroom. Sometimes, Kibum would even sleep in Minho’s bed and cuddle with him because he was so scared. Kibum was older than Minho, but he still retained some innocence in him.

Minho? Could you leave the light on? I think there is someone outside.

No one is outside, Kibummie. It’s just your imagination. Minho knew it wasn’t Kibum’s imagination, but true, buried fear. Minho lay awake trying to calm Kibum’s sudden outbreaks of nightmares. Kibum would scream bloody murder until Minho would come and wrap his arms around him and whisper to him soothingly. So it became almost natural for him to stay up and comfort Kibum every night. Kibummie, sleep tight now. You are strong. You are safe. You are at home. Minho held him close to his heart so he could hear the slow badump badump that always seemed to lull Kibum to sleep.

A slight breeze from the open hospital window had blown a stray piece of  hair onto Kibum’s face. Minho softly brushed it away, taking time to study Kibum’s face. There were several stress lines on his forehead and around his lips and corners of his eyes. There were dark circles from countless restless nights. His skin color was paler than before. You could tell he was not eating well. When Kibum wakes up, I’ll be sure to give him a stern talk... Minho thought before feeling his eyes begin to droop as the warming sun fell calmly from the sky behind him.

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salome620 #1
Chapter 10: aw... why are they so cute?!

i can't help but be curious of the "kids" though. who are they? what are they in Minho's life.

hope we see the next part soon.
Chapter 10: Aww this is so sweet :D
LOl Onew Condition XD
I like where this story is going~
I like your writing style :)
Chapter 8: kjdfka >.< I want more T^T and oh~ Dubu will always be Dubu XD hahahaha...
I want more!!!!!!