I Love You Honey, but it's a big misunderstanding.







Chapter 7: I Love You, Honey but it’s a big misunderstanding.





“I love you, Minho-yah” he mumbled, trying not to be heard.

Minho didn’t hear him and Key was not going to repeat himself. Minho had fallen asleep again, in Key’s embrace.  

“What is wrong with this guy? It’s the middle of the day and he falls asleep. Aigo.” Key spotted the pool of his tears in Minho’s collarbone and chuckled to himself. Minho used to play around with his collarbone and fill it up with water to show how y his collarbone really was. Key would challenge him with a model walk and hip-gyrating girl group dance move. Key always won.

Key moved Minho from on top of him and let him rest comfortably next to him on the bed. Luckily they were both thin enough to fit on the hospital bed. Key the T.V. and tried to let Minho’s smell shelter him.

Minho’s phone rang jarring Key back into reality.

Key pulled it out from Minho’s front robe pocket and looked at the screen to see who it was, but the screen had gone dark before he had gotten a good look at it. He thought it read “Onew-hyung” but he had only glanced. Minho’s phone was password protected, so he couldn’t check to make sure. But there were several unread messages from this “Onew-hyung” person saying that Minho needed to get home for dinner because the kids were getting fussy.

The kids? What kids? Did Minho have children? Why does he not answer the phone? Was Minho married? This was the first time that Key had questioned their relationship. There was 7 years of empty time between them and so much could have happened during that time. If Key had changed, Minho might have too. He seemed the same though.

The phone vibrated in Key’s hand again.

There was a message from Onew. It read:

“Taeminnie and Bling-Bling want you to tuck them into bed. I love you, honey~~ :D”

Key’s heart stopped. Honey?

“Why are you reading my messages?” Key felt a heavy hand snatch the phone away from him. “Those are none of your business, hyung.” Minho shoved the phone back into his pocket just as it vibrated one last time. He ignored it.

“Okay, but then why don’t you answer this ‘Onew-hyung?’ He obviously wants you to get home.” Key said defensively, glaring at Minho. Minho looked at his phone.

“Key, I think you’re misunderstanding. I can’t talk now. I need to get back to work. Why didn’t you wake me up as soon as I fell asleep...” Minho sighed. “See ya later.” He walked out the room, leaving Key to sulk.

What was I misunderstanding? Key was not pleased.He wanted to be close to Minho again like when they were younger, but they were adults now. It was different and they had more responsibilities to take care of. And apparently, Minho had even more responsibility than Key had ever imagined.


Key groaned in displeasure and plopped face-down onto the hospital bed, tangling himself in the wires and causing the machines to go berserk. The beeping continued but he closed his eyes and waited for the darkness to consume him. He didn’t want his heart to feel the inevitable misfortune that was to come.






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salome620 #1
Chapter 10: aw... why are they so cute?!

i can't help but be curious of the "kids" though. who are they? what are they in Minho's life.

hope we see the next part soon.
Chapter 10: Aww this is so sweet :D
LOl Onew Condition XD
I like where this story is going~
I like your writing style :)
Chapter 8: kjdfka >.< I want more T^T and oh~ Dubu will always be Dubu XD hahahaha...
I want more!!!!!!