That Night



Chapter 6:  That Night

Every day for 3 months, Minho would spend his lunch hour in Kibum’s room. They would eat whatever Kibum wanted. It had been years since they had seen each other, so they had years to catch up.

“Do you remember the day when we walked in the rain to a ramen shop because we thought they were filming a new drama there?”

“We were drenched and there was no one famous. I think it was a documentary about Korea. We were so disappointed, so I bought us some ramen and you ate like 4 bowls. I remember yelling at you because I had just earned that money and wanted to buy a new PC game that I wanted to play together with you.” Minho laughed. “Now that I think about it, though, you were so happy so I calmed down.”

“Not after you threw a wad of napkins at me and messed up my hair!” interjected Key.

“I had to! You wasted my money on food! You’re always thinking about food.”

“Food loves me, I can’t blame them. I am so incredibly handsome.” Key flipped his hair to one side, then to the other to emphasize his point. He made a kissy face at Minho.

“Aigoo.” Minho made a face. “You’re so ugly, hyung.” He pinched the older’s cheeks.

Key held Minho’s hands close to his face, feeling the heat and trying to remember the nights where there were too many shadows cast on his room to sleep.

“Minho-yah. I’m so scared. I think I’m dying. I am always feeling sick...When you left, I didn’t know what to do. I went out drinking, got so drunk and woke up on a cold street. I got pneumonia for the first time. It was really bad, I couldn’t move my body and get home, so I just lay there hoping someone would find me. It was almost two days before I felt someone shake me. They checked to see if I was dead. I could barely open my eye because I had gotten so swollen from the cold, but I finally did. That person was so shocked and they took me to a hospital. The doctors told me that because I was in the cold my pneumonia had caused my immune system to fail. He said that I would have trouble with my lungs from then on and might feel like I can’t breath for some moments.” Key let the tears flow. He hadn’t cried in a very long time. The sobs became wails, louder and louder as he felt all the sorrow from the years fall down his face and onto Minho’s fingers.

Minho pulled Key in for a hug, wrapped his arms around Key. Key nestled his head in Minho’s neck. He took in a deep breathe of Minho’s scent.

“Minho. I didn’t want you to leave that night. I never wanted you to leave me. That night, I was going to tell you something important.” said in between hiccups and tears which were muffled by Minho’s embrace.

“Can you tell me now?” Minho questioned.

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salome620 #1
Chapter 10: aw... why are they so cute?!

i can't help but be curious of the "kids" though. who are they? what are they in Minho's life.

hope we see the next part soon.
Chapter 10: Aww this is so sweet :D
LOl Onew Condition XD
I like where this story is going~
I like your writing style :)
Chapter 8: kjdfka >.< I want more T^T and oh~ Dubu will always be Dubu XD hahahaha...
I want more!!!!!!