She waited in front of the wooden door, afraid that something ghastly happens to Luhan. Of course, she was conscious of what’s happening in the room.

Jimin couldn’t take it anymore. She dashed into the room due to the groans and shouting form behind the door. Oh, the scene that she saw isn’t a good one. YiFan gripped Luhan’s shirt looking him straight into his eyes. YiFan quickly turn his head to found her standing.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait outside?”

“I—I don’t... I m—mean stop it,”

“Mrs. Han, a successful lawyer but finally detained because of having drugs,”

“How do you know that?”

“Tsk, Oh Sehun is my buddy; he hates you,”

He let go his grip on Luhan.

“He told me that you, Han Jimin, once put him in the jail. Luckily, he could escape it in just few months,”

YiFan took a step closer towards Jimin. He gawked into her eyes deeply—that she felt it pierce through her eyes—and she paced backward.

“And you know what Han Jimin; let me call you Han, he been through such vexing days since that,”

“Who—ask him to sell drugs?”

“BUT YOU ARE HIS LAWYER HAN! HIS ING LAWYER! You should defense him instead of funneling him towards jail!”

He bawled to her, showing his red face.

“Plus Han, don’t you think that it’s my luck to found both of you at the same time? Huh? This actually gives me the opportunity to seek my revenges,”

Luhan stood up and pushed YiFan away from Jimin. He knew YiFan well; YiFan LOVES to torture people. Luhan faced Jimin, tried to speak even though it’s hard as . His forehead was showered with dripping sweat.

“Jimin...Go away, run, ask help from anyone. I’ll distract him,”

He whispered to her ear, but she doesn’t agree. He’s hurt, how can she let him stay with that guy? YiFan quickly push Luhan to the wall, ready to smack him up.


She wanted to refuse. Despite to her boyfriend’s instruction, she ran as fast as she could and well, she managed to escape the house.

“Xi, she left you,”

“I know. I asked her to. Wu YiFan, you will be in trouble after this,”

“Ha—Ha! Such a joker, you are! You think I am that stupid, Xi? Of course I had my plans ready on the table. Pity both of you,”

“You think that I will believe you? You are scared now, aren’t you? Tremble, aren’t you?”

“Huh? You think I’m affected?”

Luhan just smirked. Yes, you are scared YiFan.


She ran towards the public. Her mom; surrounded by many people, was sobbing crazily.


 “Jimin-ah! Where have you been? Oh god!”

“Mom, you got to help me. Everyone, please help me,”

“What’s wrong dear?”

“Luhan... He’s in danger!”

“Luhan?! Where do you see him?! My son!”

“Please, follow me,”

Jimin dragged the whole crowd towards the house. Everybody went into the house, found YiFan and Luhan in a room. To their luck, the people catch him and decided to bring him to the police station.

“Luhan... Are you OK?”

“Ne, Jimin. And thanks,” he pulls her closer, “Saranghae,”

He then closed his eyes. Jimin cried a little bit. His family brought him to the hospital along with her.

“What happened to Luhan, doc?”

“I’m afraid his throat is infected by bacteria,”


“Ma’am, please be strong. His throat is injured; and it is caused by something sharp as his throat had a big cut,”

Mrs. Xi’s legs felt weak, making her dizzy too. All of the Xi was heartbroken when they knew that. Jimin could only cry.

“Han Jimin?”


“We need you as our witness since Luhan is now under treatment,”


“Yes, for YiFan’s case,”

“Yes. I shall be the witness,”

Xi Luhan, no matter what, I will protect you.

You’ve saved me once, and I will save you too.

Please stay strong, Xi Luhan.

Done another chapter~ Thanks for the new subscribers^^

Please    C O M M E N T             A N D                 S U B S C R I B E !

P/S: Do you know how to advertise stories? I'm thinking of doing that :)

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Chapter 8: I hope Luhan gets better!!
Chapter 4: Ahh! I love it hehe! ^___^
Chapter 3: This is so interesting!! I hope you update soon! ^___^