He opened his eyes, founding himself in his room. Well, it’s now painted in green, his favorite color.  He was generally amazed when he checked his room out. It’s just different, not his old room which he baptized as ‘hell’. Without any time, he darted from his room and takes a look at his house. It's the same but... The aura seems different. He’s not in his 15 but his 20’s. What surprised him most is he found his brother, sitting on the couch while doing his work.



“Yes Lu?”


Luhan poked his brother’s cheek and his nose. Shook his head, he slapped himself and let out a smile.


“Are you okay?”

“Hyung! I mean, wow hyung! You are here, sitting in this house doing your work!”

“I am. Wae? Is it wrong?”


The house is then filled with Luhan’s scream. He couldn’t hide how ecstatic, he was. He could hear footsteps rushing down from the stairs.


“What’s wrong?”


“Mom, Lulu got a mental problem for a while. I don’t know why,”


As he was busy laughing in happiness, the doorbell rang. His mom checked and let the visitor come in. The visitor is a girl, wearing a cherry pink dress; is suits her, and her hair was tied into pony style. She is pretty, really. At first, Luhan felt clueless and his heart skipped a beat, but then he felt even more surprised when the girl jumped towards him, hugging his neck.


“Oppa! Bogoshippeoseo!”

“Huh? What?”

“Oppa... You’re not saying that you have forgotten me, right?”

“Sorry Krystal, he had a little amnesia just now,”


He bowed and pulled his brother arm, giving him the signal to go to his room.

At his room, Luhan faced his brother and looked into his eyes.


“Explain to me everything,”

“What? You’re saying that you forgot everything?”


Luhan nodded—he wanted to say that he just came back from the past—so his brother would tell him. The older sighed.


“Well, you met Krystal 2 years ago. You are still learning in you senior years and that’s when she entered your school. You fall in love with her and she fall for you too and you guys started to date. Yeah, those normal things that happen to everyone. Hey Lu, you better plan how are you going to propose her,”


“You told us last week Lu. You are going to propose her and marry her. What’s hard?”

“But hyung, I met someone better...”

“Ha—ha, no way,”

“It’s true. I met this girl named Han Jimin and we fall for each other,”

“Han Jimin? Are you dreaming because she—“

“I’m not! It’s true! If I didn’t get the chance to rewind I’m sure; 100% sure you are not going to be here, alive!”

“What the heck are you gabbing Lu? You know who’s that Han Jimin right? She got caught for having drugs in her room. I mean, hey, she’s a lawyer ya know,”

“W—what are you talking about?”

“Her case was brought to the national court and it was told by the news. You watched the news with us remember?”


Luhan’s heart felt hurt. Is it true? His past girlfriend got caught? He stood, leaving the room and his brother, and went to the living room. He quickly takes his car key, leaving his girlfriend and parents both dumbfounded.

Speeding his car, he made his way to the jail—where Jimin supposed to be—and went to the place for the people to visit the prisoners. He found Jimin, and she does remember him.


“Han Jimin,”


“This is YiFan’s doing, isn’t it?”


Her eyes became watery; and she started to sobs.


“I... It’s not my fault! It’s not me who did this mess... Someone—whoever that culprit is—did this nasty ,”

“Jimin, don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you’ll be free from this. I will get the , ing that made this,”

“Luhan, thank you so much,”


Luhan touch the glass that separates them. He wished that he could caress her cheek, hug her so she would stop crying. He left her and sets oath that he will catch him, because he could guess it when YiFan discussed about Sehun with Jimin.

His clock showed 8.30 p.m. He quickly took out his phone, and dialed someone’s number. His eyes are filled with anger by that time.





He went to a coffee shop to meet YiFan, who was sitting there invitingly while drinking a cup of Caramel Macchiato. Luhan went straight to him and point his finger to YiFan’s face.


“Why do you put those drugs inside her room? Why?!”

“Calm down Xi. It’s not my fault and what are you talking about?”

“Jimin, you made this, didn’t you?”

“Oh, it’s my plan and it got rejected by Sehun. But I swear to god, I never did this,”

“How can I trust you?”

“Join me Xi, catching the culprit. Because he’s ruining my life,”

I think that it will end in 6-5 more chapters or might be more or less. [I'm bad in estimating]

Anyway how do you find my stories so far? I guess it isn't that good since I didn't achieve my goal. 'Views, comments and subscriber'

Since it's my first time so I don't care much. You readers never disappoint me^^

As normal,

PLEASE  C O M M  E N T         A N D               S U B S C RI B E ! 

-X O X O

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Chapter 8: I hope Luhan gets better!!
Chapter 4: Ahh! I love it hehe! ^___^
Chapter 3: This is so interesting!! I hope you update soon! ^___^