Chapter 6

A day when I miss you

After they have an recess. Kc go immediately to their room. While Kc go to the room Kai and Sehun go  to the classroom too. Kc study about to their assignment in Mapeh. 

Sehun asked Kc"What's the assignment in Mapeh???". 

Kc"Yes,we have an assignment in Mapeh. Our assignment in Mapeh was all about the traditonal dances of Korea!!!!.".

Sehun"Can I copy  your assignment Kc???".

Kc"Ofcourse, Sehun you can copy my assignment because your my bestfriend!!!!.".

Sehun copy the notes of Kc. Sehun"Bestfriend only? Why Kc you don't like me". Kc don't know that Sehun like her?.

Kai go to the side of Kc and Sehun and said"What are you doing Kc and Sehun???".

Kc and Sehun"We are doing our assignment in Mapeh!!!".              Kai"Can I copy your notes in Mapeh Kc????".Kc"Yes, you may Kai!!!".

Their teacher go to their classroom. Their teacher ask them"Do you made your assignment's at home class???".Kc,Kai and Sehun said"Yes, mam!! we made our assignment's in Mapeh".Their classmates was so shocked and said"Why we don't have any assignments???". Kai,Kc and Sehun passed their assignments to their teacher.

Their teacher asked her student's"Why only 3 student's only passed  their assignments???Wheres the other paper only 3 papers???". 

The student was so silent when their teacher asked them"Wheres your assignments???".

Kai,Sehun and Kc only passed their assignments. They got perfect score in their assignment. Yoona congratulate Kai because Kai have a perfect score. Yoona"Wow Kai your so brilliant!!!!". Kai"It's only because of Kc who help me at my assignments". Yoona"That Kc was so joiners huh I don't like her. She get my only love and it was Kai". Kai"Yoona was only thinking of herself". But Kai actually seen the face of Yoona was murmuring.

Kai asked to himself "When their was no teacher in our front I will tell to Yoona that I don't like her and she was so ugly". He stamped his feet on the floor and Yoona saw it.


Yoona"Why Kai stamped his feet, I think it was Kc who fight Kai???". Then Yoona go to the right side of Kai's chair and said"Kai are you okay did Kc bully you???.". Kai"Kc do not do something to me. I was justttt angry to the other person their".

Yoona go back to her proper seating arrangement. The bell rang because it's time to go home. It was exactly 4:30 P.M. .

Their teacher say "Goodbye students,see you tommorow and God bless you :)".

TO BE CONTINUED.                                                                          By:Angelineperez




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Forever12 #1
Chapter 1: Where's seohyun?
Forever12 #2
Go geline you can do it! Update ok? Hehehe have a nice story.... I will wait for your update