Chapter 1

A day when I miss you



One day there was a school name Dream Academy.There was a new girl in the school named Kc.

First day of school when she met the famous group.As he look to the group exo.

She said to herself "I wish i had a boyfriend like kai" when she imagine.There was a boy look at him it was sehun.Who look at her and ask"What are you doing"sehun said"?

Kc was so shy and embarrased what she did".When sehun met Kc they always eat  lunch in the canteen".

When they eat at the canteen they was a boy looking at Kc and it was Kai looking at Kc. Sehun noticed Kai looking at Kc. Sehun was so jrpealous so he cover the face of Kai.

They fight and Kc stop and walk out . Sehun and Kai regret to each other why Kc was angry!.

Kc go to their classroom.She slept. Sehun and Kai where looking at the face of Kc while sleeping.

Kc woke up. Sehun and Kai where pretending reading books. Kc was imagining and tell to herself and said "why is this two guy starring at me? ".

The bell ring and all student go to thier science laboratory. Sehun was boasting to Kc. Sehun dont know that Kc was the valedectorian .

Their  teacher was telling them to make an experiment. KC was the first one finish. Sehun and KAi was shockedwhen Kc was the first one to finish.

SEhun and Kai was murmuring to each other and said " Why KC was so fast?" Sehun said while KAi was so shocked.

After that their class was done. They go to thier classroom . The science class was the last lesson.  After that they go home.

Sehun go to the side of Kc and said " Can i drive you home?". Kc was so quiet. Then Kai appear and tell something that he will send Kc home.

KC don't  even tell even 1 word. Kai and sehun was letting Kc will answer.

Their was a girl go to Kai and whisper "Chen said that you and other members of Exo will go home...". KAi said that "what I will talk to Kc first. WAit a second".

KAi go to Kc's side and said "we will go home now,Bye Kc" Sehun said bye too to Kc.

Sehun sighs and said ashhhhhhh... why we will go home?????". Kai laugh. "

Kc was home and go to her room and write to her diary about what happen to her first day of school.

Kc dont eat and sleep early.


Kc woke up earlier and eat his breakfast, take bath, and prepare her things to school.

After that. She go to school. She go to the main bulletin of their school. Their was a news that SNSD will be here in their school.

She was so happy. Kai and Sehun go to Kc and tell " Good morning :) " Kc tell Kai and Sehun that SNSD will be here in their school.

The bell ring.

The teacher announced that Snsd will be here in our school will enroll.

Yoona,Jessica,Taeyeon,Yuri,Hyohyeon,Sunny,Tiffany,Sooyoung, and Seohyun. Their new classmates.



 To be continued... :)


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Forever12 #1
Chapter 1: Where's seohyun?
Forever12 #2
Go geline you can do it! Update ok? Hehehe have a nice story.... I will wait for your update