
Come With Love

"You dance too?" I turned my head to him excitedly. He just nodded as he chocked down his chocolate bread. "I started when I was in primary school. But it had been such long time since the last time I danced. I can be a little stiff though." He answered. "Nice. Join us then. We're currently practicing for our musical." I responded. "That would be nice." He answered with a smile formed on his pink lips.

We, Luhan and I, walked side-by-side to the practice room when suddenly I saw Hoya and Hyuna together from the other end of the hallway. I'm sure they didnn't even see me walking with this guy beside me here. They were too focus on what the person beside them was talking.  At the sight of the two people walking side-by-side, talking to each other happily, and laughing like there was no tomorrow, an idea suddenly hit my head as I turned to look at Luhan who was still focusing on his iPhone screen. I smirked to my own idea before stepped into the practice room. I put my bags on the couch before took out my phone and set it on the silent mode. 

Minutes later, Hoya and Hyuna arrived at the practice room, still laughing about the things they said earlier. Hoya made his way straight to me before he hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. "hey babe, miss you so much." he whispered. I smiled to his words before kissed his cheek and replied my "I miss you too." I took a glance at Hyuna as soon as we realesed the hug and smirked to her reaction - she rolled her eyes before made her way to the other side of the practice room. 

It took about 20 minutes before all members were ready and while waiting for all members to arrive and got ready, I took a chance to teach Luhan a few of our steps, hoping that he'll learn fast and got to join us - so that my 'plan' will go smoothly. Well, I talked to Hoya how Luhan insisted to join the group and how he told me that he'll try his best to catch-up with the others, and without a doubt, he agreed with Luhan joining us, which made me feel like jumping up and down happily. After about 15 minutes of learning and practicing the steps, I guess I can say Luhan's actually quite a quick learner. Great! 

When we were already in our position, excluding me, Luhan, Hoya and Hyuna. I heard Hoya spoke to Hyuna about he wanted to stay be my partner, which made me smiled widely, before he made his way to me. Luhan just watched us blankly. "Howon, I think you should just stay with Hyuna." I said. "But I thought you hated the idea." He asked, confused. "It's okay though. Plus, she's already confortable with your skills. It's okay. I can be partner with Luhan anyway." Luhan smiled as he looked at me with this meaningful look in his eyes and Hoya just looked at me with this horro in his eyes. "Okay then." he agreed before he kissed my forehead and made his move to Hyuna. 

"What is this?" Luhan asked as he stood beside me. "A game. The rule is easy. You just have to play along with me or I'll kick your freaking ." I said which in replied made him to chuckled at my words. We then started our practice, which actually went quite well since I can say, Luhan's actually a really great dancer. He really got along with the others really well, which is nice. Well, this mean Hoya will eventually agree by him joining the group for good. Nice! And the chance for this plan to go even smoother is getting even bigger. I smirked to myself. "Kim Hyuna, huh? Lee Howon." 

"Hey babe." I heard Hoya's voice from the side of my table. "Hey." I replied without even took a glance at him as I'm still focusing on my homework. Well, I was thinking about my plans last night so I don't have anytime for this homework thing. Plus, I don't even know that Mr. Kim would even ask us to pass this up today. By thursday, I thought he meant the next Thursday and not today. I just knew that he want us to pass this homework up by 9 a.m. this morning and I need to finish this up and no, I have no freaking time to talk to anyone now - not even my boyfriend who's now standing right beside me, waiting for me to held my head up to look at his beautifully mesmerizing good morning smile. "What are you doing?" he asked as he finally sat beside me. "Swimming." I answered sarcastically, still focusing on my homework. He chuckled to my answer before he kissed the top of my head and got up from the seat. "Well, I don't want to disturb you this morning since you seem extremely busy right now.  So I guess I'll get going now." I looked up to meet his eyes before forming a small smile on my lips and replied, "sorry babe." I said, feeling guilty. "No, it's okay. bye." he said before he waved me his goodbye. 

I watched him walked out of the class before thought to myself, "this plan have to go well or I would kill myself."


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nurizatie13 #1
Chapter 16: I think chorong with hoya but finally chorong with luhan, yeayhh! So sweet chohan!
Penawar #2
Chapter 16: yeayy ! finally its chohan !!! haha
Its a good story authornim and you end it sweetly haha
hope to see your other fanfic about chohan again ! :D
have a nice day authornim :)
Chapter 16: yeay chohan! :D

thanks for the story ^^
Penawar #4
Chapter 14: I'm glad you still update this fic ! :D
anyway,update soon :D
hwaiting !
farahnabilah #5
Chapter 13: Chapter 14:Please continue
rashdan7 #6
Chapter 13: Please continue
Chapter 12: Please continue this!<3
Penawar #8
Chapter 12: please continue