
Come With Love

"Alright guys! That's a wrap for today." Howon announced before all the dancers made their way out of the room, leaving me, Howon, Luhan and Hyuna. I was wiping my sweat when Howon approached me. "I need to talk with you about something. I'll walk you home." I took a glance of Hyuna's hidden smirk before turned back to him. "Sorry, I got a plan with Luhan. Got something to do. I'll just walk with him." I replied. "Plus, she really needs you right now." I whispered to him before walked out of the room with Luhan followed from behind.

"Hey, you know what, I think you really need to think about this plan carefully. I know you don't want to hurt him. And just so you know, everything might end badly if you continue this. You might hurt him, or yourself, or what even worst, both of you. Your relationship might end badly, and so many other consequences that you need to think about. Think about it. If that really happens, everything about this will haunt you for the rest of your life. This plan you're working on right now, the things you said to him, the things he said to you, and even these things I'm saying right now will follow you everywhere you go. This ain't easy, you know. So please, think carefully." Luhan suddenly said, making my steps felt heavier that I stopped walking. 

"You know what, if you really want to help me, just shut the hell up and do your work. You already agreed on this one right? You agreed to help me? About the consequences, no need to remind me. I know what I'm doing. So, if you really want to help me, you can shut the hell up. If not, it's still not too late to turn back." I replied angrily.

"Whoa, hold up there. What's that for?" Luhan said, probably shocked by my sudden burst out. I let out a sigh before took a seat on one of the bench. He followed my action and sat beside me on the bench. "Look, I know what it's like to see your lover with someone else, especially when that 'someone else' is your enemy. I mean, biggest enemy. It . It really is. I know. I understand the feeling. It's just that I don't want you to hurt. It's so not good. Trust me." he said, sounding way calmer than before.

"You want to know why I didn't enter the class on the first period?" I asked. He nodded lightly, "why?" he asked. "I was too lazy to enter the class after I hand up my homework to Mr. Kim so I just wandered around the school before I saw something. I walked passed a room and saw Hoya and Hyuna together. I'm actually fine with them sitting together, but listening to what they were saying, really hurt me." I then told him everything that I heard earlier. The tears that I held back before now rolled down my cheeks as every word escaped from my mouth. 

Luhan's POV

I don't know why, but I feel like she really believe me wholeheartedly. She told me everything about Hoya and Hyuna, which I'm sure she'd never told anyone about it before, she made me work out this plan with her, and the most important thing is, she is now crying in front of me. I know I have to do something but I'm not sure what is it. With much hesitation, I pulled her into my embrace slowly, and to my surprise, she didn't fight back. In fact, she hugged me back and burried her face on my neck. I could feel her tears on the spot as I felt she tightened her grip on my shirt. I caressed her back slowly, trying to calm her down and I guessed it worked out. I could feel her breath became slower as she slowly pulled away from me. 

"That was embarrasing." She said with little laugh as she wiped her tears. I chuckled at her comment. "No matter how embarrasing it is, I found you actually look cute when you cry. I guess I should make you cry more often after this." I said, followed with a laugh. She then hit me on my arm before she got up and made her 'let's go' sign. I followed her step and a question suddenly popped out in my head, "Hey, what actually I have to do? You only told me that I have to help you to make him jealous and that's all. Could you please enlighten me what actually my job is?" I asked.

"I need you to be with me like all the time. Like, going to school together, spending free times together and going back from school together. Make him feels like I don't need him anymore and make it looks like I . . . have fallen for you." My heart skipped a beat as she finished her words. "Fallen for you." I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I tried to process the words in my head. I shook my head to get the thought out of my head and before I could clear my head completely, I felt a warm touch on my right hand. I tried my best to hide my burning face as I felt her hand on my skin.  She smiled cutely to me, "I'm hungry. Let's grab something to eat." She said as she pulled me to the nearest convenience store. We then grabbed a cup of ramen each before we head back home.

"Make it looks like I have fallen for you." the voice kept on replaying in my head since this evening. "What if he'll leave her for real? What if they really break up? What if . . ." I shook my head vigorously to brushed the thoughts out of my head. Too many 'what if's playing in my head right now. "What if it's really happening?" My innerside kept talking to itself. "Stop it, Luhan!" I shook my head again before turned my focus back on my homework. I was on my way completing the third question when suddenly my phone rang. 'Crooked' by G-Dragon burst out from my phone's speaker. I observed the name on the screen before my lips curled up, forming a smile. I slided the phone before put it on my ear. "Hello, Mr. Choi."

Hoya's POV

"So, the answer is 20!" Chorong said excitedly as she wrote the answer on the space before she closed the book. "I feel so stupid for not knowing how to answer that." she said, followed with a sigh. I then put my hand around her shoulder and carressed it gently, "it's okay. You already know how to do it now. I'm sure you can do it in the future." I said before I kissed the side of her head. She thanked me before kissed me back on my cheek.

"I got something important to talk with you." I said as I put my serious mask on. She then put her hands around my neck. "What is that 'very important' thing that my boyfriend right here need to talk with me that he has to put this mask on his face, huh?" she asked, probably trying to make the situation looks less tense. I smiled at her action before brought my head closer to her. "See me at the rooftop on free time, alone." I whispered. She shivered as my warm breath hit her skin before turn her face to me. "Of course. Anything for my baby." She answered followed by her unfamous teeth-showing smile. I kissed the top of her head before said, "Alright, I need to go now. Class is starting." which made her pouted. "Already?" she asked." I smiled at her cuteness. "Yes, already. 10minutes before class starting, babe." I replied before planted another kiss on her head. "Okay then. See you on free time." She said before kissed my lips softly. I smiled to her before got up and made my way to my classroom.

 Chorong's POV

I watched him walked out of the classroom as I let out a long sigh. "How can I make him jealous when he always make me crazy everytime he's near me." I monologue to myself before I felt a finger poked my shoulder. "Morning, Luhan." I greeted him cheerfully. "Morning." Luhan replied simply as he took his seat beside me.

"What is it?" I asked, since I realize he actually got something that he's thinking about. "What what?" he asked back, confused. "Something's bothering you right? Tell me." I said. "I don't know if I should say this, but since you've asked me. So, when did the plan is going to start?" he asked. I bit my lower lip before answered, "today." "Then what was that I saw just now?" he replied, and I could tell he is actually very serious about this one.


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nurizatie13 #1
Chapter 16: I think chorong with hoya but finally chorong with luhan, yeayhh! So sweet chohan!
Penawar #2
Chapter 16: yeayy ! finally its chohan !!! haha
Its a good story authornim and you end it sweetly haha
hope to see your other fanfic about chohan again ! :D
have a nice day authornim :)
Chapter 16: yeay chohan! :D

thanks for the story ^^
Penawar #4
Chapter 14: I'm glad you still update this fic ! :D
anyway,update soon :D
hwaiting !
farahnabilah #5
Chapter 13: Chapter 14:Please continue
rashdan7 #6
Chapter 13: Please continue
Chapter 12: Please continue this!<3
Penawar #8
Chapter 12: please continue