chapter 25

Was Alone - Not Anymore [Discontinued]

It was finally the day before the fundraiser and you were invited by Suho to come over his and D.O.'s home to help bake a few batches of cookies and mini cakes. 

You gladly accepted the invitation and arrived at their house in the evening.

"So flour, sugar, baking soda, salt..." D.O. named off all of the ingredients listed on the recipe while you and Suho grabbed them off the shelves.

After gathering all of the ingredients, you, D.O., and Suho mixed them together to create batter for the cakes.

An hour or so passed by and the kitchen was filled with a delicious aroma that made your mouth water. The time finally went off and you got out of the way so that D.O. could get the treats out of the oven. The mini cakes and cookies lay on the tray on the cooling rack while you, D.O., and Suho relaxed on the couch resting. 

"Success!" Suho said, pumping a fist in the air. You and D.O.smiled, having the same happiness as Suho. At that time, Suho got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. He came back into the room with a cookie in his hand and put it in front of you.

"Take the first bite," Suho said, smiling. D.O., on the other hand looked from the cookie, to you, then to Suho and pouted slightly. Before you could even take a bite, D.O. leaned over and took the whole cookie into his mouth.

Suho's smile disappeared and his eyes looked down into D.O.'s ingenuous and innocent big eyes. 

"Yah,"  Suho threatened. D.O. gave him a double thumbs up.

"It's good," D.O. observed and nodded his head. He went into the kitchen and came back out with another cookie and held it out to you. 

"Eat it," D.O. offered and you took it in between your teeth. But at the same time, Suho leaned towards the cookie, and also took it between his teeth. The two of you froze and looked at each other. D.O.'s mouth opened out of surprise. Suho bit into the cookie and averted his sight to something else. As he chewed, he looked away, his ears turning pink. You did the same and suddenly, the atmosphere became awkward and silent. Just then, your phone vibrated in the silence and you answered it.

"Hello?" You spoke.

"Eunhee-yah. You better come on home," Your brother said and hung up. You blinked in surprise because he never did that before. He would always make sure you'd answer back and then hang up.

"O-okay," you stuttered and put your phone away. "That was wierd," You whispered.

"Anything wrong?" D.O. asked, seeing your worried expression.

"No. Well I better go home now," You said and made your way to the door. 

"See you tomorrow," Suho said and you waved back in return and closed the door behind you.

You walked down their driveway and looked towards your home. There was a car parked in your driveway. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand and squinted.

"Mom and dad's home?" You whispered and quickly ran back to your home. You opened the front door slowly and you immediately heard yelling inside.

"You're the reason that we got kicked out!" 

"I swear! I am not the reason! That boyfriend of yours is the problem!"

You furrowed your eyebrows. 

*What boyfriend?* you thought. *It can't be mom's. It can't be.* You tried assuring yourself. You peeked into the room where the fight was happening and sure enough, it was your mom and dad who were the ones yelling back and forth. Jaehyun was just on the side, looking back and forth, from parent to parent. 

"Umma, Appa. What's the matter?" You asked rather quietly.

"Eunhee-yah, it's nothing. Go upstairs and wash up," Your mother said softly and your father rolled his eyes.

"Your so two-faced! I can't even bear it anymore! Just go live with that rotten guy from now on," Your dad yelled and your mother stomped her foot, becoming more irate. She got in her husband's face and huffed.

"Fine I will!" Your mother spat and slammed the front door closed. Your father sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I'm sorry, kids," Your father said and Jaehyun stepped up.

"Appa, I still didn't get to tell you both something though," Jaehyun said, slightly disappointed.


"Well I'm gonna get married," Your brother finally said and your father just looked up at him and tried to smile.

"Jaehyun ah. You sure got big didn't you? When is it?" Your father asked and you started up the stairs. 

You sat on your bed and covered your eyes with your hands and sighed.

"What's happening to my life? It was going just fine but now look. Another problem," you murmured.

The next morning you woke up at 8:00. 

"We're supposed to get there by 9, right?" You murmured. Your phone vibrated and you took it in your hand. "Don't forget that it's at 9, okay? From Lay," You read and got ready in a sluggish way. You ate, said hi to your brother and father and then got a text from Mimi.

'I'm waiting outside with Lay, Luhan, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun. Come on out!'

You grabbed a light jacket, put your shoes on, picked up your used items bag, and finally went outside. You waved at Mimi and the fours guys and they waved back. After picking up the rest of the guys and Soojin, the fifteen of you headed towards the school with the many baked goods and used items. On the arrival, the teacher led all of you to two tents that stood side by side; one for the baked goods and the other for the items. The fifteen of you set up right away.

"This is gonna be so fun!" Mimi exclaimed and Soojin nodded, staring off into space. You grinned and set up your used items on the table neatly. Just then, a shadow fell on the table. 

"Hi, Welc-" Mimi started but frowned right away. "No wonder. It's too early for the customers anyway." You, Soojin, and Mimi finally set up your used items neatly on the table when Minjoo came by. Minjoo picked up one item after one and dropped them carelessly back on the table.

"Let's see. This one's trash. Oh, this one is too. Hmm... All of this isn't suited for even a beggar," Minjoo said nonchalantly. You clenched your fists in your pocket and rolled your eyes. Sehun came over to your table with the guy's used items and put it on the table when he saw the mess. 

"It's messy," Sehun observed furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know, right? They're so bad at organizing!" Minjoo said disgusted. Sehun pretended not to hear her though.

"I'll help," He said, starting to tidy up the disorganized items. Mimi stuck her tongue out at Minjoo. Minjoo scoffed out of disbelief and stomped her way towards the guy's table and suddenly became calm.

Her eyes widened at the variety of the baked goods and she looked at each one of the guys with an open mouth.

"This looks so good! Who made them?" Minjoo asked and everyone raised their hands. "I bet this will be sold in no time!" She encouraged and when she turned to leave, she glanced towards your table and scoffed.

"That was the least damage I will ever do," Minjoo murmured and smirked as she went to her own group's table.

The quantity of items on the item table averaged ten items per person, and the food table had at least ten of each type.


By the end of the fundraising day, every baked good was sold and probably half of the items were sold.

"It went by really smoothly," Chanyeol said happily and Baekhyun nodded in agreement. Xiumin pouted.

"I couldn't have even one treat," Xiumin said disappointed but instantly smiled. "But at least we made others happy!" Luhan swung an arm around Xiumin's shoulder and nodded.

"We also got a lot of money," Luhan said.

"How much per person was it again?" Tao asked. 

"How do you not remember? It's $200, stupid," Kris answered confidently.

"Kris-hyung. It's $150," Chen corrected, bursting out in laughter. Kris blinked and was left speechless.

"Same thing," Kris murmured and went over to you.

"How's your sales going?" Kris asked putting a hand on your head.

"Pretty good, actually," You answered looking up. You kept looking up, and for the first time, you realized how tall Kris was. 

"You're tall," You squeaked and Kris smirked.

"You just realized? That kid over there's probably as tall as me too," Kris said, pointing at Chanyeol who was at that time, cracking a joke and laughing at it. You nodded and you started putting your things into the bag. 

It was now 12:00 pm and everyone started to leave for lunch.

"Where do you want to go?' Suho asked the group.

"I want to go to-" Mimi started, but someone interrupted her. It was Minjoo and her group of four friends.

"Can we join?" Minjoo asked innocently. You, Soojin, and especially Mimi boiled in anger, and didn't have to hesitate in saying 'no'. But the guys, however had a hard time saying 'no' especially to girls.

"No," You blurted and everyone's eyes turned to you. Even you were surprised at what you just said. 

*Aish! Why did I say that!?* You mentally hit yourself on the head as you saw Minjoo staring at you.

"Excuse me?" Minjoo warned, blinking.

"That's right. You heard Eunhee. You can't join us," Mimi said stepping towards her.

"Suho-oppa, is what they're saying true?" Minjoo asked, looking at Suho with puppy eyes. You and Mimi rolled your eyes. 

*Why do I have to be put on the spot? I just can't say 'no'!* Suho thought, troubled. He looked towards you and saw your worried face. He just couldn't say 'yes' either.

"Uhh..."  Suho started. The guys looked at him curiously for his answer.

"We can go for lunch together either today or next Saturday. It's up to you," Minjoo offered.

*Maybe we can just get it over with today* Suho thought and opened his mouth to speak.

"Sure. Today. We can learn more about each other this way, I guess," Suho finally said and Minjoo smiled widely and gave you a look like she was saying 'Loser. I'll always get my way'. You gave her a glare and rolled your eyes. Suho came over to you and whispered into your ear.

"Sorry. Better to get it over with, right?" You nodded understanding. You turned towards him to say something, but you noticed that he wasn't there. You looked around, and in the front, Minjoo was holding onto Suho's arm, dragging him forward. Her other four friends were hogging Kris, Lay, Kai, and Baekhyun.

The girl holding onto Kai bumped into you on purpose, making you bump into a scary looking man.

"What the hell?" The man cursed at you and you bowed slightly in apology.

"Noona, what did the man do to you?" Sehun asked ready to defend you from anyone. You chuckled.

"I'm fine, don't worry," You assured him and he shrugged.

"That's good," Sehun said relieved and the twenty of you arrived at a street vendor. You all sat around the bench and ate the food there.

As you ate, you looked over at Suho and Minjoo. Minjoo was feeding Suho, but he didn't seem to be having much fun. You could tell that Suho had to make himself smile and laugh.

"Eunhee, aren't they giving them the wrong picture of themselves?" Soojin whispered to you and Mimi.

"Obviously," Mimi answered. The three of you were pushed towards the end of the seat, while Minjoo's group sat in between the guys.

You shivered at the sight of Minjoo feeding Suho, and you also felt something else. But what was it? You didn't know the answer until the time for the ski trip came by.

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cactusinexo-l #1
Chapter 23: Sorry, But i am still not catch who is tim?
Chapter 34: This is really really cute! I'm glad I found this. And totally shipping her and Suho!
parkshinda #3
Chapter 32: wooww!! oh my god :))) pls update!
Chapter 31: why did suho agree t_t thanks for the update~
Chapter 30: OMG i think Minjoo will carry out her plan on this >< hope Eunhee is okay >< thx for the update~
RachAlexandrea #6
Chapter 30: Aaah! You've got to love some running man!
Chapter 29: yeap i hope suho accepts Minjoo then Eunhee can accept others :>
shiryokeii #8
Chapter 29: thanks for the updaate~
chunjoe1004 #9
nice story!
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 24: Happy LUNAR New Year! As we leave the Year of the Snake and go forward into the Year of the Horse, Wood aspect, I wish you all good health and happiness! EXCEPT YOU MINJOO! You can just go away and leave Eun Hee alone!