My Mother's Funeral.....But Where is dad?

Although I am stupid, I fell in love with you...........

Krystal's POV



I was ready and dressed in a black dress with a black  hat with a veil, i didn't want to go, but i was forced, i also heard that dad is coming to the funeral.....i hope he comes back into the house and apologises that he left me and mum abandoned, but that was not enough, i hated him, i disliked him.....HE WAS NOT THE DAD I KNEW BEFORE, I was nervous again for some reason i don't know why i was nervous, but i had this feeling when i was upset.


I went downstairs and wore my black heels and opened the door, i was nervous that people are going to look at me like this, thinking i am a sad,stupid person....but this isn't stupid mourning about someone..? was it?..... i asked my self but i ignored the question, i walked instead of getting the bus, the funeral wasn't that far, it was only a 15 mins walk, i walked near the park, and turned until i saw that boy again





There were gangs of boys walking behind me with a knife, i looked behind me again,

i heard my mum's voice,telling me to run......i thought it was the biggest rejection

in my life but i ran, they ran after me as well but i turned and hid down the bush and watched

until they were gone, i was really scared,terrified

i stood up and left the bush and ran again then *bump* i bumped into this boy when i fell down, 

he had a really cute puppy eyes staring down down to me

*hearts beats faster*








''Oh do i remember you from Somewhere....? wait it was you who bumped into me right, i never got the time to say my name and sorry about that if i scared you away, my name is Jonghyun I am korean i play in a band'' said the boy smiling at me, when i heard the BAND, i lifted my head up instead of staring down at the floor, i looked at the boy and said in a hesitant way '' M....M...My is k-krystal'' i said nervously ''You have a really nice name Krystal'' said Jonghyun proudly, ''T-Thank Y-you'' i said hesitantly, '' not to be rude or butting into your life you have a funeral to go to?'' asked jonghyun nervously ''My mum died  when i was 5 and my dad left me and my mum before she died, so i have no one with me, i don't have friends, but i used to.......i used to play in a band as well but i stopped'' i said strongly but nervously ''oh...i am sorry if i kinda.....'' i interrupted ''its ok...........IHAVETOGODOSOMETHING'' i said in a hurry i walked away, blushing.



When i walked into the graveyard, i saw my auntie and uncle crying and when they saw me they ran to me hugging, i hated it when they did that, i hated everyone in the world, why was it me that karma chose, why is it me! i wanted to shout at everyone but i didn't want to at the same time, they both took my hand like a little baby, i couldn't reject because they would think i was really sad then they would have to live with me..UGH no this isn't going to happen.



I waited and waited but dad wasn't here,they started the funeral without him, everyone was crying and screaming out of there life, but i was just standing there looking down on the grave without crying or screaming, i saw my band, luna,sulli,victoria and amber.....they were also wearing did they know i was going to come.....sulli looked at me but i looked away trying not to make anyone looking at me, luna was the closest friend i knew, she would always be there for me....but i betrayed all of them by not talking to them and not practicing with them. When the Funeral ended, i walked away like usual but someone grabbed my arm i turned to see, it was luna crying with victoria and sulli except amber wasn't crying but i knew she was sad because she is a tomboy, ''Krystal where have you been all these days, i missed you!'' said luna while crying ''Please leave me alone'' i said while i swallowed the tears ''NO! i CAN'T LEAVE YOU LIKE THIS KRYSTAL! YOUR LIKE MY SISTER! YOUR MORE THAN A SISTER KRYSTAL!'' shouted Luna, i turned away and walked while listening to luna,victoria and sulli crying. I saw amber leaning on the tree and saw me, ''are you just going to walk away like that krystal because its not going to work, we are tying to help you, your not making any sense all you do is just turn back away from us....YOU BETRAYED US KRYSTAL, i have been trying to ask you this question before... but where you just pretending to be our friends just to get in the band?'' said amber angrily ''no....i wasn't pretending......that was the past...i know i am not helping....sorry, but i have to go'' i said, i walked away hearing amber shouting at the back of my body ''YAH!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU JUST GOING TO ALWAYS WALK AWAY LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU KRYSTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR MAKING OUR BAND PART AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW YOUR SAD ABOUT YOUR MUM!!!!!!!!!! AND I UNDERSTAND SO PLEASE JUST STOP ACTING LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!'' shouted amber, and like always i walked away.....but i saw someone staring at was a boy, i thought it was my dad so i shouted ''hey!...whose there?'' the boy moved, i ran after him with my heels trying to crash down the floor, tried to get up but i heard a boy ''Hi....sorry about that if i scared you its me..Jonghyun....Do you need help'' he shot out his hand, but i ignored it this time and stood up by my self and said ''Did you hear all my conversations with my friends in the funeral?'' i said angrily ''uh.....well i saw everything when your friend cried and the one leaning on the tree-'' i interrupted ''Stop Following me and stop butting into my life, i don't need anyone to become my friend, leave me ALONE'' i said angrily and i walked away but he grabbed my arm *heart beats faster* ''Look i think you have to solve this problem, i think you need help'' he said honest ''You think I need HELP? Do you think i am mental are you going to take me to the mental hospital? I DON'T NEED HELP AND DON'T TOUCH ME'' i shouted sarcastically i moved my arms away, he grabbed my arm again facing me ''are you just going to turn away just like what you did to your friends?'' he asked '' go away, they are not my friends'' i said and i pushed him away and ran away.

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