Googly Eyes

Where I Belong
“Have you noticed anything weird about Junhyung and Hyunseung lately?” Yoseob frowned as he examined his strawberry flavored er, lips a little red from the sticky candy. 
They’d been keeping pretty busy in the weeks that followed the end of their promotions, and between Kikwang’s filming, individual members’ appearances on variety shows, and colds that had kept both Yoseob and Dongwoon out of commission for several days each, it had been a rough time for them all. Naturally, when Yoseob had shown signs of coming down with another one, Doojoon had promptly gotten rid of every scrap of candy and sugary snack, much to the displeasure of not just Yoseob but the other members as well. Doojoon had insisted that sugar would only make his cold worse, and the singer had been grumpy for days as a result. Thankfully he had since recovered and was thoroughly enjoying the lifted ban on sweets, keeping a er in his pocket at all times.
Now, as he leaned comfortably into Doojoon’s side on the living room floor, he stuck the er back into his mouth and looked around at the present members.
Dongwoon looked over at him, frowning curiously as he paused his video game. “What do you mean?” He asked. Kikwang continued to do sit-ups nearby, something that had quickly become a normal thing on the evenings he returned early from filming.
Yoseob shrugged and leaned his head against Doojoon’s shoulder, barely resisting the urge to hum in pleasure as familiar fingers sifted through his hair. It was difficult to concentrate with Doojoon massaging his head like that, but he’d gotten better at ignoring it over time. “Uh..” Well, pretending to, anyway. “Well, it’s just.. Haven’t you noticed how Junnie treats him?”
“Treats him how?” Kikwang asked as he came up and then laid back again. Dongwoon’s gaze had strayed toward his hyung, watching him in thinly disguised admiration.
“He gets all googly eyed every time Hyunseung enters a room.” 
Kikwang stopped doing his sit-ups and Dongwoon joined him in looking at Yoseob in surprise. The singer sighed in exasperation. “Oh come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed! The fans are posting about it all over the café!”
“Junhyung’s giving Seungie googly eyes?” Dongwoon asked. 
Doojoon snickered at the choice of words, and Yoseob elbowed him in the ribs. “Yeah,” He narrowed his eyes and ignored the shaking that said their leader was fighting not to laugh. “You seriously didn’t notice anything?”
“Well, not about Junhyung,” Kikwang said with a frown. He scratched the back of his neck. “Hyunseung’s been giving him funny looks, though.”
“Funny looks?” Yoseob repeated curiously.
“You know, googly eyes,” Doojoon said between his teeth, then snorted and had to shield himself from the slap Yoseob directed at his chest. 
“It’s not funny!” Yoseob insisted. “They’re acting weird and I’m worried! How can you not be worried? It’s not funny, Doojoon!” 
Slowly calming down, Doojoon shook his head and ruffled Yoseob’s hair. “Relax, Seobie. They’re fine.”
“And how do you know that? Do you have some psychic abilities you’ve been keeping from us?” 
“No,” Doojoon said slowly, narrowing his eyes at the singer’s sarcasm. He sighed and turned his attention onto Dongwoon and Kikwang. It was always easier to talk to them than to Yoseob when the singer was irritated. “But they do like each other, so it’s not really weird to steal glances from time to time.”
“Well, not really from time to time,” Doojoon corrected himself absently as he scratched behind an ear. “Junhyung’s always got an eye on him, really. And Hyunseung always looks to him first before answering questions in an interview… That’s a little cute, actually.”
“Wait wait wait…” Yoseob waved his hands in the air to stop the flow of words and successfully get his boyfriend’s full attention. “You’re telling us that Seungie has a crush on Junnie and vice versa?”
Doojoon just stared at him calmly. “No, I’m telling you that they like each other. Their feelings are more than a simple crush.”
“Why haven’t they told us?!”
“Because they were worried you’d take it badly. I’m so glad to see they were wrong,” Doojoon replied, lofting a brow.
Yoseob looked sufficiently chastened. “Sorry.. But why wouldn’t they tell us? We’re friends, right?”
Doojoon sighed. “Because they haven’t really done anything about it yet. They aren’t even going out, Seobie. Relax.”
“But they like each other?” Dongwoon asked, his game forgotten. “Like… Like like?”
“Wow…” Kikwang mumbled, both brows arched as he gazed blankly at the wall. “Hyunseung and Junhyung… The fans will be thrilled.”
Yeah, right! Like the company would ever let them say anything!” Yoseob laughed, then frowned again. “I still wish they’d say something to us though… Do you think they will, Doojoonie?”
His boyfriend smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek. “When they’re ready to.”


When I sat down to write tonight's chapter, my intention was to finish the story completely, regardless of the chapter length in the end. The boys got away from me. :P I realized as I finished this chapter that to finish it all tonight would not give the boys the deference they deserve. So, there will be at least two more chapters in Junhyung and Hyunseung's POV. I might end up doing a final chapter after that, or I may end it with the 25th chapter and be done with it. Whatever happens, please keep reading and enjoy the story! I've loved seeing all your comments!

On another note, the results of the poll have decided... The next story will be centered around Dooseob. Hanchul came in a close second, so guess what I'll be doing after Dooseob. 

Until next chapter, lovelies!

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Chapter 27: Still rereading this story on 2018.^^
89_junseung #2
Chapter 28: Yep! Just finished another round of this sweet Junseung. Thanks, author-nim!
89_junseung #3
Chapter 27: I just can't control the Junseung feels. Just finished rereading. Haha. Talk about obsession. I don't want this to end.
89_junseung #4
Chapter 28: Wow. Just wow. This made me believe in Junseung more. Haha. Thank you so much for this amazing fic. Will be rereading this.
Sekitani #5
It was sooooo good !! It was my first time reading a beast fic and wow it was so great !

Really good job authornim!
miyui-chan #6
Chapter 5: nice, i really like it. c:
Chapter 28: Awww this was really cute
I trully enjoyed readig it. I hope you cintinue writing, be it junseung or other pairing you may like. You're talented. :)
Chapter 27: awwwww why does it ended already....
i just like this fic soooo much and i enjoy the entire plot
i enjoy every chapie too...
this is sooooooo good....
i've just developed my junseung feeling and i glad i read this one
Chapter 22: i'm addicted to this....
gosh...the interaction seemed sooooo real...
Keyq1998 #10
Chapter 28: love it!<3