
Peter Pan's Sister [Hiatus]


“What are you still doing here?” Baekhyun stepped out of the car. Krystal noticed that he’s no longer wearing his uniform. Instead, he’s changed into his white v-neck, leather jacket, black fitted pants, and black Converse with a black cap on his head.

Krystal did not know why but she felt herself relax after seeing him. Maybe because she felt alone and scared in the streets outside her school and it’s already getting dark.

“T-the one who’s supposed to fetch me still did not arrive.”

“C’mon, I’ll just drive you. It’s getting late already.” What the—seriously Byun Baekhyun, WHAT WAS THAT? DRIVE YOU?! You look like a lame fourth grader trying to flirt.

 “W-what’s the problem? Are you alright?” Baekhyun walked closer as he saw her face darken.

She doesn’t want to tell him the real reason why she’s still here but she’s afraid he might just laugh at her. Who wouldn’t he find it hilarious if someone doesn’t even know the way to their own house? But right now, she doesn’t have much of a choice. It’s also starting to get dark.

“I-I… I don’t know where I live…” Krystal said in a hushed voice.

Baekhyun was about to laugh when he remembered their little conversation earlier.

“I’m from L.A.”

“So, uh, you don’t know Seoul too well? Or..”

“It’s only been a week since I moved here.”

“You really don’t know the way to your house? You should call them back there so someone could pick you up.”

Krystal gave her an incredulous look. Oh. Of course, that would be the first thing she’ll do.

It’s already 6:42 pm and open mic starts at 8:00 but since the owner has become quite fond of him, he can use the remaining time before the bar officially opens to practice for a little bit. He can be a gentleman and stay with her until her chauffer picks her up or he could be the less-gentleman Baekhyun, which shows up more often, and just leave her be.

“It’s okay. You can go. I can take care of myself.”

“I can stay wi—I insist on staying with you here until your car arrives. W-will you let me?” Baekhyun responded a little too abrupt, catching Krystal off guard. She just looked at him with that icy stare to which he immediately dodged. Quite oddly, he decided to be the gentleman. He was even surprised himself when he did not even have second thoughts on accompanying her.

“I-it’s not that I’ll do anything to you, you know…”

“I didn’t say that. But really, you should go. It seems like you’re about to head off somewhere. Thank you, by the way.”

“Nope, not going anywhere.” Lie. “I was on my way home when I saw you.” More lies.

He inserted his hands on his pockets and shrugged as if to emphasize that he’s really not going anywhere. He sat to where Krystal is sitting and he immediately found it uncomfortable. But he did not forget that he’s being a gentleman and decided to just take care of his later on. He suddenly thought about Krystal and how inconvenient their sitting position is. Baekhyun thought of an idea and immediately stood on his feet.

“Wait. I’ll be right back.”

Krystal could only watch as he hastily went back inside his car and started the engine. A first she thought he’s gonna take off but instead, he maneuvered his car, specifically to where the driver seat is, closer to where she’s sitting. She stood up hastily, afraid of her feet getting ran over by the tires since the car parked a little too close to where she is, leaving only a good two feet.

After being satisfied by his good sense of estimation, Baekhyun stepped out of the car but left the door widely open.

“What are you doing?”

“Sit here while waiting.” He casually pointed to the driver’s seat.

A moment later, Krystal found herself sitting inside the Baekhyun’s car with his legs out on the street, facing the railings she occupied earlier. She was grateful that he’s really being a gentleman to her, though her facial features might not reflect her gratitude.

“T-Thank you..”

Baekhyun is not normally curious with girls. He’s had his fair share of relationships but they don’t really last for long. Usually, they’re just because she’s pretty or she came up to him first—but he’s definitely not after . Yes, he’s not a but that doesn’t mean he only says yes to a relationship because of it. He usually initiates the break up when he feels like she’s already being too girly, gossipy, or unreasonably nosy about his life.

But somehow, seeing Krystal, he suddenly wanted to know more about her. She doesn’t seem like the normal girls you see out there who puts on a ton of make up to school, wakes up early to perfectly straighten or curl their hair, or simply fall head over heels for him. Which has happened a lot and annoyed him to death. She’s very pretty but he doesn’t seem to find her flaunting it. In fact, she seemed to hide it from the world by covering it up with her hair. It surprised him that he has a lot to say about a girl when he normally doesn’t just care.

For one and a half hour, they both waited for her car to come. Somehow, they have started a conversation which he didn’t mind at all. She wasn’t at all boring. She’s even intelligent and she was able to respond to his questions about quizzical things. Their topic ranged from politics to space travel and her answers are witty and she’s also shared a little about her own views and opinions. He chuckled to himself as he thought about talking these kinds of things to his last girlfriend, Minji. She would just complain and say in an eerie high pitched tone, “Oppa that’s so boring! Why don’t we just go shopping?

It was already 8:31 when a white car, which Krystal has been waiting since forever, pulled up across the street. She immediately recognized the guy and called over for his attention. Heechul immediately crossed the street with guilt written all over his face.

“K-krystal I’m so, so sorry for letting you wait for so long. Kris called me and said he needed thi—ohmygod are you okay?!” Heechul saw her knees.

“Calm down. It’s okay. Can we just go home now?”

“A-Ah yes. Sorry. Here, let me help you.” She held on to Heechul’s arms as they started to walk towards their own car. But before they could get any further, Krystal stopped on her tracks and turned around.

“Baekhyun, thanks for everything. Bye. Be safe.” And she smiled hoping that her gratitude reached him through it. She looked directly at his eyes, a thing she normally doesn’t do, and bowed her head a little before she started to walk again.

Baekhyun dumbly stood there even as her car drove away. WHAT WAS THAT?!

The gesture was simple. It wasn’t the type of smile that showed her teeth. Just a tight lipped smile with her eyes forming crescents. But it was so beautiful, even under the lack of proper lighting, that it the air out of him. It wasn’t flirty, unlike most of the girls at school give him. He wasn’t even able to properly say goodbye and just dumbly waved his hands. Baekhyun momentarily stood there, with his right hand on his chest, totally forgetting about a tall guy waiting for him. His phone beeped—a text message.

< From: Park Do-bi >


Shoot. He forgot about Chanyeol and their “date.”

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I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. college and well, being a premed even more. Lol. Thank you for subscribing! ♥


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Dang I knew this was on hiatus but I still read it >< the feels are so intense tho, I can't NOT subscribe
Chapter 7: I absolutely love this story. The plot is pretty interesting and it's not draggy at all! What's best is that I like your writing style. Please do continue this story, am really looking forward to it. :) really enjoyed how the story unfolds itself.
thanks for the updated today hope u can updated more..i m really curious what will happen next. how will Krystal handle all this things?how will Kris and Krystal relationship change?i m so excited for the coming chapters .im really glad that i found this story..i love Kristal(Kris and Krystal)...hope it will not take long for your next updated.fighting!!!!!
Chapter 6: im so excited for the next chapter:)
HoneyCates #5
Chapter 6: New reader here. Im loving this story already..
romance. so this would be like kind of story? ouo
I don't know. that would be really really really interesting tho OAO
It looks interesting :D update soon!
I feel bad for Krystal :L
katiedoll565 #8
Chapter 4: good story! Update soon
fxwhuut #9
Chapter 4: Omg this is so good!!