Be tough, Soojung

Peter Pan's Sister [Hiatus]

{ Be tough, Soojung }


Chanyeol stood upright from his previous leaning position. Unsure himself if he heard Kris right or his pointy ears were just playing tricks on him.

“S-sister?!” Chanyeol repeated for himself. Kris could only nod.

“What the ? So the even managed to have herself impregnated? I thought it was just an affair! God I can’t believe this.”

Kris went over to his brother who is now seated on the floor. Even he himself was shaken and distraught when he learned a week ago that his supposedly half-sister is going to live with them. For a moment he thought of leaving their house for an apartment, but knowing Chanyeol and his soft heart, he wouldn’t leave his father alone in their big house and Kris can’t risk leaving his brother. More than anything else, Chanyeol is someone who’s anchoring Kris’s life for now. He is the reason why Kris still bears to live when he thought that his life is nothing but a big joke.

“Yeol, she’s gonna live with us now. Okay? Hey listen,” he slightly tapped his brother’s cheeks to get his attention.

“I know it’s ed up all right. I know you’re angry for having to put up with dad’s mess. But I want you to be calm about this and do hyung a favor,” Kris hesitated before continuing. He chose his words carefully. “I want you to try …. To try and learn to accept her. It’s hard, and awkward as but she’s still..” Damn. “she’s still our sister.”

Kris wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do what he just told his brother. But he doesn’t want Chanyeol to be just like him. Hard, cold, and sad. He can’t afford to let him be just like the uncaring monster he has become because unlike Chanyeol, Kris’ dreams are practically crushed. Chanyeol must continue living his life, no matter how hard it is, like the way he is. He can’t let the happy virus go down with him and he will do whatever it takes for him to stay sane and normal even if his own sanity is hanging by a thread.

Chanyeol, being naïve, heard the feign familiar emotion in Kris voice and slowly nod to his brother’s proposal. Little did he know that he failed to see the flicker of anger in Kris’ eyes.



It’s already 8:37 pm when Kris arrived at the airport. The plane landed a little around 6:50. Based on his father’s text, she’s wearing a cream-colored coat and black pants and she’s just waiting in the lounge. His father can just instruct his secretary to fetch her but he’s unfortunately out of the country to attend an important meeting in behalf of his boss.

Kris scanned the waiting lounge for a girl wearing the said clothing. As he spotted a girl which matched the description, something flickered inside Kris. Was it hatred? Or disgust? Why would he hate a person he’s never even met? Still he walked towards her.

She’s seated facing the opposite direction to where Kris was so she wasn’t able to see him coming. When Kris neared her side, he saw that her head is hung low towards her lap and she’s fiddling with her iPod. He can’t still see her face because her long, black hair is covering it.

Cautiously, he placed his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. In an instant, her head jerked up to see a big guy looking down at him. She removed her earbuds.

“Jung Soojung?”


Her voice is firm. Well, almost since her stammering gave her away. Kris did not actually bother to think of how she looks like. But now that she’s standing in front of him, there’s no denying the fact that he saw his father’s eyes in her. He remembered that most relatives and close family friends complement him and Chanyeol for taking on their father’s eyes. And it scared him. Their resemblance is unnerving. Maybe because of the fact that there’s no denying that it’s indeed his father’s blood that’s running in her veins.

“Follow me.”



The trip is nothing but pure torture for Krystal. Although it so much surprised her that he knew her real name, it still baffles  her that she’s actually riding in a car with an intimidating man in a country she’s never set foot before—and to think he is her step brother.

It hurts her a lot to leave her home in L.A. for the past 17 years of her life but she can’t do anything against her mother’s dying wish. If this is what will bring you peace of mind. Rest well, mom.

She bit her lips to fight back the tears that are threatening to trickle down. If there’s one thing she’s taught herself, it is the fact that crying is a sign of weakness. And crying in front of somebody is like a gazelle exposing itself to the lion. She must keep her guards up now that she’s alone, she must learn how to fend for herself. Be tough, Soojung. Be tough.

After giving herself some mental pep talk, she tried to take a deep breath to clear her mind and heart of all the unnecessary emotions. She’s been a weakling all her life, now’s the time to abandon that stupid self.

“W-what’s your name?” although born and raised in the states, Krystal can speak in Hangul fluently. She spared a glance to the driver’s seat’s only to be met with a pair of cold, dark eyes. Automatically, she averted her gaze down to her foot.


Krystal did not expect for a reply. Although the coldness in his voice crept up her spine, she was a bit happy that she wasn’t ignored. If there’s one thing that hurts her the most, it is to be ignored.

“I’m Krystal. But my real name’s Jung Soojung. Y-you can just call me Krystal.”

“If you say so, Krystal.”

If you say so, Krystal…

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I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. college and well, being a premed even more. Lol. Thank you for subscribing! ♥


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Dang I knew this was on hiatus but I still read it >< the feels are so intense tho, I can't NOT subscribe
Chapter 7: I absolutely love this story. The plot is pretty interesting and it's not draggy at all! What's best is that I like your writing style. Please do continue this story, am really looking forward to it. :) really enjoyed how the story unfolds itself.
thanks for the updated today hope u can updated more..i m really curious what will happen next. how will Krystal handle all this things?how will Kris and Krystal relationship change?i m so excited for the coming chapters .im really glad that i found this story..i love Kristal(Kris and Krystal)...hope it will not take long for your next updated.fighting!!!!!
Chapter 6: im so excited for the next chapter:)
HoneyCates #5
Chapter 6: New reader here. Im loving this story already..
romance. so this would be like kind of story? ouo
I don't know. that would be really really really interesting tho OAO
It looks interesting :D update soon!
I feel bad for Krystal :L
katiedoll565 #8
Chapter 4: good story! Update soon
fxwhuut #9
Chapter 4: Omg this is so good!!