My my

I love you, Stupid

Amber's POV

I put the letter away and laid on the floor of my room, I looked at the ceiling, trying to remember what happened next. What was my answer to her? Did I feel the same way? How come I couldn't remember? It hadn't been a long time... but it came back to me, I remembered what happened the next day...


Krystal: Oppa! Hey!

Me: Oh, hi Soojung-ah

Krystal: Did you read the letter?

Me: *nods*

Krystal: And? What is your answer?

Me: like you but not in that way....I'm sorry

Krystal: Oh..well...It's ok. I'm sorry *smiles*

Me: Don't apologize.

Krystal: It's's probably just because we spend a lot of time together.

Me: *akwardly* might be something like that.

Krystal: *laughs* Just kidding, it's a joke for April Fool's, I didn't really mean it.

Me: I see. *akward laugh*

*End of flashback*

Krystal's POV

I passed by Amber's room, the door was half-open, I peeked through it, all of her stuff was on the floor, then I saw her laying there...I wanted to go inside and talk to her but I was too scared to get closer, I just went to my room and sat on my bed, I took out a box with some of my belongings, my special memories. I took out a small piece of paper, Amber wrote it for me a long time ago.

"Yo Krys! Haha just wanted to let you know that you are one of the most important persons to me in the world, it's been harder to meet now because you're in the's my fault I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone for so long, anyways, I miss you a lot and I'll probably go visit you tomorrow...if they let me in hahaha, love you Soojungie~"

My mom gave me that after Amber talked to me about the letter I gave her, we kinda lost touch with each other and stopped hanging around often, because of that I used to spend a lot of time on my own due to my "sickness", one day I decided to go for a stroll after school...bad idea. I was waiting to cross the road when I heard a lot of people walking to the corner of the street to cross it. I breathed in, trying to calm down but then a group of guys tried to talk to me, I felt suffocated and started running, I shouldn't have run...A car crashed into me and I ended up in the hospital, somehow I was peaceful there, I was alone and most of the time unconscious.

I then found two pictures in the box, It was me with Amber, the pictures were taken by her and they were taken at the hospital, in the first one I was sleeping and she was smiling next to me, there was a small message behind it. "Keke I sneaked into your room Jungie~" The next picture was ripped, the only visible thing was the corner of my bed and behind the picture was the rest of a message "--secret". What happened to the other part of it? I looked around the box but I was unable to find anything, I guess the only way to know what happened to it is by asking her...I don't want to...

I went to sleep and try to think properly, I woke up and had breakfast on my own, the girls came out.

Victoria: You woke up early again Krys?

Me: Yeah *giggle* I rested enough.

Victoria: That's nice.

Me: Thanks for worrying.

Luna: What are you going to do today?

Sulli: I'm going to go with hyung to Jeju for 3 days!

Amber: Uhh...yeah...

Victoria: Great, Luna and I are going to go shopping, wanna join us Krystal?

Me: No thanks, I'm better on my own. You know I can't be in crowded places.

Victoria: Do you want me to stay with you?

Me: *smiles* I'll be fine, you go have fun.

Amber: You won't do anything stupid, right, Soojung?

Me: *look away* I won't.

Victoria: Is everything alright between you two?

Me: It's fine, just a small argument, nothing important.

I looked at Luna, she was so uncomfortable, she probably felt guilty because we fought because of something she sad but it wasn't her fault.

Hours passed by, Amber prepared her luggage and helped Sulli prepared hers, I remained in the living room talking with Victoria.

Victoria: So, why are you acting so weird towards Amber?

Me: It's nothing, I told you it's because of a small argument.

Victoria: About..?

Me: She got mad at me for going on my own to the filming place before...

Victoria: Right...why would you go on your own?

Me: I...I wanted to know if I was able to stand it on my own.

Victoria: *ruffles my hair* Alright silly, don't do that again and ask any of us to go with you.

Me: Sure unnie.

Amber came out of Sulli's room, she looked at us.

Victoria: Are you leaving now?

Amber: Yeah.

Victoria: Can you wait a little bit more? Let's go together to the airport.

Amber: Sure.

Me: Then I'll stay.

Amber: Why don't you come?

Me: I just don't feel like it today...

Victoria: I don't care sweetheart, you'll come with us.

I took my stuff and came out of the dorm with everyone else; Sulli, Luna and Victoria were talking on their own, Amber walked downstairs next to me, as soon as we got out she held my hand, she looked for the van, but the manager sent Vic a text saying they were using the vans so we went on separate cars, I went with Amber and the other girls with Victoria. I put on my earphones trying to avoid Amber, but she unplugged one.

Amber: Let's talk.

Me: What is it?

Amber: I found the letter...

Me: So what? You acted as if it wasn't important.

Amber: If it's important to you then it's important for me too.

Me: Whatever...

The ripped picture..I want to know where it is...

Me: Do you remember the consecuences of you rejecting me then?

Amber: I do...

Me: I found some pictures from then in my memories box.

Amber: *twitch* W-What? H-How many pictures?

Me: Two, but they were copies.

Amber: *relieved sigh* I did sneak into your room then. *laughs* They wouldn't let me in, specially after they found me there.

Me: I see.

Why is she relieved? Did she remember the other picture? Why would she hide it from me? What is in that picture?! She must have it on her room, I'll look for it as soon as I get home and end up alone, Victoria and Luna always come back home late when they're out.

Amber's POV

Dang...again...why did I forget about that picture?! Where did I put it?! She can't find it!! It wil be worse if she finds it. I left it in my*t!! She probably knows about it!! I can't leave now!! She'll try to find it!

We got to the airport, once we said goodbye and saw the girls leave I talked with Sulli.

Me: Sulli-ah...I'm sorry...

Sulli: About what?

Me: I can't go with you today..

Sulli: Why?

Me: I forgot something important, can you go on your own? You said Minho and Taemin would meet you there!

Sulli: *sigh* Alright hyung...if it's that important I'll go on my own.

Me: *hugs her* Thanks Sul!!

I took a cab to the dorm I guessed Victoria and Luna had left already because her car wasn't there, I ran to the dorm and opened the door of my room, Krystal was already*t...she found it!

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nanny00 #1
Chapter 18: Hope am will dating smeone else..hrehehebebebeeeeee
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 18: Too much confiusion soojung-ah... make up ur mind.. be brave or whatever.... someone need to help her in her decision... if not she will regret it later.... poor amber...
elivalle #3
Chapter 18: I hope there's a plot twist where Krystal married her boyfriend but regrets it as time passes by and Amber is dating someone else. Krystal frustrates me so much in this story lol
Chapter 18: Stupid Krystal jung!! Then go and marry that guy if guilt is more important to u.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 17: it become more sad story than i thought..
please update moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
ynah123 #7
Chapter 17: Wow!!! This is one of the best kryber stories i hope you wont end it soon. Pleasr update more!! Thanks!
nanny00 #8
Chapter 17: U just know him ...just break the engagement..hahaha
Chapter 16: plz update more often!
doremon1364 #10
Hihi.. waiting for yr next update... soon pls. Just unwait further haha..