Our last day together

I love you, Stupid

Amber's POV

It's been 3 months and we're having our comeback on the 4th month, the song is called Red Light. We all liked the concept and Soojung had to bleach her hair, we had been careful not to show too much affection for each other in public, we usually held hands and I would sometimes put my arm around her shoulder but when we were in our dorm we were awkward and we were unable to spend a lot of time together, Soojung hadn't made up her mind about her feelings and I often talked to her about it. We were happy but we were constantly worried of what would happen after we quit, what would happen to f(x) if Soojung and I left. As a group we went to have dinner together, go to amusement parks and go out to enjoy our last moments together. Soojung ended the recording of her show with her sister and it was a great show, it was nice for me to see them bonding and realizing that Jess would support Soojung no matter what.

We were happy, and then we had a situation with Sulli.

Sulli: I don't want you to quit, we're supposed to be together as a group!

Me: But it's part of an agreement we both signed, we wanted you to keep going without us.

Soojung: Sulli-ah we've talked about this before, we all knew what is going to happen after 5 months.

Sulli: *starts crying* I don't want you to leave...

Luna: Sulli, we have to be strong for them.

Victoria: With our without them we're a group.

Me: We can still meet, it's not like we're going to be away from each other forever.

Sulli: I can't take it.

Me: Sulli, please, be strong.

A few days later we woke up with the announcement of Sulli's hiatus, everyone believed it was because of the great amount of rumors about her but we knew that it was because she was depressed. 

It's been a while since Sulli started her hiatus, Soojung and I had been worried about her because we didn't know if she was going to quit. Tomorrow we will have our last concert together and we have to prepare for it; it's been hard for Luna and Victoria to keep going, they can barely remember the choreography and they've made mistakes on the rehearsals.

Soojung: Girls you have to stop crying.

Luna: I can't do it! I can't let you guys go...

Me: You have been preparing for this day for 4 months, we can't let that time go to waste. We've spent time together as a group and as friends, you can keep going without us.

Victoria: But what about Sulli? She hasn't talked to us for weeks, can't you cancel the contract?

Me: We can't, this is for you. This is our sacrifice for all of you.

Soojung's phone started ringing, she picked up.

Soojung: Sulli-ah?

Sulli: Hi girls.

Soojung: Thank goodness, where are you?

Sulli: I'm in Hawaii with my parents, I've spent a lot of time thinking about your decision. I've supported you two ever since I suspected you liked each other and I have to be strong to accept it. It's so hard for me and for everyone because we were used to be together, we had fun together and like Amber told me we can still meet after you quit.

Me: Hey Sul, umm everyone is here so if you can tell us something that would be great.

Sulli: Victoria and Luna, we have to keep going without them, we have to shine for them, let's be the light in their path. I know it's your last concert together and I'm really sorry for not being there, enjoy this last day. Have fun and do a great job tonight. I love you girls!

Soojung: Thanks Sulli.

Sulli: And if you were wondering, no, I'm not going to quit. I'll stay a member of f(x).

After she hung up Luna and Victoria stopped crying and they focused on the reheasal, and they did a great job, we all did a great job.

We were working on the last details for the performance and then our manager called Soojung and I.

Manager: Girls, do you remember that we're announcing this month that you guys are breaking up, right?

Soojung & I: Yes.

Manager: I just talked with Lee Soo Man and he told me that you had to act like you've been having problems, don't be together tonight. If any of you looks at the other, don't look at each other lovingly.

Me: Sure...

Soojung: Alright.

We prepared for the concert, Soojung didn't talk to me but I kept on looking at her before we got on stage

Soojung's POV

During the concert I think Amber really followed the orders we were given because from the beginning to the end she kept on hugging and playing with Victoria, I got jealous and that was when I realized that I was really in love with Amber but if we were going to "break up", we couldn't stay together in Korea. Every time I saw her with Victoria I felt my heart breaking little by little and when we were performing rum pum pum pum I couldn't hold back my tears and cried a little bit, but I quickly wiped them so no one would notice. After it ended, I rushed off the stage and Amber followed me, I started crying again.

Amber: What's wrong?

Me: It's nothing, don't mind me.

Amber: We have to get on stage Soojung, it's the last performance.

Me: Alright.

I wiped my tears again and used all of my strength to avoid crying in front of everyone, I was dancing with all the girls and having fun but then I bumped into Amber and then we looked towards the public and saw a fan holding a fan art of me and Amber kissing many others were holding many signs that said "Kryber". That was when my heart broke into a million pieces but I knew I couldn't cry on stage, without realizing it Amber had walked towards Donghae and when I looked at her having fun I started crying. I tried to keep a smile so the audience would think that I was crying because I was happy but I was having a really hard time smiling all the time.

After the concert we were taken to our dorm, we changed and I went to my room to sleep, the next day we would quit and I was trying to keep that in mind and prepare myself for that but then I woke up in the middle of the night and I walked to the kitchen, I made myself a cup of tea and sat on the couch. I received a text from Jessica.

Jessica: Soojungie~ Please be strong tomorrow!! I love you.

I texted her back and then I walked towards the window, I looked at the night sky and all the lights I loved that view. 

Amber: Are you awake?

Me: Yeah.

Amber: So, tomorrow is the big day.

Me: It is...

Amber: You should sleep, it was a tiring day.

Me: I can't.

Amber: Me neither.

She stood next to me.

Me: I wanted to tell you something.

Amber: What is it?

Me: I've made up my mind about my feelings.

Amber: Really?

Me: Yes, and I'm--

My phone rang, Jessica was calling me.

Amber: Pick it up.

Me: Are you sure?

Amber: Yeah.

Me: Okay. Hi Jess.

Jessica: Hey Krystal, what are you doing?

Me: Nothing, I suddenly woke up. 

Jessica: Did I wake you up?

Me: No, I've been awake for 10 minutes now.

Jessica: I was wondering if you wanted to go eat breakfast with me tomorrow.

Me: Sure, just remember I have to go to the office at 12 o'clock.

Jessica: I promise I'll let you off at that time.

My talk with Jessica went too long that Amber fell asleep on the couch and when I hung up I woke her up so she would go to her room, she forgot about what I had to say and I didn't have time in the morning to tell her about my feelings so I just drove to the SM building and walked into Soo Man's office.

Amber's POV

A while after I went back to sleep I remembered that Soojung had to tell me something so I went to her room and opened the door, I saw her sleeping calmly so I just sat next to her and caressed her, I brushed a hair away from her face and I gave her a last kiss on the lips. After I got away from her she smiled and that was enough for me, I realized that we were going to be unable to date freely in Korea if she told me that she loved me so I thought I would ask her to go with me to another country but then I thought that maybe she would say that she didn't love me anymore and I wasn't sure of what I would say then. I walked back to my room and took the dress I bought for her and left it on her wardrobe hoping I would see her some day wearing it.

I left after Krystal did, she just walked out of the dorm without even having breakfast with the girls but I stayed and then I went to the SM building but when I was just walking into Soo Man's office I saw Soojung walking away with a serious look, I wondered what she had told him but I just saw her walk away.

{play this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJy36yB1X40 }

Soo Man: Good morning, Amber.

Me: Good morning.

Soo Man: Have you come to present your resignation letter?

Me: Yes.

Soo Man: Good, is there anything you'd like to tell me before that? Jung Soojung didn't hold back when she gave me hers.

Me: Did she say something?

Soo Man: Many things, but you should ask her.

Me: Well, I have nothing to say so... Here.

Soo Man: Thanks for your hard work all these years miss Amber Liu.

Me: Thanks for being a nice boss. Goodbye.

Soo Man: Good luck.

I was unable to catch up with Soojung, when I went back to the dorm they said she picked up her things and left somewhere else, no matter how many times I called her she wouldn't answer. Eventually I gave up and that's how my love disappeared without leaving a trace even after Minho called me.

Minho: I know where she is.

Me: Soojung?!

Minho: She's probably at my old apartment. I saw her going into the building.

Me: Why?

Minho: I told her she could stay there after you came back to Seoul, I guess she went to hide there again.

Me: Where is it?

I found myself running to Minho's apartment hoping to find Soojung but I couldn't find her, I knew she didn't want me to find her and I was going to do as she wished since I am her loyal servant.

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nanny00 #1
Chapter 18: Hope am will dating smeone else..hrehehebebebeeeeee
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 18: Too much confiusion soojung-ah... make up ur mind.. be brave or whatever.... someone need to help her in her decision... if not she will regret it later.... poor amber...
elivalle #3
Chapter 18: I hope there's a plot twist where Krystal married her boyfriend but regrets it as time passes by and Amber is dating someone else. Krystal frustrates me so much in this story lol
Chapter 18: Stupid Krystal jung!! Then go and marry that guy if guilt is more important to u.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 17: it become more sad story than i thought..
please update moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
ynah123 #7
Chapter 17: Wow!!! This is one of the best kryber stories i hope you wont end it soon. Pleasr update more!! Thanks!
nanny00 #8
Chapter 17: U just know him ...just break the engagement..hahaha
Chapter 16: plz update more often!
doremon1364 #10
Hihi.. waiting for yr next update... soon pls. Just unwait further haha..