My Mistake

I love you, Stupid

Soojung's POV

I entered the office and saw Amber talking with Soo Man.

SM: Who allowed this?

Amber: Our manager.

SM: Without discussing it with anyone else?

Amber: He told me he had prepared everything, I guessed he had spoken to you about it.

SM: Why would I allow something like this?! I didn't even hear any rumors.

Amber: We were supposed to leave quietly.

SM: Oh, miss Jung.

He looked at me and I approached them.

SM: What do you have to say?

Me: I just want to apologize for all of this, we weren't careful enough.

SM: If you knew it was dangerous why did you accept?

Me: Because I... because she told me right after the kidnapping, I guess I wasn't on my right mind.

Amber looked away.

SM: Then, what do you want me to do?

Me: We should admit it for a while and then say we decided to just be friends.

SM: Do you understand the reaction we would receive?! A lesbian couple in SME?!

Amber: Then what do you suggest Soo Man-ssi?

SM: I'll think about it. Leave.

We walked out of the office.

Me: Amber, I...

She walked away from me and I didn't chase after her, I broke her heart when I said I just accepted because I was still "traumatized", such a stupid excuse. I didn't cry because my sister was walking towards me.

Jessica: Soojung?

Me: Hi Jess.

Jessica: *hugs me* How was your trip?

Me: It was...great at the beginning but it had a terrible end...

Jessica: You broke your promise.

Me: I know.

Jessica: Do you understand the consequences of this?

Me: I do, and I'll try to face them.

Jessica: You know my opinion about you and Amber being together, but whatever you choose I'll support you because I'm your sister and that's what I'm supposed to do.

Me: Thanks Jessi.

Jessica: I have to go, did Soo Man scold you?

Me: He said he'll think about what will be his next move.

Jessica: Hmm, I hope you don't get fired.

Me: I hope so as well...

Jessica: Where's Amber?

Me: She left...I made a huge mistake unnie...

Jessica: Be strong Soojungie~ Take care of yourself.

Me: You too.

I was taken to our group dorm, everyone was there and the only one that greeted me was Sulli and Victoria. Luna and Amber went to their rooms as soon as they saw me. I talked with Sulli and Victoria, they didn't ask me anything about Amber and I just heard the story of their trip. We spent a week without hearing anything from SM, I was preparing myself for the worst case scenario.

Amber's POV

Minho's words kept echoing in my head, when he stopped me from chasing after Soojung.

Minho: What are you doing, Amber?

Me: Shut up! Let me go!

Minho: Don't go after her.

Me: Why the hell not?

Minho: Because you'll regret what you do next! You're drunk, just go back to the room.

Me: Let me go Choi Minho!

Minho: *slaps me* I know you don't want to hurt Krystal.

Me: I want to.

Minho: No, you don't! You're in pain because of what she said but how do you think she feels? She's suffering as much as you are but this is not the answer, let her go.

Me: I don't want to let her go.

Minho: Don't hurt her, she doesn't know what to do, this is the first time she goes through something like this. If you think about it she has never been involved in any scandal. She loves you and she has just been making the wrong choice of words, she's scared. You should support her and make her feel confident about your relationship.

I was unable to do it, I could never be able to talk to her again. Not because of anger but because I was ashamed of my actions, I didn't try to understand the position I had put her in, the dilemma she had to face. All I could do was give her time to think about the way she truly feels for me, though I think it's better to tell her that I will give her time I can't talk to her.

At 9 pm I heard her saying good night to the girls and walking to her bedroom, I laid in my bed and thought if I should go talk to her or not and without even realizing it I was already walking to her room, I knocked on her door and she opened it.

Soojung: Amber?

Me: Hey...

Soojung: What is it?

Me: I'm sorry for all I did...Is your head alright?

Soojung: Huh? Eh...yeah...I went to the hospital.

Me: *kneel down* I'm really sorry Soojung-ah.

Soojung: *kneels and hugs me* It's fine...

Me: I promise you I won't ever hurt you again.

Soojung: It's my fault Amber...don't apologize.

Me: I'm sorry Soojung..

Soojung: I forgive you.

I told her the way I felt about the issue and she told me what she felt all the time, she said she was sorry and that she wasn't completely sure of all the answers to all the questions she had been asked for the past days. She wasn't completely sure of her feelings for me.

Soojung: The thing is...I got over you and then you came saying you loved me so I was confused, my feelings couldn't return that easily. I'm still confused so...I don't know what to say.

Me: It's alright, if you need it, I'm willing to give you time to think about your feelings and I promise I'll accept your decision, whatever it is Soojung.

Soojung: Thanks, Amber.

After a week we got called into SM's office, the public relations manager was there and then they told us the plan.

SM: Ladies, this is our absolute final decision. We will admit that you two are in a relationship, that you've been dating for 3 months and after 5 months we will announce that you broke up and quit. This last thing means you will be fired from this company.

Soojung: What?! You can't make us quit!

SM: We did a full analysis of the situation and this is the best for everyone.

Me: How is this the best?

SM: If we let you two work here we will receive a lot of criticism that will lead to a great loss on our income, this will make the company fall with all of the artists. But with this plan we will just receive a smalll amount of criticism and we'll be able to keep going as an entertainment company.

Me: So you're just being selfish.

SM: No, we truly appreciate our artists and we don't want them to loose their jobs because of a scandal, I bet you don't want your friends to loose their dreams.

Me:'s alright.

Soojung: Is fine for me as well.

SM: Alright, then you'll have to sign this contract. You can give it to me in 3 days so you can read it with your lawyer and tell us if there's something you'd like to change.

We read it with our lawyers and it didn't have any tricks or anything, Soojung talked with her sister about it and then we went to give it to Soo Man. He told our manager to arrange a press conference and to release the company's statement, we would give the press conference the next day.


Manager: Hello everyone, we're here to talk about f(x)'s Amber and Krystal's relationship.

Me: Yes, umm we would like to start by saying that this is something that has recently happened and we were waiting for the right moment to announce it but after the release of the pictures we were forced to announce it.

Soojung: Amber and I have known each other for a long time and she was my main support because of my social anxiety which I have overcame now, we started having these feelings 4 months ago, the first month we spent it to confirm our feelings for each other and as the statement says we have been dating for 3 months.

Me: We really hope you can keep giving us your love and support.

Manger: Now, are there any questions?

Reporter 1: How will you face the fans that won't support your homoual love?

Me: They have been our fans for 4 years and they have supported, know and love us. We've always been like this so if they hate us just because of loving each other, we will accept it.

Soojung: Well, all I can say is love is love. We've been taught that a boy should like a girl and why is it such a big deal for a boy to like another boy or a girl to like another girl. It will not be easy to accept us and there's no reason for us to keep secrets from our fans, we should be proud of who we are.

Reporter 2: Just homoual people?

Soojung & I: Of course not.

Soojung: We have to accept ourselves, and we will accept your love and hate. It took us time to accept ourselves as we are so it might take time for others to accept us.

Me: We're not going to apologize for this, we have no reason to apologize.

Manager: That will be everything for now. Thanks for coming.

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nanny00 #1
Chapter 18: Hope am will dating smeone else..hrehehebebebeeeeee
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 18: Too much confiusion soojung-ah... make up ur mind.. be brave or whatever.... someone need to help her in her decision... if not she will regret it later.... poor amber...
elivalle #3
Chapter 18: I hope there's a plot twist where Krystal married her boyfriend but regrets it as time passes by and Amber is dating someone else. Krystal frustrates me so much in this story lol
Chapter 18: Stupid Krystal jung!! Then go and marry that guy if guilt is more important to u.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 17: it become more sad story than i thought..
please update moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
ynah123 #7
Chapter 17: Wow!!! This is one of the best kryber stories i hope you wont end it soon. Pleasr update more!! Thanks!
nanny00 #8
Chapter 17: U just know him ...just break the engagement..hahaha
Chapter 16: plz update more often!
doremon1364 #10
Hihi.. waiting for yr next update... soon pls. Just unwait further haha..