
I love you, Stupid

Amber's POV

I went with her to the hospital, they said she was alright and that she could leave when she woke up. I waited next to her bed, I couldn't help but to fall asleep, then she poked my cheek ad woke me up...

Me: Hmm?

Krystal: Are you awake now?

Me: Yeah, are you alright?

Krystal: *smiles* Yes, now that you're here, I feel better. Sorry about earlier, I wasn't on my right mind.

Me: Ah, that? Don't worry, I don't care

Krystal: Alright, then let's go back to the dorm

Me: Sure

After checking out of the hospital, we rode my car and went back to the dorm, she slept on the way. But I didn't know what she meant when she said she was sorry  about earlier, did she remember what she told me before fainting? I don't know, whatever, it's not like she actually meant it. We got to the dorm and...

Victoria: What happened?

Krystal: Sorry, I wasn't on my right mind and went all by myself to the filming, I shouldn't have been that reckless

Me: It wasn't your fault

Krystal: Yes it is, I'm sorry

Luna: The most important thing right now is that you're fine, let's go to sleep, it's late

Me: Yeah we should sleep

I changed my clothes, took off my eye lenses and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I poured it on a glass and sat on the living room, the girls were already in their rooms, probably sleeping. I couldn't sleep for some reason, but then I saw a door opening, it was Krystal...

Me: Soojung-ah?

Krystal: Huh? Amber?

Me: Weren't you sleeping?

Krystal: I can't...

Me: You should rest, you must be very tired

Krystal: I'm not that tired, I just don't want to sleep yet.

She walked up to the sofa where I was sitting, I sat still, then she sat next to me...

Krystal: Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.

Me: It's fine, it's also my fault since I let you go on your own.

Krystal: *yawn*

Me: Are you tired now?

Krystal: I'm getting head hurts...

Me: *touches her forehead*  You have a slight fever. Go to your rooom,I'll make you some tea

Krystal: *lays on her lap*

Me: S-Soojung?

Krystal: I don't feel well...Can I just stay like this for a while?

Me: S-Sure...It's fine...


Krystal's POV

I know it's selfish, but I want to be as close to her as I can...Even if it's just for a short moment, I just want to be by her side as long as I can..

Without noticing I fell asleep, apparently Amber carried me to my room, I turned hoping to see her sleeping on a chair next to me, but she wasn't there. I've just realized how I feel for her, but I know she doesn't feel the same way...I want to tell her so I can get rid of these feelings as soon as I can, but I know myself well enough to know that she might get farther away from me and I will try to cling on her as much as I can. Why did this have to happen to me?

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash my face, but I stopped in front of Amber's door. I told myself to keep moving and so I did. I washed my face and went to the living room, I sat on the couch and watched TV; then Sulli came out of her room...

Sulli: Oh, Krystal! What are you doing so early?

Me: Oh...Sulli-ah, nothing really. I just woke up and couldn't fall asleep again...

Sulli: You look thoughtful...what's up? Is there something bothering you?

Me: Well...What if you had feelings for someone else but it's not right? You know it may be disapproved by many and everyone will criticize you...but you can't change your heart, even if you tried. You want to stop the feelings so badly but you can't, your heart doesn't listen to your head.

Sulli: Do you like Kai?

Me: What?!

Sulli: Well...I've seen you talking with him a lot of times...

Me: Darn...I knew this wouldn't work...Thanks Sul--

Sulli: In a situation like yours I wouldn't give up...If you truly love that boy then you won't care about other's opinions about him, you can't choose who you fall in love with. And you can't love with your head, you have to love with your heart. Do you remember our Pink Tape booklet? It said "It is not comprehensible by reason" and it's right, it can't be understood, it's just something that happens and you can't stop it until you are disappointed by that person and your feelings fade away...

Me: Wow...Thanks Sulli...I think I know now what---

I was stopped myself when I heard Amber's voice, she was coming out of her room...with Luna, Amber had a bitter expression on her face, Luna looked the same as always but she still had something different on her.

Luna: Make sure you think about what I told you, ok?

Amber: Sure...

Luna: I'll go with Vic-unnie

Amber: I'll see you later.

Amber walked towards us, I looked away and got up, I turned my back to Amber...

Sulli: What's wrong Krystal?

Me: I...umm...I have to go somewhere...

Amber: Do you want me to go with you?

Me: I'll go with Sulli.

Sulli: Eh? 

Amber: Are you sure you don't want to go with me?

Me: I will be fine. Sulli will be there.

Amber: Yesterday I let you go on your own and things didn't came out well. I won't let that happen again. I'll go with you. I need to tell you something.

Me: Alright...

I went to my room and changed my clothes, I kept wondering what she had been talking with Luna...Did Luna confess to Amber?! No...that can't be...Luna isn't like that, I thought she liked Onew...Am I jealous?... I walked out the door and looked outside the window in the living room...

Amber: Are you ready?

Me: Yeah...


Amber's POV (The talk with Luna)

Me: What's up? You looked worried.

Luna: The thing is...well...I...

Me: What is it?

Luna: It's about Krystal.

Me: What's with her?

Luna: I think she has grown feelings for you.

Me: What are you talking about? She's my best friend

Luna: Yeah, but she has been acting weird towards you, you even told me that she said she loved you.

Me: Yes, but she wasn't on her right mind, and also she's not like that, it's impossible for her to have feelings for me.

Luna: Still, she acts weird around you, what about last night? She laid on your lap and fell asleep, she blushes everytime she sees you.

Me: That's probably because of something that happened before...

Luna: What happened?

Me: Well, nothing important we just...kissed...accidentally

Luna: What?! How?!

Me: That's not the point. The point is that she doesn't feel that way for me, she's not like that!

Luna: Be careful. Keep your distance with her.

Me:'s not like that

Luna: Amber, I can tell when a girl's in love, I'm a girl.

Me: So am I...

Luna: Yes, but it's different.

Me: Luna. I know Krystal ever since we were children...she's not like that. She doesn't feel that way for me. 

Luna: At least think about it, talk with her.

I don't really feel like asking something like that to her...she once said she said she loved me in a romantic way...but that was in April Fools' Day. But I guess I need a confirmation...geez...I'm sorry Krystal but you have been acting really weird...Do you me?

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nanny00 #1
Chapter 18: Hope am will dating smeone else..hrehehebebebeeeeee
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 18: Too much confiusion soojung-ah... make up ur mind.. be brave or whatever.... someone need to help her in her decision... if not she will regret it later.... poor amber...
elivalle #3
Chapter 18: I hope there's a plot twist where Krystal married her boyfriend but regrets it as time passes by and Amber is dating someone else. Krystal frustrates me so much in this story lol
Chapter 18: Stupid Krystal jung!! Then go and marry that guy if guilt is more important to u.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 17: it become more sad story than i thought..
please update moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
ynah123 #7
Chapter 17: Wow!!! This is one of the best kryber stories i hope you wont end it soon. Pleasr update more!! Thanks!
nanny00 #8
Chapter 17: U just know him ...just break the engagement..hahaha
Chapter 16: plz update more often!
doremon1364 #10
Hihi.. waiting for yr next update... soon pls. Just unwait further haha..