We meet again

I love you, Stupid

Soojung's POV

A few days before the party I had a photoshoot with Jongsuk, they wanted to give hints about our future marriage, I was really comfortable around him and we were able to do a good job together, we had great chemistry. After our couple shots, we had individual photoshoots, I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at Jongsuk posing for the photographer, as if I had never noticed how handsome and charismatic he was. Then we went to eat together at a restaurant nearby, he was suddenly called by his father and he had to work as we ate, he was doing some of his sketches and one of his assistants was right in front of us making sure he focused on the task, he gave me some glances every now and then.

Assistant: Mr. Jongsuk!

Jongsuk: Sorry, she's just so cute.

I laughed and he kept on getting distracted, after he finished the assistant left with an annoyed look on his face, we walked out of the restaurant holding hands.

Jongsuk: Let me drive you home.

Me: Sure, though you won't be the one driving, I'm sure your chauffer is taking us.

Jongsuk: No, I gave him a day-off after the photoshoot. So it's just you and me in the car.

Me: Really?

Jongsuk: Yup.

He opened the door for me and I got in, I put on some music and he started singing.

Jongsuk: You used to be a singer, why don't you sing anymore? Even if it's just for fun.

Me: Just because, I don't feel comfortable anymore.

Jongsuk: You had a beautiful voice though.

Me: Anyways, you've been a model and an actor, right?

Jongsuk: Yeah, you too.

Me: Something like that.

Jongsuk: I was a fan of yours.

Me: Oh really?

Jongsuk: Yes. It's like a dream come true now that we're together.

Me: It's like a nightmare for me.

Jongsuk: What?

Me: Just kidding!

We laughed and when he dropped me at my house, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then I got in. In such a short ammount of time we became so close and I was really happy next to him, I hoped we could be a good couple in the future. We kept working on the party, I went with my sister to the hotel we were going to use for the party, we talked with some of the staff there and they were preparing the stage for the band we hired, my sister asked me to check out the look of the hall because she wanted it to look perfect, they put some mannequins with outfits of our brand and Jongsuk's father's brand. Everything looked like it was on place, so I just went back to my sister, but then I saw Jongsuk coming into the room.

Me: Jongsuk-ah!

Jongsuk: Hey Soojung! You missed me?

Me: Not at all, I saw you yesterday.

Jongsuk: Are you working on the decoration for the party?

Me: Yes, I just came to check up on all of them, it looks like everything's in place.

Jongsuk: Ah, just what I came for, to make up for your flaws. Apparently you haven't noticed that 3 pieces of clothing are dirty and...

He began checking everything and telling the staff to fix all of that, I felt unable to do everything my sister had asked me to since he was correcting me, once he finished making sure everything was now on place we went out again to eat out. We kept playing around all the time until we had to go back home, my sister asked me about my "date" with him and I just told her what we had done, she was happy to see me enjoying my time with Jongsuk.

When the party's day arrived I woke up early to meet Jongsuk at the hall to check the last details, when we finished I went back home to get ready; I took a shower and then I put on a dress I found quite familiar, it was blue with crystal flowers around it, it was really beautiful. I went with my sister to a salon and we got our hair and nails done, later she asked me to arrive a few minutes after the party started. I waited patiently in my house, I spent time watching TV trying not to ruin my attire for the party and when the time came I got up and took my purse, the limo picked me up from my house and drove me to the party, I got off the car and a bunch of reporters took pictures of me. Before I walked to the hall I saw Jongsuk waiting in the door for me, I smiled and he walked towards me, we linked arms and walked inside; I realized she was planning for us to show up at the party together as a couple. When the butlers opened the hall's door for us I heard people clapping, they introduced us.

??: Welcome, Jung Soojung and Lee Jongsuk, the heirs to this new joint brand.

We walked inside and people looked at us as they clapped, I started feeling uneasy like my social anxiety was coming back but I held it back and tried to be strong just for that night. I held Jongsuk's arm tighter and he instantly looked at me.

Jongsuk: Are you alright?

Me: There's just so many people, I'm overwhelmed.

Jongsuk: Tell me if you feel sick, ok?

Me: Sure.

I went with my sister and she introduced me to many other designers that were congratulating us on joining brands, I still felt a little dizzy but I told myself to calm down and relax, then I went back to Jongsuk who was talking with some of his friends and when I turned around I saw Amber walking into the hall next to Ailee, I wondered who had invited them but I remember I read an article about Ailee dating a designer and I guessed she had invited Amber to the party. I looked back at Jongsuk and covered my face with my hands, the uneasiness came back.

Jongsuk: Are you sure you're alright?

Me: Yeah, I just...

Jongsuk: Why are you covering your face?

Me: The lights are just too bright, can we go to another room? I'm having a headache.

He held my arm once he saw me stumbling, and we tried to go as stealthily as possible, but then Amber called me.

Amber: Soojung-ah.


Amber's POV

I walked into the hall next to Ailee, she hurried towards her boyfriend and I instantly found Soojung next to someone, the guy she was rumored to date. I walked towards them when I saw how she was stumbling as she tried to run away from me, I called out her name and she turned to see me, she was so shocked.

Soojung: Amber?

Me: It's been a while, I see you've already found someone better than I.

I glared the guy and I saw how he held her tighter.

Soojung: This is Jongsuk...the son of the owner of Lune Rose.

Me: Nice to meet you.

Jongsuk: Nice to meet you. Excuse me but Soojung's not feeling fine so...

Me: I can watch over her.

Jongsuk: She's better with me.

Soojung kept quiet, she looked like she wanted to say something but she looked dizzy, I saw her step backwards and then she fell on top of me. I caught her and held her in my arms.

Jongsuk: Soojung!

Me: Soojung-ah, are you alright?

She didn't answer so I carried her to another room, I laid her on a couch and kneeled in front of her, Jongsuk looked at me.

Jongsuk: What are you doing here?

Me: I was invited here.

Jongsuk: You just caused trouble for Soojung, please leave right now.

Me: Why should I go?

Jongsuk: For her sake.

Me: Do you think she'll be better without me here?

Jongsuk: She wouldn't have fainted if you weren't here.

Me: Shut up.

He was suddenly called away by one of his servants, after a while she woke up and sat on the couch.

Soojung: What happened?

Me: You fainted, Soojung.

Soojung: Amber? What are you doing here?

Me: Ailee invited me, she was going to meet her boyfriend and she didn't want to be left alone when his friends talked with him.

Soojung: Can you please go?

Me: What?

Soojung: I'm better alone...please just go.

Me: Soojung-ah, I need to talk to you.

Soojung: There's nothing to talk about, we're done.

Me: Soojung.

Soojung: I'm better now! I've been happy without you, please don't let my progress go to waste.

Me: You're fooling yourself.

Soojung: Even if I was, why do you care?

Me: Because--

Soojung: Don't talk! Just go away!

She started pushing me out of the room.

Me: Don't push me away Jung Soojung!

Soojung: Get out now!

She was crying and she was raising her voice.

Me: Let's just talk!

Soojung: I told you to get out!

Me: Lower your voice, people will hear.

Soojung: I don't care, just go away!

Me: Can I just ask you a question?

Soojung: What?

Me: Are you in love with him?

Soojung: I think so! Just go!

I held her arm and pulled her into my arms, she was crying really hard but she stopped pushing me away and just held my shirt tight.

Soojung: I really hate you.

Me: I know that, but you can't keep on lying to everyone.

Soojung: I'm being honest.

Me: No, you're not and you know it.

Soojung: Can you just go? Please.

Me: I'll come back.

Soojung: I know you will, but please don't. I don't want you to ruin everything so please just let me go already.

Me: I want to but I can't.

I stepped back and walked out of the room, before I closed the door I saw her looking away and I knew she was trying to calm herself down. I went back to Ailee and we talked.

Ailee: How did it go?

Me: Not so good, she keeps asking me to stay away.

Ailee: Maybe you should.

Me: You're supposed to support me.

Ailee: I know that but I heard that they're getting engaged today.

Me: What?

At that moment Soojung and Jongsuk got on the stage along with Jessica and Jongsuk's father.

Jongsuk: Well, today we have another important announcement.

Me: , this is going to hurt like a motherf*****.

Jongsuk: Soojung and I are going to get married, we know that we're still very young but we know that what we have is real and we want to settle down as soon as possible.

He looked lovingly at Soojung and they both smiled, he held her hand and put on her finger an engagement ring and she kept looking at him but more than a touched face she made an apologetic one, I knew perfectly that she was just trying to move on with someone and convinced herself that she was really in love with him. They hugged and everyone clapped and rooted for them but that was when I knew I had to get out of there before I acted rashly.

Me: Well, that's my cue, I gotta go Ailee.

Ailee: Wait, Amber!

Me: Thanks for this opportunity but I have to get out of here right now.

I rushed out of the building and I walked back home but Jessica followed me.

Jessica: Who do you think you are?

Me: What?

Jessica: Don't come here to confuse Soojung.

Me: I'm not confusing her, if you didn't notice she's getting married.

Jessica: Do you think I don't know you? I know that you want her back but you've caused her enough pain.

Me: You don't get to decide what's good for her.

Jessica: Just stay away from her, or else...

Me: What? Are you going to take her to the States?

Jessica: Stop messing her life! She doesn't deserve this.

Me: You're right, she deserves someone better than I, but you know better than I that she doesn't fully love him! She will never be able to love someone like she loves me.

Jessica: Leave. Now. The reporters are right outside so let's not make this public.

I walked back home and I didn't say another word, she pointed at the parking lot exit so I wouldn't be seen by the reporters. I got home and took off my jacket then threw it on the couch. I laid there looking at the ceiling thinking of what I was going to do about the situation, she was going to be unhappy if she got married with Jongsuk and I couldn't allow that. I had to think carefully about my next move, otherwise Jessica or Jongsuk would try to stop me by taking her away.

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nanny00 #1
Chapter 18: Hope am will dating smeone else..hrehehebebebeeeeee
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 18: Too much confiusion soojung-ah... make up ur mind.. be brave or whatever.... someone need to help her in her decision... if not she will regret it later.... poor amber...
elivalle #3
Chapter 18: I hope there's a plot twist where Krystal married her boyfriend but regrets it as time passes by and Amber is dating someone else. Krystal frustrates me so much in this story lol
Chapter 18: Stupid Krystal jung!! Then go and marry that guy if guilt is more important to u.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 17: it become more sad story than i thought..
please update moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
ynah123 #7
Chapter 17: Wow!!! This is one of the best kryber stories i hope you wont end it soon. Pleasr update more!! Thanks!
nanny00 #8
Chapter 17: U just know him ...just break the engagement..hahaha
Chapter 16: plz update more often!
doremon1364 #10
Hihi.. waiting for yr next update... soon pls. Just unwait further haha..