Forgotten(collection of one shots)



(at the lobby of the 5 star hotel)

~Your checked your phone because your friend is taking so long~

YOU: (you texted her) “Chingu, were are you why are you taking so long? Im here already.. “

FRIEND: “Just go inside the restaurant first.. Im goin to be a little more late.. but I’ll try to come, u know our work..”

~you were both a programmer and a network engineer but you were working overseas)

(she replied so u decided to go inside and check the restaurant inside the hotel)

WAITER: Good evening Ma’am, we are waiting for you.. 

(very amazed on what you see, the restaurant is set to be so romantic with candles and red roses around)

YOU: Is it usually like this here? (asking about the romantic setting and the fact that theres no one around)

WAITER: (silence as he was asked not tell you any hint as he assist you to your sit ) May i take your order ?

YOU: just give me a glass of water, I’ll just wait for my friends..

(You look around and took a deep breath as you texted you friend again)

YOU: “Chingu, are you goin to take longer? You know i don’t like waiting its been 1hour already..”

FRIEND: (she replied) “Im sorry, I cannot come there’s a glitch occurred in the system so I have to stay over..but my cousin will come, remember that kiddo we usually play with when we were in high school? (she said but she was actually asked by Minho to give them some time to talk)

YOU: “Yah! why didn’t you told me earlier. I shouldn’t have come”(you texted as you remember that kid told you that he likes you and kissed your hand)

~suddenly a music played as you noticed someone is walking towards you holding a bouquet of roses~

(amazed on what you see your jaw dropped)

MINHO: Noona! It’s been years.. You still remember me? I know you do.. (gives you a sly smile)

YOU: (totally dumbfounded ) Excuse me? Maybe You’re mistaken.. Yeah i know you, Shinee’s Minho but..(trying to keep your posture no revealing that you’re a shawol) 

MINHO: Aigoo! noona.. Its me.. You are suppose to meet me right? Didn’t my cousin told you about me? (gives you a charismatic look as he hands the bouquet to you)

YOU: (you blushed) thanks…. wow, you changed a lot, i didn’t realize that all this time you are the same Minho i knew.

MINHO: I did change a lot but theres one thing that stayed the same… ( gives you an alluring look)Shall we order now?

YOU: (you were speechless so you just nodded)

MINHO: What would you like then? 

YOU: You decide.. 

MINHO: ok then ( as he ordered the finest food in the restaurant )

YOU: Why aren’t there any other customers here? (you asked)

MINHO: Since you asked that, I got it reserved for tonight.. just for the two of us..

YOU: (analyzing what he said, you realized that your friend intentionally didn’t come) uhmm. so ___-chingu intentionally didn’t come?

MINHO: Im sorry, to be truthful to you, I asked here not to.. ( looking at you with those seductive eyes)

YOU: (blushing as you look in his eyes) 

~ you both  started eating no saying any word to him and when you finished ~

YOU: The food was great.. You like it? (you said trying to break the silence and awkwardness)

MINHO: Yeah, but not as much as I like this someone sitting In front of mE.. ( he said blushing as he gives you that alluring stare again) 

YOU: Don’t joke around like that..  (you said as you blush)

MINHO: ~serious~ Do i look like Im joking? (he stands up and go towards you.. and kneel)

               I know, this is too sudden but I just want to tell you.. ~silence~  actually I have told you this before..

YOU: (clears your throat nervously as you wait for his words)

MINHO: I’ve waited for you for so long noona„, I love you.. I LOVE YOU SINCE FOREVER„ Please accept my feelings..

(as he looks straight into your eyes with his appealing eyes)

YOU: ( you felt like you were trapped in some dream as you look at him you feel his sincerity and you smiled ) stand up.. 

MINHO: (he kissed your hands and he brushed your hair) silence means Yes? 

YOU: (you nodded)

MINHO: Would you like to dance my princess??

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JueJue997 #1
OMG you just killed me XP
chas_ssmentrok #2
but y is Key and Taemin the only oppas? :))
chas_ssmentrok #3
I liked all the scenarios ^^
shinarios #4
thanks.. i got 420 views wow not bad XD i thought people only like ones XDDD hahahah
Iheartlife #5
teehee..awesome scenario one shot! LOL! Jonghyun's girl :D