Just Admit It, I Know You Love Me




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Hebe nearly flew to Prince’s house. She ran up to his door and angrily pushed the doorbell over and over again until she heard footsteps running towards the door. Out of frustration, she didn’t stop ringing even though she knew someone was coming. She was ready to bring it on, accusations and all alike, the full deal, even if it meant she had to disregard Gui’s only plea in her letter.


What she was not ready for was Aaron’s face when the door swung open. From his expression, it is obvious that he is equally surprised.


Hebe is immediately reminded of Gui’s last regards and warnings of her own love life with Mike in the letter. Her mind suddenly becomes cloudy; all the prep-thinking she did for facing Prince was thrown out her mental window. For a few seconds that seemed like the longest time, she could only stare at Aaron, observing his nearly perfect facial features. His face told all: puzzled and confused. He finally broke the awkward silence.


Aaron: Hebe, what are you doing here?


Hebe: I…


Aaron: Is everything okay? You seemed…anxious.


Hebe: No, everything’s not okay. I...but…what….


She stuttered like crazy and was deeply embarrassed. But that only made her stuttering even worse.


Aaron: Why don’t you come in first? Then you can tell me slowly.


Hebe: I…um… Not You.


Aaron: Excuse me?


She didn’t know what was happening to her. She was an actress for god’s sake! And yet, she stands here, rendered speechless by this man standing in front of her. From the back of her head, her thoughts tell her that she is here for some greater purpose. Not to stare at the perfections of Aaron Yan.


She finally manage to choke out: Prince. I’m here for Prince.


Aaron: Oh right, that makes sense. He’s inside, come in.


Hebe follows Aaron inside and they approach Prince, who is sitting on the couch, seemingly distressed. Hebe suddenly doesn’t know what to say anymore. Prince looks up and waves to Hebe, oblivious to her anger and all the secrets she’s about to explode with.


Prince: Hey Hebe, what are you here for?


Hebe: I heard you got engaged, with Michelle Chen.


Hebe’s voice was bitter, which confused Prince a bit, and surprised Aaron. Even though Aaron understands why Hebe would be bitter towards this issue, he didn’t know why she spontaneously marched over right now, and why she is fuming now rather than when she first heard.


Prince: I did, is there something wrong? Honestly, I myself feel somewhat overwhelmed by this, but why do YOU react like this?


Hebe: What do you mean, overwhelmed? You chose her, you knew perfectly well, how could you be overwhelmed? Have you no idea what you’ve done?


Aaron: Actually, Hebe, Prince didn’t know. He and Michelle did talk about engagement, but Michelle decided on her own to announce it to the media before even telling Prince, and Prince has been quite strained since he’s known too.


Hebe: WHAT?!??! How could someone just announce something like that for two people on their own?


Prince: What’s your point? What HAVE I done? Why are you so restless?


Both men looked at Hebe intently, waiting for her response. But she hesitated, thinking of Gui’s almost desperate plea to secure the secrets. Could she betray that? But what if it’s for Gui’s own good?


After a long mental battle, Hebe asked: Have you talked to Gui?


Prince’s expression immediately changed. Hebe could not quite read it, but he seemed annoyed, which irritated Hebe. No one said anything for a few seconds and they all stared at each other.


She pressed on: So have you?


Prince: Not exactly. She tried talking to me about the other night’s incident, but I’d really just like to let that just be a part of the past. I was in a bad mood, and a bit harsh on her because I was frustrated with other things at the time. I do feel a little bad about my attitude since I kind of cut her off and walked off before she could say anything. But I really do not wish to talk about it.


Hebe: A little? OH I’M SURE THAT HELPED A LOT.  *(mutters to herself) no wonder she left, I wouldn’t have been able to stand this jerk either.


Prince: Hey! The sarcasm is not appreciated. What are you muttering?


That only helped Prince receive a glare from Hebe. Aaron observed them from the side, uncertain what to do to make them talk normally. Suddenly Prince’s phone rings, which he answers immediately without even looking at who called, just to escape Hebe’s continuing glare.


*Prince: Hello?


*Michelle: Why haven’t you been answering my calls earlier?


*Prince: Michelle? (whispers to himself) ! Why did I answer!


Hebe’s body turns rigid hearing Michelle name. She couldn’t help but blame everything on Michelle, because it was partially true that ever since Michelle has come back, nothing has been normal. And now her best friend left everything and everyone because of it.


*Michelle: Hello, are you listening?


*Prince: Yea, what?


*Michelle: My parents want to meet with you, they saw the news. Come to my house.


*Prince: Jesus Christ! What is going on lately, everyone wants to meet and talk and demand. I really don’t want to deal with this right now. I’m still recovering from the blow, just so you know. You shouldn’t have done what you did, at least this way. I haven’t even prepared how to break the news to my parents yet!


*Michelle: Oh did I mention, your parents are there too, right now, with my parents. Word travels fast dear, how long do you expect them to be kept out?


*Prince: What. The. . My parents are there?


*Michelle: Yes, they are. And they are asking for both of us.


*Prince: Wait, where are you?


*Michelle: I’m at my own apartment. I’ll been calling you for awhile. I’m going to head over to the mansion now. Judging by your surprise, you’re definitely not at your parents’ mansion.


*Prince: Yea, I’m at my own villa, which is a little farther.


*Michelle: They’ve been at our mansion for an hour already.


*Prince: . I will be there in 20 minutes.


Aaron: What happened?


Prince: Our parents got involved, which also makes things worse. I don’t have time to explain in detail right now. I have to go; I’ll tell you when I get back. You can stay if you want, just shut the doors when you leave.


And with that, Prince grabbed his car keys and ran out the garage.


Aaron turned to Hebe: Do you want to stay here?


Hebe: No way.


Aaron: Wow, you seem really frustrated.


Hebe: Things just got a lot more complicated. And right now, I just need some answers and explanations for all this madness.


Aaron: Well, with all the attention from the media and all this confusion, I don’t think you’ll get very far with those answers. This is about Gui, right? Look at Prince, he’s already all over the place.


Hebe: Yes, it seems like I won’t be hearing from him soon.


Aaron: If you need help, you know I’m always here.


Aaron looks into Hebe’s eyes deeply, he awkwardly glances away and catches a glimpse of a Tiffany’s necklace around Hebe’s neck and half tucked into her shirt. Hebe, before going to visit Gui, had decided after Mike left to keep the necklace as she had no way of returning it, and because she truly loved it and appreciated whoever cared enough to know this little interest of hers. Aaron smiled seeing the all too familiar necklace, remembering the day they watched the sunset together, when she first told him her interest for the necklace.




Dear Readers,

Hope you had a happy reading! Please support and comment!

I know it seems that I have written quite a lot for Hebe and Aaron, but please brace yourselves for excitement if you are GuiWang lovers, the next few chapters will be full of shock and focus on GuiWang!

Visit my new blog offering blogging, fanfiction update, and fanfiction review: Musical Sweets at


Merry Christmas,


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Love the poster and description
Plmokn #3
update soon
monkey_yuri #4
我 爱 王子 《3
wow... update again! but pleae update sooner please..... i really love your story!!!1
yey! finally you're back! please update often!! i want to know what happened on guigui.
Charmain_alexis #7
Then wat happen to guiwang.
lady_mocca #8
Duh, why are you just realize it now, prince?? T_T<br />
agree, realization are always too late.<br />
Update soon^^
Found you! On here too! Haha yeah! Update soon
lady_mocca #10
Update soon