Just Admit It, I Know You Love Me

 Another few seconds of awkward silence continued until Gui suddenly took a deep breath and looked up to face Prince, directly in the eye. Prince avoided her eyes, but Gui just kept her eyes on him.

Gui: Well, it’s about the other night. Um, I-

Prince: Look, we’ve both established that the other night we were both drunk, and we made a mistake, okay? There’s no need to go back to it.

Gui: Yea, I understand that, it’s just-

Prince: Just what? I really don’t understand what you need to talk about right now. Isn’t it clear enough? Where is that dude (Aaron)?

Gui: Would you just listen to me for a second?

Prince: Um, I think I’m gonna go look for him.

Prince started to turn around but Gui reached out her arms and held him back by his arms. Prince instinctively tugged and broke free from her grasp. He turned around facing her once again.

Prince: What? You know, I thought you understood the situation? Your just like how Michelle said, sticking as hell. Look, there’s no point hanging on to that night. The one I love is Michelle and I don’t want to talk about that night anymore. And we can still be friends if that’s okay. But if you’re going to nag on me, I’d rather we not talk at all.

Gui: What?

Prince: Haven’t I made myself clear? Leave me alone.

Prince walked off leaving Gui standing there, still shocked at his words.

-Gui’s POV-

Can’t he just listen to me for a second? But he’s right, the one he loves is Michelle. Oh, how Hebe and Aaron can tell me to confront Prince so easily, I wish I would do that. But I can’t. And Aaron was right, the only way to resolve this issue without Prince knowing is to get an abortion. But nobody knows, nobody knows that the reason I’m so firm on keeping this baby is because I love it’s father, Prince. And he won’t even listen to me.

I felt my eyes hot and wet. I let the tears fall freely, wetting my whole face. I stared at Prince’s leaving shadow and we I could see no more, I just continues to stand and let my tears travel down my face.

I saw Aaron walking towards me and I quickly wiped my face with my hands and greeted him with a smile.

Gui: Hey Aaron!

Aaron: Hey! Where’s Prince?

Gui: Um, he said he was going to go look for you. You didn’t see him?

Aaron: No. Did you get to tell him.

Gui: ….

I could feel Aaron’s eyes examining me and I tried as best as I could to hide my face.

Aaron: Your eyes are red. You cried. You didn’t tell him did you?

Gui: No.

Aaron: Somehow, I knew it was going to turn out like this.

Gui: We should get back to filming.

Aaron: What I am going to do with you guys? This just keeps on getting more and more complicated. Are you sure you can still film?

I put on a big smile.

Gui: Of course!


Were my words too harsh? Gosh, this is all so confusing! I feel bad for saying those words. But what can I do? I just promised Michelle to distance myself from Gui. And what could she possibly need to talk to me about anyways? Maybe I shouldn’t have been so mean though.

Wait, why am I even feeling so bad about this?

She just looked so fragile. And she seemed to have gotten thinner over these weeks. And her face seemed so pale, like she was about to faint again. God, I hope she recovered from yesterday. Why is she even back to work already soon?

HOLD ON! What am I thinking? STOP THINKING ABOUT HER!! Prince, what are you doing??

(Ring Ring Ring)

*Prince: Hey Michelle

*Michelle: Hey, you wanna go out later?

*Prince: Sure.

*Michelle: And also, I have something to talk to you about.

*Prince: Not you, too? Why does everyone’s suddenly want to talk to me today?

*Michelle: What?

*Prince: Nothing. I’ll pick you up later.

*Michelle: Okay. Bye!

*Prince: Bye.

So much talk today. What can Michelle want to talk about now?


Hebe: What do you want to talk about?

Mike: I’ve thought about this a lot, while I was in Japan.

Hebe: Hmm?

Mike: I hate to admit this and I’m afraid to lose what we have now, but I have to say this.

Hebe: I’m listening.

Mike: I love you.

Hebe: What?

Mike: I love you.

Hebe: Oh, Mike! I, I don’t know what to say!

Mike: Say how you really feel.

Hebe: Well, the truth is I don’t even know myself.

Mike: Then do you want to find out?

Hebe: How?

Mike: Go out with me. That’s how you’ll know.

Hebe: Can we really do this?

Mike: Of course we can.

-Hebe’s POV-

I was afraid of this moment even though I knew it was going to come eventually. But it doesn’t hurt to try does it? I mean, Mike’s been there for me for the past three years, and we’ve been so close!

But I feel like there’s something missing.

Ah, I’m so confused! And worse, I can’t help but to think about that beautiful sunset I saw with Aaron.

Aaron, that’s it. Aaron. But wait, what about him? We’ve met for about a month, there’s no declared relationship between us, and he seemed to be fine with our friendship as of now. So what I am thinking right now? This doesn’t make sense.

Alright, back to Mike. Mike, can I really do this? Only one way to find out.

-End of Hebe’s POV-

Hebe: Alright, yes.

Mike: Really?

Hebe: Really. I want to find out.

Mike: Me too!

Mike gave Hebe a big hug while both were grinning with what seemed as endless happiness.


Michelle: Let’s get engaged.

Prince: What?

Michelle; It’s because of my parents. Remember that American man I was supposed to marry?

Prince: What about him?

Michelle: Well, I completely threw everything away after you found me at the airport. And earlier, when I was mad at you, I agreed to the marriage.

Prince: Oh.

Michelle: But I would never leave you again. And I need you to convince my parents.

Prince: Are they forcing you to marry him?

Michelle: Pretty much. They need his help in the American market.

Prince: Did you tell them we’re together again?

Michelle: No, not yet. When I went back home, they were so surprised that I didn’t go on my flight. And my dad was even a angry because they had already called and confirmed the wedding with that old American man. They asked me why I stayed, but I haven’t told them yet. That’s why I think we should get engaged. I need to feel secured, I need to feel protected.

Prince: Is this really what you want? I mean, we just go back together. And you have your career in America.

Michelle: Not anymore. I called my agency. My contract ended after my last world tour performance here last week. And I was supposed to renew it. I called it off. I’m staying for good.

Prince: Really? I thought music was your dream?

Michelle: It is, but only a little part of my big whole dream. And no part of that could be complete without you.

Prince: I can’t believe you threw away your music just like that.

Michelle: Well, I did. I love you.

Prince: I love you too. Let’s go pick out a ring, shall we?

Michelle: We shall. Must be tiffany’s !

Prince: Of course. Your favorite brand since birth.


Hebe , Mike, Gui, and Aaron were eating lunch at a café. News of Hebe and Mike’s relationship had already circulated through the entertainment biz and all over the public. Gui had momentarily forgotten her own sadness and engaged herself in the blissful aura surrounding Mike and Hebe.

Sitting across from Mike and Hebe, Aaron examined the two. It stung him to see their hand locked together. He observed Hebe’s smile and sighed. Everyone seemed to be overflowing with joy to notice his resentment. Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrating from his pocket. He reached in and looked at the screen before picking up.

Aaron: Hey Prince, what’s up?

Prince: (*#^(*#^(*#^(*#*(#*&&#)&@(@&)@

Aaron: WHAT?!??!! YOU’RE ENGAGED?!?!?!?!?!??!

Suddenly all three pairs of eyes around the table turned to Aaron. All the joys that filled the air a second ago vanished instantly. Each one had a different expression. Mike that of confusion. Hebe that of anger.

And Gui, that of unspoken sadness. Sad that her secret may remain a secret forever. Sad that there was no one that wanted to hear her confession. Sad that her baby was going to have no father. Just sad.

Hebe glanced over at Gui with worry. A teardrop feel from Gui’s eyes as she gently placed her hands on her stomach.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Love the poster and description
Plmokn #3
update soon
monkey_yuri #4
我 爱 王子 《3
wow... update again! but pleae update sooner please..... i really love your story!!!1
yey! finally you're back! please update often!! i want to know what happened on guigui.
Charmain_alexis #7
Then wat happen to guiwang.
lady_mocca #8
Duh, why are you just realize it now, prince?? T_T<br />
agree, realization are always too late.<br />
Update soon^^
Found you! On here too! Haha yeah! Update soon
lady_mocca #10
Update soon