
The Other Side

That night i woke up as usual sweating but i saw his face clearer. I could see a little scar on one of his cheeks and his eyes were brown. A cold yet warm brown. Does that make sense? As i woke up the adrenaline from the supposed running in my dream fuelled my mind and thoughts of the suicide felt more alive. I was ready for  this. Unable to go back to bed i went downstairs for some water.

Whilst sipping the cool liquid i stopped infront of the old tapestry that hung from the fireplace. The colours ,although fading, seemed to jump right off the cloth. The rich embroidery showed an image of a a simple door surrounded by grass. I brushed my hand along the green thread and instantly pulled back. I could’ve sworn i felt actual grass, mildly wet from probably what was a recent shower of rain. Slapping my palms onto my cheeks, i shook my head and decided that i maybe really do need some sleep.

Later that morning i was toasting bread and making scrambled eggs for ‘my family.’ I wonder if they would listen to the suicide plan today, i asked myself. When they were all seated at the table i silently watched and then cleared my throat.

“Mother, Father i have to tell you something.” My mother looked at me and then shrugged her shoulders, a sign that clearly indicated she didn’t care so i just carried on.

“I’m planning to go up to the old well today.”

“And this concerns us because?” my father asked.

“Well you see i won’t be returning. I plan to jump in the well.”

“Do whatever you want.” He said and that was the end to the conversation. I felt a pang in my chest. Well what else was i expecting i bitterly asked myself. I guess i just wanted them to at least stop me.

A few hours later i slipped out the house and started the climb. Just a few miles and then i’ll be gone. As i reached the well i was so absorbed in my ‘mission’ i failed to notice another presence. Taking a deep breath in i stood on the mouth of the well. Closing my eyes i let myself go when all of a sudden two arms yanked me back and i fell onto something that grunted as i slammed into it. Looking at what i fell into i saw it was a chest.

“Are you out of your mind?” a voice exclaimed.

“Excuse me sir but what i do is none...” i must have been dreaming. There he was right infront of me. The boy from my dreams. The one i’ve been dreaming about for a while. “of your business” i finished lamely.

“Get off me!” I scrambled off him and sheepishly looked around. Well what was i supposed to do? I’m seeing a guy i’ve been dreaming about. He shouldn’t even be real. “Are you all this stupid or is it just you?”

“huh?” i stupidly said.

“Nevermind” he said taking my hand and leading me down the hill.

“Hey...hey let me go i need to go back....let me...aaaaaarghhhhh LET ME GO!”

“To back there and end your life?”


“Not a chance. Try that crap when i’m not around.” I rebelled to him by refusing to walk so he had to drag me along. “Oh screw this” he muttered and i thought he was going to let me go when out of no where he slug me across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“What’s your name?” i asked.

“Where do you live?” he asked.

“Hey, i asked you your name.”

“And i asked where u lived.” He retorted.

“Not answering you” i pouted. I was really curious. Who is this guy and why have i been dreaming about him. Ackkkkk it would have been so much better if my body was down in the well right about now. We reached the village and he asked me once again where i lived. I refused to answer but when i looked around i saw people staring at pointing. I suddenly realised i was over his shoulder and it probably looked completely immoral. Grumbling the directions to my house he took me there. Setting me down right infront the door he looked at me.

“Does your life so much you want to end it?”

“Goodbye.” Truth is i didn’t want him to go. I wanted to know his name and where he came from. I wanted to ask him if he’s ever dreamt of me before but my pride wouldn’t let me.

He turned around and stuck his hands in his pockets and started to walk away but i didn’t want him to leave. “Hey, i called out, thanks but just so you know you didn’t stop anything. I’m gonna try that again.”

He looked over his shoulder and scoffed at me and then smirked. I watched as he walked away and unlocked the door to my prison,oops i meant house.

Luckily no one was there. I made my way to my room and stayed there until time for dinner. His face flooded into my mind. His voice, his hair, his touch. He was freaking real and not just in my dreams. I was thoroughly freaked out.

Later on that night i got up for some strange reason. I could feel something calling to me from downstairs. “What in the weird.” It felt like a ringing in my ears. As i approached the fireplace the ringing got louder and as i stood in front of the tapestry the ringing intensified tenfold and abruptly ceased. My hand reached out to touch the door on the tapestry. I saw wordings on the frame of the door. Wordings that i would bet my best hat on were never there. I read out loud:

“The singing of nightingales surge through the air,

Creating a  slight change in the atmosphere.

Reach out your hand and push open the door

For you have been deemed worthy by the past kings of Iliore.

So stretch out your being,

And enter the light.

Embrace your destiny,

And take flight!”

Well that’s it, i said to myself. I was completely weirded out. I attempted to turn around when i heard a soft click. Slowly turning back to face the tapestry my mouth opened in surprise. The door was open. In case i didn’t mention it before, the door was closed in the tapestry so seeing it open made me even more weirded out. I slowly inched forward trying to comprehend the situation i faced. What had my brain flying to the depths of a frozen ocean on one of jupiter’s moons though was when i touched the door. I didn’t touch cloth, i felt hard wood under my fingers. The door was real. The grass in the tapestry tickled my leg as i moved closer. A volcano of questions erupted in my head. I put my hand through the opened door and waved around and felt nothing but cool air. A smell was permeating through the air. It was sweet. Almost magical.

Adrenaline soared though my body as i quickly ran upstairs and began packing a bag of clothes, a torch and other utensils. Grabbing three apples and a bottle of milk i pushed the tapestry door open wider. Stepping into the tapestry i turned to look back at the house. Smiling a bit i closed the door and the torch. 

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Chapter 4: you're so good at writing fantasy.... *O*
Chapter 3: Omo you updated lolz~!

And you ask me where I does get my ideas from...hah lolz
Chapter 2: :O this is really interesting!!!!! I don't get why you think it's bad...lolz!! FIGHTING SAENGIE~!