Understanding....kind of

The Other Side

The sight that greeted my eyes was so breathtakingly gorgeous i constantly pinched myself wondering if this was real. There was no need for the flashlight. There was blue sky stretching to infinity, a touch of pink perfectly blending into the soft orange glow from the sun. Everything seemed so peaceful, so serene. One couldn’t help but pause to admire the beauty that this land seemed to emanate.

The idyllic scene made my heart churn in a pleasant way. I could tell there was a village nearby for the aroma of baked bread and burning meat invaded my nostrils. I could also hear the hustling and bustling of people chattering and going about their business. I walked a few miles on and saw the village. The scent was stronger now.

As i entered the village, i saw people of all ages. Children, adults, teenagers, all scattered on the cobblestone streets. The women were wearing dresses, some with pettie coats and huge skirts and some with simple dresses for everyday wear. The men were dressed in suits and gallant attire. I looked at my clothing and realised i was in a night gown. I felt so out of place. People were staring at me. I hid next to a shop and when i thought no one was looking i grabbed the nearest frock. A pale pink dress. I hid behind the shop and dressed myself.

Something in me surged with happiness. This weird place radiated happy but something in my gut told me that it’s not all as it seemed. The rational part of me knew that there was an underlying fear in everyone that was present but my irrational self didn’t care and pushed that thought aside.

I suddenly realised how hungry i was. I made my way to a little baker’s shop. My eyes literally exploded rainbows and sprinkles as i saw what he had for sale. Sweet honey breads, jam tarts, jelly filed donoughts, huge slices of chocolate cake and strawberry cake with actual strawberries drenched in strawberry syrup, cheese scones and other delightful goodies i can’t name. I wanted all but i used my common sense and only took a honey bread.

“That’ll be five Lemies” the man at the counter said.

“What the heck is a Lemie?” I asked. The old man looked at me and without a warning his kind face became a sour scowl.

“Look here girl, you need to pay for that.”

I wanted to hit myself. Of course these people here wouldn’t know about won, but seriously, Lemie. How is that even money? “Ummm i’m sorry kind sir but can’t you spare a maiden a bread? I haven’t any money.” I made sure i sounded extra cute, looking at the ground and pouting a bit. I heard him sigh and i looked up.

“Fine. You may take it but be warned the next time you venture into my bakery and not have money then venture right out back.”

Happily i munched on the delicious bread and i really don’t know why but i felt like skipping. Maybe it was the magical vibe of the village. I was humming and skipping but i soon came to a halt. Everyone in the village bowed and it became very quiet.

“What the—“ I said outloud when i suddenly heard hooves. There, riding on white horses came three men. Dressed in armour, with swords at their sides, unsheathed of course. 

The one on the horse in the front jumped down from his horse. He approached a village girl and she bowed even deeper “Your majesty.”

Wow so he must be royalty. Where the heck am i. No, really. Suddenly he came in front of me. “Ummm your...majesty?” i said in an unsure voice. I attempted to bow and be like the rest of the villagers but my knees wobbled. I probably looked like an ostrich. I heard a low chuckle coming from the armour clad lad.

He took his helmet off and shook his head, letting his hair fall back into place. “What’s wrong? Are you planning to catch a fly? Close your mouth.” He smirked.

My mind was incapable of forming proper words muchless sentences. It was him. The guy from my dream. The one that saved me from the well. The one that shouldn’t even be real. Why in the world was he in this weird tapestry place.

“Uhh...you...umm...this...uhh...soo..hehe...ummm...yea.” I said or mumbled, whichever you think. My tongue felt like lead in my mouth. I gathered a deep breath and said, well screamed, “YOU!”

He looked at me amused, “me.” He studied my face before sighing. “Come with me.” I didn’t even think i had a choice in the matter because he pulled my arm and slung me onto his horse. He looked at the villagers once more, nodded his head and rode off.

“Umm who are you?”

“That’s a dumb question. You saw how they behaved, you heard what they called me. Can’t you make up your mind as to what i am?”

“A king or a prince or maybe you’re the princess?”

“Funny, prince, now unless you want don’t want to fall off the horse i suggest you put your arms around me.”

I did just what he told me to do. “At least tell me your name so that i can stop calling you guy i dream about in my head.” I huffed.

We stopped infront of a huge white castle. Well, palace seems to be a better word. The walls were shining white. So white they reflected the blue from the sky. The towers were high and at the peak they had an arrow head of what i strongly assumed was silver. The gates opened and he let the two other men go on without him. As we dismounted the horse, he grabbed my shoulder and stared straight into my eyes.

“What did you just say? You’ve dreamt about me before?” His voice was coated with suspicion. I gulped, suddenly afraid.

“Uhh, yea, well maybe it’s not you but someone that you look a lot like” i muttered.

“Don’t lie to me.”His gripped tightened on my shoulders.

“Well yes, i’ve dreamt you before and i know it sounds ridiculous and something out of a fairy tale but that’s not even the weirdest part.” His eyes widened and when he made no motion to stop me i continued. “Do you know i got here? Through a door.THROUGH A FREAKING DOOR. Mind you, oh royal one from my dreams, the door was stitched onto a tapestry. In case your brain isn’t fit to comprehend what i just said it simply means THE DOOR WASN’T EVEN REAL! I’m not even supposed to be here. I supposed to be back home waking up to a ty life. It’s like an old movie. It’s as though i’m stuck in the past!” I exclaimed. “NO ONE ARRIVES ON HORSES OR LIVES IN IMMACULATE PALACES OR HECK WEARING ARMOUR? OH FORGET IT!”

“It’s not the past, retard, it’s just another dimension. We’re still on earth, don’t widen your eyes like that. But earth is split into two dimensions. This one and the one you came from. This one being the magical one and yours being, well the non magical one.”

“That’s interesting and all but what in the actual hell? How am i supposed to just believe that? And you still haven’t told me your name. So the tapestry—“ he raised his hands to cut me off.

“You’re supposed to believe it because you’re supposed to.”

“That makes no sense and—“ he cut me off again.

“There are three tapestries in your dimension. They serve as portals of some sort. However it’s been years since they’ve been activated. The past kings of Iliore had declaired that only if they deem someone worthy then they can enter. So i’m guessing you have been deemed worthy by my great great great and more greats grandfathers.”

“Oh yeah the weird writing that appeared on the tapestry said something about Iliore and kings and stuff. But how does that explain the dreaming of you?”

“I myself don’t understand how that worked because— he paused and looked embarrassed, i’ve dreamt you too.”

“Oh great well that’s nice to know” I said sarcastically. “When will i know you name?”

“I’m Sehun,” he bowed.


“I didn’t ask your name.”

“I don’t care.”

“You’re repulsive.”

“You’re a brat.”

I stared at him. I wasn’t complaining though. Even though ‘Sehun’ was being annoying i actually liked it in Iliore, mainly because, no dumb crap family here.  “C’mon, let’s go inside and get you freshened up.”

“I have no clothes,” i reminded him.

“I’m a prince you idiot. I have maids that can get you clothes.”

“Oh yeah.”

The inside of the palace was breathtaking. The floor was glass and under it were flowers of pink and gold. There were green vines spiralling and i’d bet my life i saw birds under there. I pointed at the floor, “Sehun, how does this even happen?”

He smirked at me,”like i said Sora Iliore in the magical dimension. We’re magic,” and then i felt a cool wind in the room. It circled me causing my hair to fly around a little. Somehow i knew this was Sehun’s doing. Sehun led me to a chamber and directed me to the bath. “Here, take a bath. I will see to it that a dress is sent up to your room. Any specific colour? Actually no, i like how that pink looks on you so i will send a pink dress.”

“Thank you but please nothing flashy and big.”

He chuckled before saying “trust me you’d look even more ridiculous in those.”

As i soaked in the bath a thousand questions flooded my mind. Suddenly i wanted to get to Sehun. I dashed out of the bath and found a towel and a dress just like he promised. The dress was simple but beautiful. There was a ribbon of silver at the waist. They brought my grey eyes out well. I ran through the halls completely forgetting that i have no idea where anything was. After running around mindlessly for  fifteen minutes i slumped in a corner.

“SEHUN!” I screamed when i saw him bend around the corner.

“Were you looking for me?”

“Yes” i breathed. “I need to ask you something, how is it that you came into our dimension. I mean you obstructed my plan to fall down the well so yeah, how did you?”

“Either you’re a complete retard or you’ve got meat for brains, i just told you, we’re magic. I not too long told you that.” He said and slapped me across my head. “Any way i was just coming to get you. My father wants to meet our visitor from the non magical realm.”

I suddenly felt very nervous. Sehun was one thing but his father, the king, i was getting cold sweat. We entered a huge hall and at the very end there was a throne and then sat a fit, tall man. I gulped in fear.

“Father” Sehun said and bowed. I was unsure of what to do. The kind scared me a bit and i hid behind Sehun after all i knew him the most and believe it or not something told me to trust him. Sehun tugged at my wrist and hissed ‘show respect.’

I bowed and saw Sehun slap his head while his majesty seemed amused. “My dear maiden, my son has told me that you are from the non magical realm and the past kings have chosen you.”I nodded in response. “I did not expect you to know but as a maiden, you curtsey, only men bow.” My cheeks burned and i wanted to melt.

“Thank you for informing me. Your son didn’t.” I heard Sehun growl while his father chuckled. He didn’t seem so scary anymore.

“You are welcomed to stay here for as long as you like. Don’t worry I will make sure Sehun takes care of you.” Sehun bowed and i curtseyed and we left the king’s hall.

“So Sehun, you’re in charge of my stay here,” i said.

“Seems like it.”

“Hey did you tell him about us dreaming about each other?” He furrowed his brows and shook his head signalling that he didn’t. I sighed. “So what now?



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Chapter 4: you're so good at writing fantasy.... *O*
Chapter 3: Omo you updated lolz~!

And you ask me where I does get my ideas from...hah lolz
Chapter 2: :O this is really interesting!!!!! I don't get why you think it's bad...lolz!! FIGHTING SAENGIE~!