More Deaths and The Guilty

I'm Innocent


“Myungsoo… I don’t want us to die…Not both of us.” Sungyeol sighed.


Myungsoo didn’t react. He was still silent. Seemingly he didn’t care Sungyeol’s words or maybe he didn’t even hear them.


“So…” Sungyeol took his knife. After Hoya and Woohyun’s deaths he had found his knife in its old place again.


Myungsoo didn’t react again. He was thinking the same thing over and over again. Blood…


Sungyeol sighed again. “But I can’t kill you…I’m not a killer….”




Nell was nervous. ‘They’re not here’  A police’s voice was coming from his wireless. Nell nodded. He noticed…


“Okay, we’re going to his asylum right now!” He announced and the police cars followed his car.




“Um…why are we here?” Dongwoo asked. Sungjong bit his lip. “This place is the asylum…” He murmured.


“Asylum, what asylum?” Sunggyu raised an eyebrow. Then a creepy smirk appeared on his face.


“This place is my home, my life, my everything…” He giggled.


Dongwoo and Sungjong hand an eye contact. “Maybe we should leave. I have to go to work.”


Dongwoo tried to smile but he failed as soon as he realized the coffins.


“W.what is…that?” He pointed at them.


Sunggyu followed his finger and then he chuckled. “They’re not for you, they’re already full. Look at them…”


Dongwoo and Sungjong looked at each other again and slowly neared them.


“Holy !” Sungjong screamed and Dongwoo’s face paled. “My…love…” He mumbled.


They were Hoya’s and Woohyun’s coffins. “You killed…your boyfriend…” Sungjong murmured.


“No I didn’t. Hoya killed him…” Sunggyu eye-smiled.


“You changed that files…I’ve never seen Woohyun before….” Sungjong talked like he was in a dream.


Sunggyu nodded.


“You did this to Hoya…because of a…car…” Dongwoo shook his head in denial.


Sunggyu nodded again. “It was a gift from my parents. It was important to me and your idiot lover thought I couldn’t find him…huh, what ignorance…”


Sungjong backed a little and searched the door but Sunggyu was between them and the door.


“So…you should die now too…” Sunggyu eye-smiled again and showed a gun.






A mechanic voice talked. “You’re the lucky …You can free to go…”


The door was opened but Myungsoo didn’t do anything. Now there was blood for real, again.


Sungyeol killed himself, he thought he was going to die anyway and he deserved that because he killed Hoya. He was a real killer but Myungsoo wasn’t ready for his sacrifice. He wasn’t ready for the real life again. His chain unlocked and he had become able to breathe properly again, but he wasn’t ready for anything…





Nell came in with a gun. The room was huge and there were 2 coffins. He checked them. Lee Howon and Nam Woohyun…


There were 2 bodies on the floor too. He ran to them and touched Sungjong’s pale face. His eyes got watery. He knew that boy for a long time. He looked around and this time he saw him.


“Kim Sunggyu, you’re arrested because of 4…”


Sunggyu cut his words with a chuckle and pointed at the huge screens. “You have to say 5…Sungyeol is dead too.”


Nell felt breathless. His partner was…dead. Then he saw Myungsoo. He looked alive but in shock.


Nell handcuffed Sunggyu. “You’re arrested because of 5 murders.”


Sunggyu smiled again. “You know, they deserved… I wish I could kill Myungsoo too…” Nell looked at him with a disgusted face.




Sunggyu was found guilty and he was punished with life imprisonment. He was still laughing while going to the jail but the psychiatrists agreed that he was mentally…fine.


However, Myungsoo’s condition was different. His mental health left him after the events and they put him in a mental hospital. He stayed there 5 years and 4 months. After leaving there he went to the college but he had never graduated. After his first year he killed himself and left a note behind him.



“I’m innocent…”





A.N//  YES! I wrote it yesterday and updated it tomorrow^^

I hope you like it, feel free to ask me anything 

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Loljkjk #1
Chapter 7: This was a good story. The plot was amazing, and the criminal wasn't even that obvious. I was at the edge of my seat.
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 3: I love how hard Myungsoo is thinking that's a lot of guys.
Breads #3
Chapter 1: I really like the idea you have for this story and I couldn't see any obvious mistakes, but maybe you could try adding more details? Like lengthen a few sentences so there's more for the reader to read?

Aside from that, good work.