Live and Learn

I'm Innocent


First day was nearly over. All of them were nervous. Myungsoo poked the chain on his chest but it was really tight. He gave up and leaned against the wall. He wanted to sleep and wake up in his huge bed. He was a playboy, right but he didn’t deserve that. I don’t want to die…


Woohyun was sitting silently. He was an ideal human being. He didn’t even pass in red light and now, he was going to die because of a psychopath… I missed my Sunggyu…


Sungyeol took a deep breath. He wasn’t thinking his death. Not at all… Did I really arrest an innocent man? I…no, I didn’t do that, I’m sure about it.

He always wanted to be a police officer. He wanted to save people, he wanted to help people, but he definitely didn’t want this.


The worst one was Hoya. I don’t wanna die! I can’t die! I’m too young for this !

He was breathing rapidly. His heart was beating fast. “I can’t die!” He shouted. 3 boys looked at him with shock.


“Okay, Hoya-sshi…Calm down, it’s just a panic attack. Deeply breathe…” Woohyun tried to calm him but it was no use.


Hoya shouted again. “I don’t care! I must live! I just stole something for ’s sake!”


Sungyeol bit his inner cheek. He’s going to do something bad…


Myungsoo was watching the events with wide open eyes. Stop him…


Hoya took his knife. “I won’t die!” He glared at the others. “I don’t know you but I won’t die!”


Sungyeol bit his lip this time. “Okay, okay…You won’t die Hoya. Just don’t do things you’ll regret later.”


Hoya shook his head. “No! I won’t regret. He’ll kill us anyway; at least I have a chance to live.”


Myungsoo hugged himself and prayed. Please…Don’t let him kill me. I won’t be a playboy anymore. I…I will go to the college and be a good boy…Please…Let me live…


Hoya took a deep breath. “I will live…” He mumbled and threw the knife.






“Why did he call us?” Dongwoo asked to Sunggyu.


Sunggyu shook his shoulders. “I’ve no idea.”


They were sitting in the same café and it was disturbing. They didn’t trust each other but they needed each other anyway.


Finally the café’s door was opened by a hand, Sungjong came in and looked for them for a while. As soon as he saw them, his face expression changed.


“You’re a liar! He arrested you once!” He shouted while coming towards them.


Dongwoo and Sunggyu looked at each other, then they turned to Sungjong. “What?” They asked in unison.


“He arrested you!” Sungjong was pointing at Dongwoo right now. He showed the file. Dongwoo looked at it and checked the date. “I was drunk, I don’t even remember it!”


“So…you know Sungyeol-sshi?” Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.


“I told you, I don’t even remember that day properly! How can I remember him?”


Sunggyu sighed and took his head between his hands. “I missed Woohyun…He always has a solution.” He searched his pockets and found what he looked for. It was a picture of them. They were standing in front of a black Chevrolet.


Dongwoo froze when he realized the car.


“Is this your car?”


“Yes, but…” Sunggyu started to talk but Dongwoo cut it. “stolen?”


Sunggyu nodded. “How can you…”


“He stole it…Hoya…” Dongwoo bit his lip.


Sungjong sighed. “So… you have a connection too, huh?”


“I didn’t know that!” Sunggyu and Dongwoo talked at the same time.


Sungjong shook his shoulders sadly. “I…I just want my hyung back…”

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Loljkjk #1
Chapter 7: This was a good story. The plot was amazing, and the criminal wasn't even that obvious. I was at the edge of my seat.
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 3: I love how hard Myungsoo is thinking that's a lot of guys.
Breads #3
Chapter 1: I really like the idea you have for this story and I couldn't see any obvious mistakes, but maybe you could try adding more details? Like lengthen a few sentences so there's more for the reader to read?

Aside from that, good work.