Specific Crimes

I'm Innocent


“I…didn’t kill anyone.” Woohyun mumbled like the 15th time in an hour.


“Yeah…We got that.” Myungsoo scoffed.


“We have bigger problems… We can’t do what he said.” Sungyeol shut his eyes and thought a better way.


“How can you know it is a ‘he’?” Woohyun questioned.


Sungyeol shook his shoulders. “Just an instinct.”


“What the we will do?” Hoya almost shouted. He didn’t want to die. Plus his thighs were so precious to explode.


“We should find out who that person is…” Sungyeol suggested.


“Yeah, maybe we can convince if we know…” Woohyun nodded with desperation.


“Well…If I dumped that psycho, it must be a boy.” Myungsoo smirked and added. “Of course a good looking one.”


Hoya sighed. “Look…I’m a thief, a fiddler, whatever you say. I don’t memorize the people’s name I swindled.”


“A lot of people can’t make it after surgeries, I…don’t know…” Woohyun looked away.


“But I’m sure I’ve never arrested an innocent person.” Sungyeol messaged his forehead.


“We’re getting nowhere.” Myungsoo whined.


Then the screen was opened again. “Oh, great, our psycho came back.” Hoya scoffed.


“Probably you still think you can escape from here without doing my orders…” S/he laughed. It sounded crazy.


“Okay, I’ll be more specific… Kim Myungsoo…You loved me once and I loved you too. I thought we were happy but you’re a bastard. Like I said before, you broke my heart and I can’t accept it. I’m not a loser, I’m dangerous and you have to learn it in hard way. I hope you don’t be the winner.”


Myungsoo gulped. “Umm…I’m sorry?”


Nevertheless, it was a record again, the psycho wouldn’t reply him… At least not now.


“Lee Howon, you’re a dirty thief. You stole from me something really valuable. You didn’t know that of course but I don’t care. I hope you don’t win either.”


Hoya sighed. He knew it, he just knew it. His job had to cause a trouble some day and that day came. “ you…” He mumbled. At least he lived well, he loved his Dongwoo.


“Lee Sungyeol…You son of a … You arrested my father because of a crime he never committed. I…I’ve never seen him after his court day and I’ll never be able too…He is dead now. He died in jail you bastard. I hope you’ll be the first one who dies.”


Sungyeol raised an eyebrow. His dad…Okay, he was Myungsoo’s boyfriend and I arrested his dad…


“Nam Woohyun…You killed her, my mother. She…You said it was a simple kidney transplant. You said she would live! Then you killed her…You’re a monster. Frankly, I don’t want you to win either. I hope all of you die!”


Then the screen got blank.


“Think about it…He is an orphan. I arrested his father; her mother was your patient. You dated with him and you stole something from him…we should think!” Sungyeol bit his lip.


“Can be Chanyeol? Nah…Junmyoon? Nope! Minseok, Jongdae or Baekhyun? I don’t think so…Maybe Seunghyun…” Myungsoo was mumbling.


“Dude, you’re a for real.” Hoya raised his brows.


Myungsoo glared at him. “I’m trying to help our situation, unlike you.” He scolded.


“What do you mean? I want to get out of here too, moron!” Hoya shouted at him.


“Guys…Calm down…It doesn’t help.” Woohyun talked with an uncertain voice.


“We’re just spending our valuable time… We have 3 days and now it must be 2,5 or something like that…” Hoya sighed.


“They’ll find us…Yes, I’m sure they will…” Sungyeol nodded confidently.   

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Loljkjk #1
Chapter 7: This was a good story. The plot was amazing, and the criminal wasn't even that obvious. I was at the edge of my seat.
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 3: I love how hard Myungsoo is thinking that's a lot of guys.
Breads #3
Chapter 1: I really like the idea you have for this story and I couldn't see any obvious mistakes, but maybe you could try adding more details? Like lengthen a few sentences so there's more for the reader to read?

Aside from that, good work.