Guilty Souls

I'm Innocent


“Is this a joke? Because I swear if it is…” Myungsoo was murmuring. He was chained to the wall with a chain on his chest.


“I didn’t apply a contest or something like that…I have to go to the work. What’s going on?” Woohyun whined. His hands were handcuffed and he was chained to the wall too. It was hard to move.


“Stop complaining. It’s ing obvious that some sick bastard is playing with us.” Hoya scolded them. He was angry but it was because of hiding his fear. He wasn’t an innocent man and if it was the mafia or something…


“I guess we’re kidnapped…” Sungyeol mumbled with a calm voice.


“You don’t say…” Myungsoo scoffed.


“But why?” Woohyun’s fear was obvious. He was just a doctor for God’s sake! Then a little TV was opened. All of them got silent and looked at the screen.


A human – they guessed- appeared on TV. S/he was wearing a mask and it was pretty creepy. S/he started to talk and the voice was electronic.


“You’re here because your souls are guilty.”


“What? I didn’t do anything wrong!” Woohyun shouted. “I paid my taxes, said hi to…”


The person on the screen didn’t stop. It was a video and probably was recorded before.


“Kim Myungsoo…You’re found guilty because you broke someone’s heart.”


Myungsoo raised an eyebrow. “That’s it? Really? What the fu…”


The person kept talking. “That’s why there’s a chain on your chest. Now, I have your heart. You have 3 days after that; a little bomb in the chain will explode.”


“What?!” Myungsoo screamed.


The person of course didn’t respond. “Lee Howon a.k.a Hoya, you’re found guilty because you stole something from someone. That’s why there’s a chain on your foot. Now, you can’t run away from your crimes. You have 3 days too. After that, the micro chips in your thighs will explode and you’ll probably die.”


Hoya checked his thighs immediately. There were little stiches. “What? You bastard! What does that even mean?”


The person kept talking. “Lee Sungyeol, you’re found guilty because you caught wrong person. That’s why there’s a chain on your neck. You’re the dog of law. Now, you’re my dog. You have 3 days too of course. After that the chain on your neck will explode and you’ll become a headless person.”


Sungyeol touched his chain but kept his silence. His police friends had to be searching him right now.


“And Nam Woohyun, you’re found guilty because you killed someone. You did it with your hands. That’s why you’re handcuffed. Now, you can’t use your hands for any surgeries, right? Guess what? You have 3 days too. Justice is everything, right? After that the micro chips in your kidney will kill you.”


Woohyun widened his eyes. “I…I didn’t kill anybody!  I’m a doctor; I save lives not take them!”


The person sighed. Not because s/he heard Woohyun, just because s/he had to explain other things now.


“Okay, if you want to live, you must do the things I’ll tell you and for being able to do it, you must want to live…a lot!”


“Just say it already!” Myungsoo shouted. He was really nervous right now.


They weren’t able to see that person’s face but Sungyeol was sure s/he was smirking.


“You have to kill the others and then, the door will be opened and your chained will be unlocked.”


The 4 boys opened their eyes widely.


“I…I can’t do this.” Sungyeol mumbled. “I’m a doctor; it’s against to my Hippocratic Oath.” Woohyun was talking to himself.


“How? We’re chained here…” Hoya rolled his eyes and the noticed a knife on the floor nwxt to him. If he had a knife now, the others could have some weapons too, right?


Myungsoo bit his lip. “It won’t take 3 days! They’ll find and rescue us!”


“By the way I send some notes to your beloved ones. Well, except you Kim Myungsoo, seemingly you’re a heartless and no one cares you.” Then the screen got blank.


“Ouch?” Myungsoo mumbled and thought the people he dumped without a word.


“Someone is a butthurt.” Hoya sighed and hid his knife. They were all enemies right now and he could need that knife. 

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Loljkjk #1
Chapter 7: This was a good story. The plot was amazing, and the criminal wasn't even that obvious. I was at the edge of my seat.
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 3: I love how hard Myungsoo is thinking that's a lot of guys.
Breads #3
Chapter 1: I really like the idea you have for this story and I couldn't see any obvious mistakes, but maybe you could try adding more details? Like lengthen a few sentences so there's more for the reader to read?

Aside from that, good work.