Kris's secret

Dark Secrets?

Jieun pov

After yesterdays disturbing encounter with the ert, I tried to put myself in a positive mode by playing exo-k’s xoxo, it was a great song and I had secret fangirling moments inside but I so traumatized I couldn’t forget.

I wore more clothes today, wearing layers and layers; luckily it was snowy outside so I had an excuse to wear so many layers. I put my hair down, not willing to show any skin, I might be paranoid but I do not want to take any chances.

I walked out of my dorm, taking a big sigh. I looked around to see if anyone was there, a smile crept on my face and I quickly made my way to the kitchen. It turns out everyone was already there, sitting on the table really awkwardly. I saw an empty seat between Luhan and Chanyeol.

“Hi princess,” the ert said, I knew it was his voice even without turning around.

This ert put his arm around me; I shuffled away and sat down in between the two boys. Luhan gave me a warm smile, but Chanyeol just gave me an awkward smile. He raised his eyebrows patting my puffy coat.

“I’m cold,” I whispered.

Chanyeol smiled and messed with my hair, I gave him a cold stare at my frustration while trying to fix my hair. Luhan was staring.

T.O.P placed our food on the table; it was some kind of thick soup. I am not eating that, everyone looked at him who was smiling in satisfaction.

“Eat!” he said.

We all looked at Kris who was the best cook here. Kris shrugged and took a spoonful of soup and tried to act like it was nothing, but he couldn’t hide his expression when he tried to hide his gagging face. We all laughed.

“We can’t eat this,” Baekhyun said trying to hurt the man’s feelings, if he had any.

T.O.P raised his eyebrows. Baekhyun gave an awkward smile.

“What are going to eat then?” T.O.P said.

We all looked at Kris. He had a confused face; he groaned and got up taking the hint. We waited for half an hour for him to cook. I was messing around with Chanyeol, who got surprisingly close after yesterday. I could tell luhan was jealous, I didn’t love Chanyeol he was just a great guy.

Luhan POV

What is up with Gangster and Jieun? Does she like him now? He is tall and muscular but so am I. He’s taller than me but who needs a freakishly tall man in their life? I’m starving why is Kris taking forever. Why is the teacher looking at Jieun with those cold dead eyes? He isn’t going to hurt her right? The teacher looked at me and smiled, I quickly looked away. I stood up and went to kris and tried to help him, but he was done so I just helped him give out the food.

We all sat down and looked at the food on the table, and gave a warm smile to Kris who felt awkward and cleared his throat and told us to eat.

Jieun’s POV

I could feel T.O.P’s cold stare but I was trying to act like I wasn’t affected. But I help but feel uncomfortable, but chanyeol kept making me laugh by telling all these stories about trying to escape from his obsessive parents. So it wasn’t mission impossible. I laughed so much my stomach felt really tight.

It wasn’t long after kris had finished cooking he put the plates out and we had whole meal, like the ones you would see on TV, although it was lacking of presentation due to the amount of space we had on the table but that didn’t lose our appetite one bit. He gave a smile of gratitude and began eating.

I could see in T.O.P’s face that he was impressed, and he quickly ate as well. I finished eating; I thought my tummy was going to explode after all that. I don’t think I can eat anymore. It was even more uncomfortable with all these layers, but I’m not taking the chances.

Kris stood up and told us to clean up since he had made the food, no one could complain. Luhan and Baekhyun had to wash the dishes as they lost to the big rock, paper, and scissors. Chanyeol and I went to the library, not to read but he said he had a plan tonight.

We came to the library, and found a corner to talk.

“So, tonight do you want to go somewhere?” he asked with a mischievous smile.

“Where?” I asked a bit excited, this school was getting suffocating with T.O.P in the back of my mind.

“There’s this club we can go to,” he whispered.

“I’m underage though,” I said a shocked.

“Fake ID, and plus we can bribe the man,” chanyeol said trying to convince me.

I nodded and smiled.

“I’ll meet you at your dorm at 9, don’t wear anything special put your clothes and shoes in a bag so no one is suspicious,” chanyeol said.

“Okay,” I said.

“Can I invite Luhan oppa?” I asked.

Chanyeol was hesitant but he agreed in the end. I’ll tell him, I said quickly running to his dorm.

Luhan POV

I guess I am jealous of Chanyeol getting all that attention from Jieun. Jieun is mine. What is she even doing with the Frankenteen.

“Luhan oppa~” I heard Jieun’s sweet voice outside my dorm.

I opened the door and smiled showing my signature smile which girls fall for. But she missed which was a bit embarrassing. She closed the door behind her as she came in.

“Oppa, are you busy tonight?” she asked with a huge smile.

I shook my head, she smiled at satisfaction and she bit her bottom lip.

“Chanyeol oppa and me are going to a club ... do you want to tag along?”

I tried to look, and paused and just nodded my head as if it was no big deal. She shrieked in excitement.

“Oppa, meet me at 9 outside my dorm, put your clothes in the bag just wear normal clothes,” she said i was noting it down in my head and then she whispered “Fake ID too.”

I nodded, and then she left with a smile.

Jieun POV

Luhan oppa is coming too, I know going to a club at 16 might not be the best idea, it’s just if Chanyeol oppa is going and then I’m hear alone with T.O.P that ert I m probably getting late and plus I guess it will be fun. Fake ID, I don’t have one though. Should have thought it through. I took of my big coat since I was in the dorm, and my hat and most of my layers. I felt so stuffy in there.

I got chanyeols call.

“Jieun-ah,” chanyeol said with aegyo.

“Oppa~,” I said with aegyo “Luhan oppa is coming too.

“Thats cool,” chanyeol said “I’ve got some fake ID’s, I just need your photo to put on.”

“Oppa, why do you have fake ID’s?” I asked

“I’m not as innocent as you think I am Jieun-ah~,” he said.

I didn’t think too much about it and just accepted it.

I went over to chanyeol oppas dorm to give him the photo. Luhan oppa was there too, they were awkwardly sitting together, chanyeol finished making the ID’s and handed it to us. We planned what we were going to do tonight we were all excited, I’ve never been at a nightclub, and hopefully T.O.P won’t stop us.

It was now 7 o’clock and I had a bath, wearing a face mask and hair mask to myself perfect for tonight. I was in the bath for an hour. I dried myself and I had 50 minutes to get ready. I started off with makeup; I tried to make myself look older.


I put my clothes in a bag. I sprayed perfume on me to smell all fancy, I made sure to have my fake ID.

The boys arrived 5 minutes early and we made our way. We jumped over the gate. Chanyeol said there was a toilet 10 minutes away from here so we could change there. After walking we went to the toilets. And came out

I wore:


The boys gulped, I smiled.

"How do I look?" I asked spinning.

They just nodded with their mouths open, I got uncomfortable. The club was pretty cool and we managed to get in without suspicions. We were all dancing, Luhan and chanyeol were surrounded by loads of pretty girls, I had loads of guys surrounding me who were pretty much older than me. I sat down starting to get uncomfortable. I saw my teacher there. Miss.Park. She was the prettiest teacher in our school. I decieded to break the girls around luhan.

"Are you jealous?" luhan said teasing me, he was getting really close by putting his arms around my waist.

"oppa, miss park," I pointed.

His eyes grew big and then quickly told chanyeol who was having way too much fun. We all tried to hide, she was with a tall young man, who seemed familiar.

"Who is that?" chanyeol said.

"I've seen him before," Luhan said squinting his eyes.

"Kris!!" I said in shock.

Our eyes grew wide.

Miss.Park and Kris were dancing together at a night club!!!


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Deadlord #1
Chapter 6: omg what the heck....?
Chapter 5: update soon!!!
Shinee_fangirl #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^