Who are you

Dark Secrets?

My tears started running down my cheek as this ert put his cold hands over my mouth to prevent me from speaking. I struggled from his grip, trying to scream for help. I saw from my mirror a malicious smirk on his face as he my long hair. I started losing strength and gave up after 5 minutes, would they even hear me from all over the school?

I felt him loosen his grip. I closed my eyes letting my tears run down. I was scared. What was going to happen next? My legs were weak, and I sat down on the floor hugging my legs. Although I wasn’t a crying mess I couldn’t help my tears from falling. T.O.P bent down to eye level with me, lifted my chin. I gazed into his cold deep eyes which were glistening indicating his excitement due to my detectable fear.

“Why are you so scared,” he said my face.

What is going to happen? Normally in movies this the moment when the main character always rebels and ends up in a tight situation, but this is not a movie. Should I go along with his plans? Am I crazy? I can’t lose my ity so easily, could I stall him?

“I-I m not,” I stuttered.

He laughed.

I know I’m not supposed to feel this way but he is gorgeous which made me a bit more hesitant.

“What are you doing to me?” I asked trying to sound like I wasn’t scared one bit.

“Just admiring our beauty,” he said running his cold fingers along my bare legs.

Luhan POV

Here I am watching an innocent girl suffering, why am I enjoying this? A cold grin was planted on my face. I took pictures, trying to get the best view. I’m crazy. My guilty pleasure was hidden well with what’s known as an “innocent face” people tend to say I resemble a deer. I’m not complaining as long as people don’t know.

Shouldn’t I help her? She’ll fall for me even more, that way I can have her. I’m obsessed with her. To me love and an obsession is the same. I‘ve been watching her for a while, I can’t deny her beauty, her beautiful long but curvy body. I watched her the night she slept with me in the same room, how sweet and innocent she is. Yet here I am here watching her getting hurt but why do I enjoy this?

Chanyeol POV

I heard screaming coming from the girls dorm. I had a fight to attend, so I guess I am late. It was a faint scream but my instincts couldn’t keep me away. I quickly ran to Jieun’s bedroom afraid she was hurt. What happened to her?

I kept running, it had been a few minutes and the screaming became hard to hear but I had to find her. She must be okay. I came stood outside her dorm; I first knock to be polite. There was no answer. I knocked harder particularly banging the door now.

The door opened but it wasn’t Jieun who opened it. It was our new teacher.

“Why are you coming out of there?” I asked a bit confused.

The teacher gave me a grin which sent a shiver down my spine. As he left, I instantly barged into to Jieuns room. I found her on the floor wearing tight and revealing clothes, as a guy I can’t complain. But, the teacher saw her like this? That’s a bit creepy.

“Jieunah what’s wrong,” I asked getting a blanket and covering her.

She shook her head and wiped her tears. She stood up and hugged me tightly; I hugged her too sharing the warm embrace.

“Thank you oppa,” she said sobbing letting her cold image go “I thought I was going to die.”

I chuckled.

“It’s not funny,” she said breaking the hug, and playfully hitting me.

She told me the erted thing he did to her and I gave her a hug, I felt sorry for her.

“I want to sleep oppa,” She said looking at me making eye contact.

Her eyes were now sparkling unlike her tearful eyes before.

“Arraso, call me if you need anything,” I said not wanting to leave.

I closed the door behind, and I heard her lock the door. I walked to my dorm with heavy footsteps, I was worried for jieun. She was still quite young I guess.

Luhan POV

I saw Chanyeol, the street fighter, come into the room cheering Jieun up.

My fist curled up and I was boiling inside. I was jealous; she was mine, not his. I watched them as they got friendly. I heard a knock on the door, quickly hiding all my equipment.

I opened the door and it was T.O.P.

He smiled at me. I gave him a fake smile, what was going to happen to me? He invited himself in and sat down on one of the chairs.

“Did you see what happened with jieun?” he asked.

My eyes grew wide, shocked. How did he know? He laughed, he came closer and ruffled my hair and left with a huge grin.


Luhan and T.O.P are really scary.

Chanyeol is so sweet keke.

Kris and Baekhyun will come in the next chapter.


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Deadlord #1
Chapter 6: omg what the heck....?
Chapter 5: update soon!!!
Shinee_fangirl #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^