Not alone

Dark Secrets?


Jieun pov
I watched my roommate leave are dorm. She was going to spend the holiday with her family; I don’t have a family to go home to. Although I don’t really talk to her I still think that I would miss her. Before she left, she smiled at me and then closed the door behind her. The sight of her empty bed made me cringe, so I put my teddy bears on it. What was I going to do, last time I spent most of my time in my dorm. I m hungry.
Luhan pov
As expected the jieun isn’t going anywhere. She’s my victim at the moment, there are boys but... yeah. She really is pretty, but like a gentlemen when she is changing and stuff I don’t really look (sometimes). It’s dinner time!
Baekhyun pov
I was walking to the kitchen when I noticed a girl. She must be staying here as well, I don’t know why but I m not complaining keke. She really is pretty how come I haven’t noticed her before in the school. Her long thin legs... I bit my bottom lip, I think I can make a move on her. 
Chanyeol pov
I m still quite sore from last night. I don’t know what I’ll be doing, when I’m thinking hard I have a tendency of pouting. What can I do? All this thinking is making me hungry. 
Kris pov
I saw a pretty girl walking to the kitchen, obviously she wasn’t as pretty as miss lee but close. I followed her to the kitchen out of curiosity.
No one pov
All 5 kids met at the kitchen. The 4 boys couldn’t keep their eyes off of jieun who was clearly uncomfortable.
 Jieun walked to the fridge looking for something she could cook, sadly for her her choices were limited due to the fact she couldn’t cook. She rolled her in fustration, there was nothing she could cook. She slammed the fridge and walked away, she saw the awkward four boys just standing glancing at each other. 
“I’ll cook,” kris said.
“forget it, I m not hungry,” jieun said but her belly started rumbling.
Jieun bit her lips and turned red.
“sit down,” kris said smiling.
Jieun sat on the dinning table.
“Join us,” kris said to the 3 awkward boys just standing.
Hearing Kris’s words made their faces light up like 5 year olds on Christmas morning. The 3 boys sat opposite jieun on same table. No one had said anything for the past 20 minutes. Jieun was waiting for food putting her head on the table watching kris cook from the back while bitting her chopsticks. Chanyeol kept touching his bruise. Luhan had his eyes on jieun and Baekhyun was... well examiNing/observing jieun, jieun had no idea as she was just waiting for the food. 
“Done!” kris said smiling.
Kris put the food down one by one. 
“thanks,” they said in sync. 
Kris smiled.
“how about we introduce ourselves?” kris said trying to break the silence.
They nodded while stuffing their mouths. 
“I’ll start,” kris cleared his throat “hello, my name is kris. I m 19 years old.”
The three boys clapped, then they stared at jieun who was stuffing her face. She then realized people were looking, she started coughing. Kris handed her a glass of water and patted her back. Jieun turned red, his touch made her go slightly red. 
“I’ll go next,” Luhan said smilling “ hello,my name is Luhan and I’m 17.”
They clapped, this time jieun as well which made Luhan blush.
“ hello, my name is Baekhyun  and im 18 years old,” Baekhyun said smiling.
“ hello , my name Chanyeol... I’m 18 years old,” Chanyeol said.
The guys were quite shocked by his voice which made Chanyeol awkward. Then they looked at jieun.
“ hello... my name is jieun... I’ m 16,’ jieun was a bit shy .
The guys all gave a warm smile and clapped.
“Call us us oppa,” Baekhyun said while the others nodded
“dai, oppa,” jieun quietly said.
The lights were off. 
I hope you like the first chapter.
also who would you like jieun to end up with
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Deadlord #1
Chapter 6: omg what the heck....?
Chapter 5: update soon!!!
Shinee_fangirl #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^