
Dark Secrets?

Despite having luhan in the room I couldnt help but feel scared. I saw his peaceful face, almost angel like making me blush. I smiled at his innocent doll like face. I closed the curtain properly as it had been lazily done by luhan. His room had been clean unlike what i had expected from what a guys room would have looked like. There were no pictures of women stuck on the wall, no mess and no smell. Maybe he keeps it in a secret draw. Its not my buisness anyways. I saw a telescope and a camera in front of the big window. He must like photography. 

I made the bed and quickly left before people start suspecting things. What was I thinking, sleeping in a guys room I dont even know him that well. I must be crazy. Atleast nothing happened. I dragged myself along the long corridors still half asleep. I m hungry. I went to the kitchen looking for food. I Baekhyun oppa there too. I gave him a small smile. 

"Good morning," he said giving me a cute smile. 

"Good morning," i said still looking for food.

"Sleep well?" he asked coming closer.

I just nodded.

"Do you want to eat together?" he asked.

"are you going to cook?" i asked hoping he would. 

He nodded smilling. I smiled with relief.

"I'll wake up luhan to," I said quickly running. 

As i was running I bumped into a tall person making me fall on the ground. 

"Are you ok?" he asked reaching out his hand.

I nodded and got up on my own.

I looked up and it was chanyeol.

"Baekhyun oppa is cooking," I quitely said walking away feeling embarrassed. 

I went into to luhan oppas room. 

"Oppa," i said poking him.

He woke, and smiled. How can he be so perfect even in the morning?

"Baekhyun oppa is cooking," I said.

"arraso, I ll get dressed," he said.

I left the room feeling my heartbeat. Why is it so high. I bit my bottom lips preventing me to do a stupid smile. I was blushing. I didnt notice kris looking. I was startled. 

"Do you like," he pointed to luhan oppas room.

I shook my head violently. He raised his eyebrows and patted my head. 

"I dont like him(luhan), right?" I asked myself. 

I went to my room and quickly go changed tied my hair etc. I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure i looked ok. I gave a smile of statisfaction. 

I quickly rushed to the kitchen, food was already ready. We all sat around the table and ate without a word. I sat next to luhan. Kris oppa had kept looking at me giving me a smirk, i just give him a cold stare. He chuckled. 

"How come there is no teacher here?" baekhyun oppa broke the silence. 

We all looked at each other. 

"I mean how can they leave us students by ourselves shouldnt they have someone incharge," he said.

We have teachers all the time during the break, why was there no one?

I finished eating and washed my own plate. 

I got bored and felt stuffy in the school so i decided to go out. I put ona fluffy coat on and made myself warm by wrapping a long red scarf around my neck and red gloves to match. At times like this ididnt care about fashion. Where will I go anyway? I made my way to the gates.

"Where are you going?" a deep voice asked.

I didnt know whether to answer. It was deep voice I had not heard before. Not channyeol, Kris, Luhan or Baekhyun.

Who was it?




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Deadlord #1
Chapter 6: omg what the heck....?
Chapter 5: update soon!!!
Shinee_fangirl #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^