(Kaisoo) That Stupid Letter

A Series of Short Stories

It was ten minutes into literature that Kyungsoo decided that he didn't want to pay attention to the book that the teacher was droning on about. Instead he decided to stare at the dude he's been crushing on form the start of this year. Jongin. Oh how Kyungsoo drooled over him. 

This small crush started about a week after the first day back. Kyungsoo was sitting in the lunch room eating peacefully until one of the jocks 'accidentally' spilt their milk all over his uniform.

He got up from his seat and ran to the bathroom. He didn't cry or anything, but he was embarrassed that the jock decided to pick on him and made him look like a laughing stock.

Kyungsoo got a handful of slightly wet paper towels and started dabbing them on his uniform. What Kyungsoo didn't hear, due to him cursing under his breath, a person coming into to the bathroom. He had only realized it when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Kyungsoo turned aroind to be met with a handsome, tall student. The male gave him a breath taking smile while handing him clothes.

"Those guys are douche bags, you didn't deserve that. I went to the nurse and explained that my friend got milk spilt on himself and she luckily had an extra uniform."

Kyungsoo was shocked, but still took the clothes with a grateful smile. He went to the cubicle and changed out of his half wet uniform into the slightly looser uniform, but he wasn't complaining.

 When he came out of the cubicle, he fully thought that that dude would've left, but no he was leaning against wall, waiting.

"You didn't have to wait... Um..."

"Jongin and I was just waiting to use the stall."

"Oh I'm sorry!" Kyungsoo started turning red, regretting what he had said. 

"I was just kidding, I wanted to see if everything was okay."

"Oh.. Well yeah I'm fine now thank you Jongin." Kyungsoo smilled as he ran out before he let Jongin say anything else.

And now here he is. In literature crushing on this guy who helped him once and never talked to again. 

Don't get Kyungsoo wrong though. After the whole incident he paid some attention to Jongin and found him to be really sweet and talented. The more he paid attention to him, the more his affection grew for him.

But yet he never had the guts to say anything to Jongin. He couldn't just go right up to him and start talking to him, he's so perfect and he's not. Nope just talking to him is off the list. Plus Kyungsoo would stutter like an idiot of he tried talking to him. Kyungsoo let out a sad sigh.

Oh how he wanted to at least be friends with him... But the problem of not being able to talk to him is upsetting. Kyungsoo picked up his pencil from the desk and started to write something in his notebook.

To the ever so perfect boy, Jongin

From the pathetic, Kyungsoo

Jongin, I wanted to thank you for that time you helped me out. You probably don't remember me, I understand, but I was that person who got milk poured on by those stupid jocks... I thought things were gonna be pretty ty from there, but then like a prince you came and helped me.

But why did you have to help me. I could've just gone the rest of my years without knowing you and my life would've been okay. But no you showed up, helped me, and now I have this pathetic crush on you and can't stop thinking about you.

And I can't talk to you cause I'm so pathetic that I get so shy around you. You don't even know that I stare at you during class. I want to say hey in class and start a conversation, maybe even a relationship, but I have no guts what so ever. You're not gonna even get this letter cause I'm gonna throw this away like atge rest of my letters to you.

Signed your secret crush, Kyungsoo

Kyungsoo then ripped the paper out, ready to throw it away until the teacher called his name to read out passage in the text book. He folded up the paper and set it a side before reading the passage. 

The bell rang signalled everybody for lunch. Kyungsoo hurried off, packing his binders knocking of a folded paper of his desk without his knowledge. 

Once Kyungsoo arrived at the cafeteria and got his lunch, he sat down with his group of friends and stated talking. Halfway through his meal, one of his friends spoke up.

"Hey Kyungsoo so what were you writing during lit.?"

"What do you me-. OH CRAP BE ROGHT BACK." 

Kyungsoo ran out of the cafeteria, with his hands running through his bag hoping to find the folded up note, but no luck. He opened the door to the class and saw the person he wanted to see last holding up a peice of paper. Jongin.

"Kyungsoo I didn't know you had a crush on me."

Jongin started walking closer and closer to him.

"Oh and I noticed you staring, it was cute."



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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 4: Cuteness overloaddd
I'm here for myungyeol!
meluvsungyeol #3
Chapter 4: sequel for myungyeol!
Chapter 5: Baekyeol made my heart soften! <3
I was so DGHFDSFDZXFDRSTE and so happy! <3
Update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #5
Chapter 2: OMG DaeJae so sweet and cute :')
I was confused who was dae and whose jae
But somehow i figured out that mr.populae is jae
Anyway its too cute continue :)
wonwoojpeg #6
Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute!
Chapter 2: I thought the sulay was cute but this was waay~~ cuter! !^.^
Chapter 1: Sulay <3 so cute!!
Chapter 1: Aweeeee, that's so cuteeee *.*
Thanks for writing this fluffy Sulay. Can't wait for more~ and take your time. ^^
Shinee_fangirl #10
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^