(Myungyeol) Daycare#1(?)

A Series of Short Stories

Myungsoo Pov:

I packed all my toys and snack in my book bag to get ready for daycare. At first going I hated it. I knew nobody and had nobody to talk or play with. But that all changed when Sungyeollie came over to me and asked if I wanted play with him and his friends. I was so happy, Sungyeollie then became my bestest friend in the world. We were insepertable as my mommy and daddy said.

I got in the car with my daddy and waited to get to the daycare. I told my daddy to drive faster and he only chuckkled making me pout. I wanted to see my Sungyeollie and I want to see him now!

When we finally got there, I waited to get unbuckled and hellped out of the car. I ran to the classroom where I said bye to my daddy and hi to the teacher, Sunggyu hyung. He smiled and waved at me and told me to go play with the others. I scanned the room trying to find Sungyeollie, but I guess he still hadn't been dropped off yet. I walked to my other friends, Howon, Dongwoo, and Woohyun (A/n I'M SO SORRY SUNGJONG). Dongwoo and Howon were talking amoung themself and saw Woohyn ogling over Sunggyu Hyung.

"Woohyun hyung, why don't you go and talk to Sunggyu hyung?"

With the mention of Sunggyu hyung, his eyes lit up and he was nowsmiling more brightly.

"Really! You think I should? What if he doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Hyung he's the teacher, besides even if he's nine teen and you're eleven. You still act like a child. Get him by your cuteness."

"Yeah! See you later!" 

Woohyun hyung got up and ran over to Sunggyu's desk where he was sitting and tried to act cute. I had to admit, he was cute, but I had to look away because it made me cringe too much. The only one I can see act cute is Sungyeolie, he makes it so adorable and I just want to cover him with kisses give him a huge hug. I got up from my sitting position and started walking around to find something fun to do or play with. As I was walking, I could hear a familiar voice.

"S-stop it!"

"Sungyeol, you're an ugly giant!"

"Ugly giant!" I saw a group of kids huddling over sungyeol who was currled up in a ball... crying. 

I got angry and pushed the other kids away from the crying Sungyeol. I hugged him and told him to please stop. I looked up at the kids and gave them a icy glare.

"He is not ugly and his height is perfect, so stop be mean and aplogize." The students stood frozen while I still glared. One kid spoke up and said sorry and ran off and that's what the rest did too.

I turned back to Sungyeol and started hugging him tighly and wiping his tears off.

"Please don't cry Yeollie, you're going to make me cry, and you hate when I cry."

"Don't cry myungie, I promise I won't cry either." He wiped the rest of his tears and stood up and dragged me to go play with the others. He seemed happy, but I could tell he was still upset.

We played until we got picked up pur parents and when Sungyeol and I got picked up, I saw my daddy holding pretty flowers. He told me it was for mommy because the flowers remind him or her. I asked if I could have one and went to my room.

The next day I was especially excited. I packed my normal things in my bag, but I also packed a few more special things. When I got dropped off, I quickly scanned the room like I do everyday and saw Sungyeol playing with Woohyun hyung. 

I walked over and called Sungyeol and told him to follow me. I took off my backpack and ped it. Slowly I pulled out my favorite teddy and the flower my daddy let me have, which was called a rose. I handed it to Sungyeol and smiled.

"I want you to have this!"


"The rose because it's pretty like you. I want you to have the bear to make you happy whenever you're sad! It also helps you remember that I will always be there because I love ou Yeollie!" 

"Do you mean that Myungie.." I blushed and looked down and blushed. I looked up when I hear sniffling.

"I'm sorry Yeollie I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"Idiot I'm crying because that was sweet.." I chuckled athis response and hugged him.

"You're perfect and beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different. I love you Yeollie.."


Soooooo....I hope you liked this chapter.

I added a #1 because I might have Yadong and Woogyu in it later.

But I'm going to find out how to do the Woogyu with out making Sunggyu a creep.

That is why he's 19 and Woohyun is 11...Roll with it please.

I've also been having a weird set up too Asianfanfic were it's all like on one side and going down.

I don't know if that' only me or not...

But I have couple more chapters that I need to figure how to actually write it -.-

Please comment if you liked it

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 4: Cuteness overloaddd
I'm here for myungyeol!
meluvsungyeol #3
Chapter 4: sequel for myungyeol!
Chapter 5: Baekyeol made my heart soften! <3
I was so DGHFDSFDZXFDRSTE and so happy! <3
Update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #5
Chapter 2: OMG DaeJae so sweet and cute :')
I was confused who was dae and whose jae
But somehow i figured out that mr.populae is jae
Anyway its too cute continue :)
wonwoojpeg #6
Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute!
Chapter 2: I thought the sulay was cute but this was waay~~ cuter! !^.^
Chapter 1: Sulay <3 so cute!!
Chapter 1: Aweeeee, that's so cuteeee *.*
Thanks for writing this fluffy Sulay. Can't wait for more~ and take your time. ^^
Shinee_fangirl #10
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^