(Kaisoo) Anniversary

A Series of Short Stories

Today had been Kyungsoo's and I second anniversary. I planned everything out, everything was suppose to go perfect. I took the day off especially for us, I was going to wake up to his peaceful figure in the morning. I would wake him up with a kiss and then take him to the cafe we first met in for breakfeast. Then I expected to go to the amusment park, ride some rides and win him some toys. And finally take him out to an expensive dinner I'd been saving up for. 

I had woken up early like planned and saw Kyungsoo sleeping. His features looked too cute and I went to kiss his forehead, but I had notice abnormal heat. I sat up and reached my hand to his forehead. I had been right, I slowly shook Kyungsoo awake from his slumber.

"Hey baby wake up." He slowly opened his eyes and released a soft groan. "Are you okay?"

"It hurts, everything hurts," he tried to pull the covers up which I had to help him with,"and so cold...

"It's our anniversary and I got sick, I'm sorry."

Kyungsoo looked like he was about to go in tears in any minute. I pulled him up to me and planted soft kisses on his face. I was able to calm him down and told him that everything was okay.

"Baby it's alright, we don't have to go out. We can just sit and watch movie." 

Softly sniffling, Kyungsoo smiled at me. Before anything else could have been said, my phone had rang.


"Hello, yes Jongin I know that you are on a day off, but we need you to come to the office today."

God dammit, first yungsoo gets sick, now I have to work? I mentally groaned and tried to sugar code my words.

"But- yes- yes, alright." I hung up my phone and turned to Kyungsoo. He stared at me and gave me a questioning look.

"I'm sorry baby, Sehun called telling me I have to come to work." 

"It's okay Jongie, I can take care of myself." 

He had a smile on his face, but I knew that that was fake. Under that fake smile was disappointment on how I couldn't be here for our anniversary. I tried to tell him how I could just stay, but he pushed me to the bathroom and told me to change. Without any arugment I changed to my uniform, when I came out I was only pushed out the door with my cell phone and keys.

On the way to the office I was cursing a storm on how Sehun was being an . When I arrived at the office I went to my office and started working on the paper work delivered by my co-worker Baekhyun.

It had not been hour and I was already worring about my Kyungsoo. My legs were shaking and I couldn't concentrate on my work anymore. I ruffled my hair and groaned out in frustration, I looked up at the clock andsaw the it had been five minutes since the last time I checked. I finally got up out of my seat and ran over to Sehun's office.

When I slammed it open I had saw Luhan and Sehun laughing and smiling. They both snapped the head towards me and Luhan had greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hey Jongin! I thought you on a day off?" Annoyance clouded my head again.

"Well tell that to you douche boyfriend! It was Kyungsoo's and I second anniversary and he called to tell me I had to work. and the worst part is that Kyungsoo's sick and I can't help him because I have to work. And what makes it worse is the he knew it was our anniversary."

I heard a small gasp and then a slap.

"You're making him work when you knew it was their anniversary. You are the meanest friend ever!" Another slap was given and it was loud, ouch.

"Ah- ah I'm sorry. Jongin you can have your day off sorry!"

"Bye Jongin! Have a nice anniversary." I have to remind myself to thank Luhan the next time I saw him.

I raced to my car and quickly drove home to see my Kyungie. When I had arrived, I slowly came in making sure I made no noise. He hadn't been in the living room, so I slowly opened the door to our bedroom and saw him hugging the pillow I sleep on. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I went by his side and slowly took the pillow out of his grip and slid my self between him. I could feel the arms around me tighten and a murmur against my neck.

"You came back.."

"Of course I did, I talked to Sehun and I got off early. I couldn't leave my baby alone, could I?" I could feel a light chuckle. "It may not have been the perfect anniversary, but we could still make it memorable." Kyungsoo was now fully awake and smiling. 

"I love you Kyungsoo." Ignoring the fact that I could get sick, I kissed him full on the lips. We pulled apart, but my lips still lingered close to his.

"I love you too Jongin."


Wow Don't you hate me for not updating?

I'm so sorry, I've been pilled up with homework and prjects already.

Stupid advance classes T^T

I've also been kind of procrastinating cause I've had ideas, but I couldn't write them out.

Don't you hate that?

But anyways I hope you liked this chapter

comment and thumbs up if you did

and please subscribe for more.

I promise I'll try and get more updates. 



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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 4: Cuteness overloaddd
I'm here for myungyeol!
meluvsungyeol #3
Chapter 4: sequel for myungyeol!
Chapter 5: Baekyeol made my heart soften! <3
I was so DGHFDSFDZXFDRSTE and so happy! <3
Update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #5
Chapter 2: OMG DaeJae so sweet and cute :')
I was confused who was dae and whose jae
But somehow i figured out that mr.populae is jae
Anyway its too cute continue :)
wonwoojpeg #6
Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute!
Chapter 2: I thought the sulay was cute but this was waay~~ cuter! !^.^
Chapter 1: Sulay <3 so cute!!
Chapter 1: Aweeeee, that's so cuteeee *.*
Thanks for writing this fluffy Sulay. Can't wait for more~ and take your time. ^^
Shinee_fangirl #10
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^