(Baekyeol) Peter Pan

A Series of Short Stories

While cleaning out old boxes of childhood memories, Baekhyun stumbled across an old dusty diary. 'Who's is this?' He brushes of the dust and finds a name plate. In sloppy, but readable handwriting the name plate says, BELONGS TO BAEKHYUN, in bold prints. He opens the diary and reads the worn out pages.

May 6, 2002

Dear Diary,

Hi diary! My name is Baekhyun, I don't know what to write.. Oh! Today is my tenth birthday, not that many people came, but I still had fun. There was cake and games and I even got presents! This was one of the presents I got from my mommy. And even if I was laughed at for getting a girly gift, this was my favorite gift. It's my bedtime soon, so til next time. Goodnight dear diary ^-^


He remembered his tenth birthday. Like the diary said, not that many people had came, but it was okay because he had his parents and close friends there. It was one of his cherishable memories. He smiled and began to flip the next page and begun to read again. They were mostly about how his day was and what happened at school like how Jongdae decided to put glue in Kyungsoo's seat and then get hit by his brother Jongin. The memories were now clear, and it felt great thinking about the past. But then he came across a page that caught his attention.

July 9, 2002

Dear Diary,

Today I decided to have an adventure in my backyard's forest. It was fun! I round cool rocks and saw really pretty flower. But then I started walking on sand. The sand is at beachs! So why was it in my backyard? It was weird and I didn't know where I was going anymore. I was really scarred, so I sat down and started crying hoping my parents would hear. They didn't and instead of my parents coming, I saw a boy. He was tall and looked cute had big ears. He walked towards me and wiped my tears away. 'Why are you crying?' He asked. I told him my name and that I got lost. He just smiled at me and told me he'll help me find my way back. While we were walking, we started talking more. He was born there, but didn't know his parents. It was really sad, so I hugged him and he laughed. I forgot about going back and played with him and whenn the sun began to disappear I told him my mommy was going to worry. He agreed and we walked again. 'My name is Chanyeol, come back to Neverland again.' And then I was back in my backyard.


Novemer 27 2002

Dear Diary,

I asked Chanyeol when his birthday was, and he said he didn't know! I was shocked and asked if he had a birthday party and he said no. I told him how much fun they were. The games, the food, the presents! How could someone live without a birthday party. Chanyeol got sad and it made me feel bad, so I told him that on every November 27, we will celabrate his birthday, which he started smiling about.


Nevember 28, 2002

Dear Diary,

I brought a cupcake my mom made for Chanyeol for his late birthday party present. Chanyeol was happy.



Chanyeol, that name did ring a bell. His parents kept telling him that he was an imaginary friend, but he wasn't. He knew Chanyeol was real. Baekhyun flipped through the diary, skimming through, finding adventures on the island like pirate fights, playing in the water and sand. 'I couldn't have made this up could I?' He reread through it more cleary and now he does believe this was fake, 'I was a kid, of course I imagined everything.' The teen gave a slight chuckled and flipped to the next page.

October 11, 2003

Dear Diary,

Chanyeol gave me a pretty seashell necklace with CH on it today. When I told him that I don't deserve something so pretty, he got angry and kept telling me about how I was prettier than anything even the necklace. Chanyeol is sweet and... I feel bad that this would be my final visit. My parents caught me going into the forest, I tried telling them that's where I play with Chanyeol and they yelled at me. They told me he wasn't real and that I should grow up, all grown ups want their child to grow up, but I don't want to grow up and be with Chanyeol. They grounded me and locked me in my room, I couldn't come last week.  Today is the last day to ever visit, I had to sneak out of my room to visit. I wanted to tell him I couldn't come or else mommy and daddy would yell again. I tried telling him, but I couldn't, 'Bye Chanyeol, I promise to come tomorrow!' was my last words to him.


November 27, 2003

Happy birthday Chanyeol.


December 25, 2003

Dear Diary,

I miss Chanyeol.


June 5, 2005

Dear Diary,

Mom and dad are fighting again, I want Chanyeol.


That's where the diary ended, everything else was blank pages, exceot the last page. It didn't ave words, no it had something taped to it. A seashell on a rusted silver chain with CH.'It wasn't my imagination then... it was real.' Baekhyun held the necklace and a smile grew on his face. "Chanyeol's real, He was real! Oh no I left him alone.. Oh no Chanyeol.." Baekhyun held tighly the necklace and ran outside into the forest. 

"Chanyeol, I need to find Chanyeol... Chnayeol..."

Baekhyun became frantic, he ran around everywhere trying to find the island. 'Please Chanyeol... I need to find...' It got more frustrating for him, Baekhyun ecame more and more tired running around and finally fell on his knees and cried.

"B-Baekhyun?" He looked up at the sound of a deep voice calling his name, a tall male with the same old ears and handsome face stood in front of him. The male wiped his tears and asked, "Why are you crying?"



Guys I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I really hate school...

I hope this chapter made up for it /please don't kill me look/

If you are new, please subscribe for more and comment about what you thought.

I promise I'll try and update faster, again sorry and I love you guys :DD

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 4: Cuteness overloaddd
I'm here for myungyeol!
meluvsungyeol #3
Chapter 4: sequel for myungyeol!
Chapter 5: Baekyeol made my heart soften! <3
I was so DGHFDSFDZXFDRSTE and so happy! <3
Update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #5
Chapter 2: OMG DaeJae so sweet and cute :')
I was confused who was dae and whose jae
But somehow i figured out that mr.populae is jae
Anyway its too cute continue :)
wonwoojpeg #6
Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute!
Chapter 2: I thought the sulay was cute but this was waay~~ cuter! !^.^
Chapter 1: Sulay <3 so cute!!
Chapter 1: Aweeeee, that's so cuteeee *.*
Thanks for writing this fluffy Sulay. Can't wait for more~ and take your time. ^^
Shinee_fangirl #10
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^